Chapter 50

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The best part about today is we get to sleep in. It's been such a mentally exhausting week with all the legal shit I have to go through. So, you can imagine how amazing it is to fall asleep and wake up in Rhea's arms. "Hey," Rhea said with a smile.

I stretched out and smiled at Rhea. "Morning, beautiful."

She rolled her eyes at me and scoffed. "I literally just woke up. I find it hard to believe you think I'm beautiful. Maybe you will later on when you see my outfit I picked out."

I sighed and got out of bed. I walked around to Rhea's side and threw the covers off. She just has on a bra and shorts right now, but that doesn't matter to me. I pulled her out of bed and gripped her shoulders. Her hands found my waist. "Is it your turn? Really? Demi, you know you're beautiful."

"Stop!" She told me.

"It doesn't matter if you just woke up, you're in a match, or you're wearing sweatpants."

"Stooop! Oh my God, you're gonna make me blush." She's trying not to smile and she looked to the floor.

"Sometimes I'm jealous of how beautiful you look." Rhea gave me a warning look.

"Stop it, Riley. Don't be jealous of the way I look. You know how I feel about you comparing yourself to others, especially me." Rhea pulled me closer to her.

"Then stop denying your beauty. If you stop, then I stop. Plain and simple." I told Rhea. We decided after that we would change the subject.

We talked until it was time to get ready. We both showered separately because I told Rhea we should wait to see each other until we're finished. "Love, why would we wait to see each other? We aren't the ones getting married." I'm changing in the bathroom currently. Rhea already finished and I'm almost done.

"I don't know, I thought it would be fun. Besides, why not have the experience for when we get married?" I heard silence, then Rhea approached the bathroom. She stopped right outside the door.

"Wait, are you serious? You'd want to marry me?" I chuckled and shook my head.

"I'm ready, close your eyes." My hand went to the door handle.

"You didn't answer my question, Riles." She said, obviously unamused.

I snickered, knowing full well I didn't. "I will in a second. Ok, we're both gonna close our eyes. I'm gonna open the door. On three, we open our eyes, got it?"

I heard a sigh from the other side of the door. "Ok, fine."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Ok, on three." I opened the door. "One, two.....two and a half."

"Come on, Riley!" We giggled together from my childish comment.

"Ok, ok! For real this time. One, two, three!" We both opened our eyes together. "Wow...." Rhea and I smiled together.

"You look amazing, love." She took my hand and twirled me around. This simple action made my heart flutter.

"So do you. To answer your question, yes. Some day down the road, I would love to marry you."


The ceremony was gorgeous. My cousin, Spencer, looked very happy with his wife. Ally, his wife couldn't smile any harder or look any more gorgeous. I'm so happy for the both of them.

Because of budgeting and convenience, they had the ceremony and the reception in the same room. The guests had sat at their tables and now we are all up and mingling.

Rhea and I had stayed together all evening. I know she hates going out, especially to parties. So, I paced myself with seeing my family and introducing Rhea. We had to step out a couple of times, just for a breather and to prevent over-stimulation. After the second time, we stayed with my mom on the dance floor.

Rhea got to see a whole other side of me I haven't let out in a long time. I'm truly happy and having the time of my life. There were a few slow songs throughout the evening. Rhea and I danced to one. Spencer took me for the next one so we could talk. "So, I gotta know. Cousin to cousin. Not to exclude your other partners. Is Demi the one?"

I chuckled at Spencer. He's always been my favorite cousin, so he takes that rule very seriously. "We've only been together for a few months, Spence." He smirked and quirked his eyebrow at me. "Yeah, Demi is the one. My other two partners are great as well. Although, I don't think Remi and I will ever tie the knot. We're just platonic partners. Gionna, I can't tell. We might be OK with not marrying."

Spencer nodded at me. "That's fair, I understand." The song ended and we hugged. Another slow song started. Spencer cleared his throat and fixed his vest. "I'm gonna grab a dance with Demi. See if I approve of her. You're more than welcome to grab Ally if you wish." I followed Spencer over to Rhea. "Hello, Demi. I wanna have a talk with you. Care to dance?"

He offered his hand. Rhea looked to me. "Wait, me? Did I do something wrong?" I shook my head and motioned for her to take his hand. She hesitated, but took it anyways.

"He wants to have the cousin talk with her." I looked at my mom and nodded. I knew it wasn't a question, more like a statement of realization. "Are you going to do the same thing with Ally?" I nodded and walked off.

Meanwhile, I found Ally and approached her. I asked her to dance and brought her out to the dance floor. I made sure we could see Rhea and Spencer, which meant they could see us. "I figured since Spencer wants to evaluate my girlfriend, I could pretend to do the same with you."

"Pretend? So, does this mean you approve of me?" She asked with excitement.

"Ally, Spencer and you have been dating for a few years. You had plenty of time to prove yourself. I can see you both care deeply about each other. I know you won't hurt him. I'm only here to wish you a long and happy life together." Ally smiled and engulfed me in a hug.

"Thank you, Riley. It means so much to me to hear that."

We pulled away and I saw Rhea and Spencer approach us. Spencer is smiling and Rhea is trying not to smile. I gave Ally back to Spencer. "I think it's time we head out. It's getting late and we have to fly to the next arena for RAW tomorrow."

I hugged Spencer and Ally. "Good luck, kick some ass for me, Riles."

Rhea and I said goodbye to a few more people, including my mom, then left to go back to the hotel. As we laid together in bed we talked about the evening with smiles glued to our faces. "I know that was a lot for you. Did you have fun?"

"I had an amazing time, love. Thanks for inviting me and introducing me to the rest of your family." We didn't mention what her and Spencer talked about. I figured some secrets are best kept and shouldn't be spoiled.

"Well, that's good." I snuggled closer to Rhea. "Night, Demi Bear."

"Goodnight, baby girl." She kissed the top of my head and we fell asleep.

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