Chapter 9

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When we got to the pool, I noticed Drew was sitting on the edge. He's dipping his feet into the water. Randy was on one of the chairs, carelessly sunbathing. Riddle was messing around and making Drew and Randy watch him do somersaults into the pool.

Randy turned his gaze to us as we walked over. "Hey, ladies. Welcome to the chaos. Matt is having too much fun and I don't feel like stopping him."

I looked at Riddle, who was trying to persuade Drew to jump in with him. He's such a child. Luckily, I have an idea. "Don't worry, I got this, Randy. I can match his energy." I took off my shirt and shorts. "Rhea, I have an idea." She perked up when I said her name. I pointed over to Drew and Matt. "We're gonna push them in."

Rhea shrugged, not arguing with my plan. "Sure, I'm in." We casually walked over to them. "Hey, guys." We didn't let them answer. We pushed them both in the pool.

We laughed and high fived each other. The two boys came up for air immediately after being pushed in. "Oi! What the hell was that?" Drew looked frustrated, but I could see him holding back a smile. 

"Men should be scared of us. When The Nightmare and The Sinner work together, it's all over for you." I crossed my arms and smirked at the two that are now in the pool. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on me. I look over and saw Rhea was picking me up. It looked like she was setting me up for a Riptide. "Wait, Rhea! What are you do-" 

I couldn't finish my sentence because Rhea cut me off. "You shouldn't have trusted me, Riley!" I screamed as Rhea threw me into the pool. 

I resurfaced and slicked back my hair. Drew, Riddle, Randy, and Rhea were laughing. "Did you just Riptide me into the pool?" Rhea winked and stuck out her tongue. That tongue piercing she has is in full view. Her evil cackle fills my ears. 

I swam over to the ladder and climbed out. Rhea noticed and attempted to run from me. "Don't you dare, Ri! Don't come near me!" Rhea may have more strength than I do. The thing is even though she's also fast, so am I. What I lack in strength, I make up for in speed and agility. I caught up to Rhea and grabbed her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up. She let out a squeal and tried to wriggle her way out of my grasp. "Let me go!"

I laughed as an idea formed in my head. "Ok, I'll let you go." I pulled her over to the edge of the pool.

"No, stop it!" The sound of her giggles filled my ears. With all the strength I could gather, I jumped and took Rhea with me into the pool. I let her go so we could resurface. Right as we came up for air, I was laughing up a storm. "What the hell!"

Drew and Matt swam to me and joined in the laughter. Riddle gave me a fist bump. "That was awesome, dude."

I turned to Rhea with an evil smirk. "Payback is a bitch, Ripley."

"I'll show you payback, come here!" Rhea splashed me in the face as a diversion and grabbed me by my arm.

"Wait, this isn't fair!" She picked me up and held me bridal style. I looked at Rhea. She had that evil smirk. "If you drop me, I'm gonna kill you." Rhea shrugged and dropped me into he water. Oh, it's on!


Eventually, the guys left to go inside. Now Rhea and I are alone. When the splashing match had ended, we got out to sun tan for awhile. "Hey, I'm gonna take one last dip since I'm ready to go in. Wanna join me?"

Rhea opened her eyes and sat up with a sigh. "Yeah, sure." I walked over to the edge and did a somersault as I jumped in. Rhea chuckled at me. "Do you always have to do a flip? I always see you and Riddle doing a flip."

"Dude, it's my signature. Plus it's fun, you should try it." I leaned backwards and did a couple backstrokes to give Rhea room to jump in. 

"If you think I'm gonna do a flip, you're wrong." Rhea shook her head at me. I was about to beg, but she pointed her finger at me. "Don't make me slap you, because I will." I threw my hands up in defeat and let Rhea do what she wanted. She took a few steps back before jogging over and jumping for it. She didn't do a flip, but she did do a canon ball. 

"It wasn't a flip, but I'll take it." Rhea scoffed and rolled her eyes at me. "Do you always have to roll your eyes at me? You're always doing it." I said while imitating Rhea.

"Of course I do, it's my signature." Rhea copied what I said from earlier. She swam towards me, which caused me to swim backwards. She honestly looks like she's a predator stalking me. It's kind of attractive. 

"What are you doing, Rhea?" Now I know she's stalking because she's slowly moving towards me as I'm moving backwards. I heard a thud as my back hit the wall of the pool. I momentarily looked, then returned my attention to Rhea. "Shit..." I muttered to myself.

As she stalked closer, I began moving to the side since I can't go back anymore. "What's the matter, Riley? Something wrong?" Rhea flashed a mischievous smirk. Damn it, this woman knows what she's doing! Thud! I bumped my arm against the wall. She has literally cornered me. How did I let this happen? "Nowhere to run, love." Now Rhea is in front of me. There is room for me to escape, but I know better. That is an obvious trap. "Look at the cornered rat." She closed the gap so we only had mere inches in between us. I gulped and felt my heart racing. I hoped she couldn't hear it. The echos of my blood pumping are almost deafening. "Do I make you nervous, love?"

My shuddering breath was proof enough. "Y-yes...." I silently cursed myself for stuttering. Rhea chuckled at me, seeming amused that she has this affect on me. I can't help it. She's acting like a primal dom right now. There was a time when Rhea and I had a tipsy conversation about what we liked and didn't like. We even discussed our safe words and aftercare. 

Suddenly, Rhea leaned towards me and growled in my ear. Shivers went down my spine as i felt my body go into fight or flight. In other words, sub space for me. "What's your color, babygirl?" I used a traffic light system for safe words. Green means I'm good. Yellow means to slow down or I need a break. Red means to stop completely and aftercare is to immediately follow. 

If it wasn't for the past week of flirting, I wouldn't have guessed Rhea wanted to have sex with me. "It's green...." 

"Are you sure?" Rhea inched closer, her hot breath is all over my face. Her eyes are dilated to shit and her lips are barely grazing my own. Even though she's going into dom space, she's fully aware and wants to be sure i'm ok and wanting to consent. I hummed a reply, hoping Rhea would close the distance. Instead, she backed up enough so our eyes would meet. "I need you to use your words. I will not continue without full verbal consent."

"I'm sure, Rhea. My color is green." Now that she knows i'm alright to continue, we launched forward. Our arms wrapped around each other and finally, our lips collided in a heated kiss. It was everything I wanted and hoped for.

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