"Mmm. I could sleep in here forever,"

"I can tell, your snored so loud,"


I looked up at her and smiled, then sat myself up and admired the beauty of the room in the morning sunlight.

"My mum ordered just about every breakfast food ever. Get dressed,"

"For breakfast?"


"I thought your mum was chill,"

"She is?"


"Your dad is here too, by the way,"

I slipped out of bed and got my last outfit, then followed Maddox downstairs.

Everyone else was already in the kitchen, so I walked into dad's arms and hugged him tightly.

"Good morning you two!"

"Good morning mum. This smells amazing,"

"Doesn't it? Tuck in! I thought we could take you girls horse riding before lunch,"

"What? Real horses?"

"Of course," Marco said, passing me a plate, "I'll let you ride mine,"

"Mads, you have a horse?"

"No, I ride mum's,"

I gave dad the side eye and he returned it- we weren't used to this at all.

For breakfast, I mainly ate fruit and had some toast too, sat between Angie and Maddox again. Thankfully, a lot of the conversation was about Sierra now they had found out she was a surgeon.

I had begun to appreciate how much she lit up whilst talking about her job.

After breakfast, dad helped me pack up, then we had a long cuddle, for he seemed to be struggling with my being away so much this week. Honestly, deep down I was too, because I missed his company. He was always the one person I could rely on, and the one person who would be there for me.

Spending time away from that person was hard.

"Are you sure you want to ride a horse?"


"Okay then, let's get your bag in the car and see where we need to go,"

"Was your hotel nice?"

"Oh yes, her parents rang ahead and told them to move us up to the best suite,"

"They did?"

"Yeah, they're pretty generous ay?"

"Mhm. I miss my own bed,"

"We'll go home after lunch,"

I nodded, and he took my bag to the car, so Angie helped me find some welly boots and we split up. Marco went with dad to give him directions, and us girls went with Angie. It was only a short drive.

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