Chapter 22

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Finally, it's the end of the night and my match with Rhea is here. I'm called out first since I'm the challenger, then Rhea. The announcer came over the speaker to explain the match and to hype up the audience. "The following contest is scheduled by one fall for the WWE RAW Women's Chamionship. Here is your challenger; The Sinner herself, Riley Daemon! Here is your champion, who's title is on the line. She is your current RAW Women's Champion, Rhea Ripley!!!"

The referee showed off the belt, then put it aside. My adrenaline began to pump as I hopped a couple of time to get into wrestling headspace. Everything seemed quiet for a few seconds, then I heard the bell ring.

We circled each other, trying to find a soft spot or an area of weakness. She struck her arms forward like a pair of snakes and grabbed my shoulders, trying to use her strength against me. I wriggled out of her grasp and pushed her away. I tried to swing at her, but she caught my fist. Shit, that's not good. I tried to pull away, but she's not letting go and she's anchoring herself so she doesn't move. Shit, this is not good at all.

Rhea pulled me forward and clotheslined me, landing me on the floor. "Get up!" She pulled me up and repeated the action. "Get up!" She pulled me up and spun me around, now holding me from behind. She spun me again so I'm facing her. I tried to counter, but failed because she headbutted me. Rhea let go of me, allowing me to fall on the floor. "That all you got, Daemon?"

Her headbutts really pack a punch. I shook it off and stood up. She's not even trying right now. I think she's just playing with me to make me get nervous and mess up. I ran towards Rhea, preparing for a punch. She swung at me and I ducked in time. As I went under her arm, I grabbed her wrist and ran behind her to grab the other. It was a mistake of her's to be beside a corner. I jumped so my feet went onto her back and my back was on the ground. She tried to fight my hold, but it's a trap and she knows it. I let go and pushed Rhea with my feet so she hit the turnbuckles. A successful Back Stabber! I quickly stood up and speared her back so I could do some damage. I turned her around so she's facing me and the referee ran over to make sure I'm not doing illegal moves.

I threw a series of punches at Rhea's face and the referee began counting to five. I stopped when he got to four. I put my hands up to show I stopped and backed away from Rhea. I backed to the middle of the ring to let her stand up. I got a running start and attempted to spear her, but she dodged just in time, leaving me to run straight into the turnbuckles. I turned around just in time to see Rhea run to me and jump in the air. She drop kicked me in the stomach. I gripped my stomach and fell to the floor. She pinned me and the referee counted. I kicked out on two. She looked up and double checked it was two. I saw she's sitting next to me and distracted, which means I can catch her off guard. I quickly grabbed her legs and pushed her back so she's rolled up and trapped. The referee only had counted to one before Rhea kicked out. Oh well, it was worth a try. 

She looked at me with a pissed expression. Now she's gonna take me seriously. If looks could kill, I'd be dead. Good, this is the Rhea I wanted to fight. The serious, deadly, pissed off champion Rhea. It makes for better TV and now, we will get more reactions out of the audience, which is a key part of the job.

"That all you got, Ripley?" I taunted her with a smirk. We both rose to our feet, eyes locked. She's treating me like prey and I'm treating this like it's a game. It's a sure way to get into her head, which is what I want. If I can get into her head, maybe I can get her to mess up? Make a mistake so I can get an angle on her. It will be tricky, but I'm willing to try. I stood up and ran across the ring so I could get a good momentum going and bounce off the ropes. Rhea saw me coming, as she was on her feet now. I jumped over her and bounced again. I ran around her to bounce off of the ropes one more time. Now I've got some speed. I jumped mid air and drop kicked Rhea to the floor.

I crawled over as fast as I could to pin her. She kicked out at two, so she still has a considerable amount of fight in her. I had an irritated expression on my face. I stood up and walked over to the ropes. I climbed up so I was on the top turnbuckle. I set up for a Fallen Angel and jumped. Unfortunately for me, Rhea rolled out of the way. I landed on my arm, which hurt. Luckily, I didn't hear a pop so I didn't break anything.

Rhea jumped on top of me and grabbed my leg to pin me. I kicked out at two. "Get off!" I yelled at her. I tried to pick myself up, but only made it to my hands and knees before Rhea dropped kicked me. I rolled over so I was on my back. I noticed Rhea was coming after me, so I kept rolling until I was out of the ring.

Nothing can be done out here. In order for one of us to win, we can only pin or submit inside the ring. Yeah, it's bad for me, since I want that title; it's also good because Rhea can't do much out here.

I gathered my bearings and stood up, only to see Rhea jump. She flipped onto me, which knocked me over. She rolled off and yelled. I stand corrected, she can do something out here. That scream isn't good either. She's getting pumped up. When Rhea gets emotional in the ring, that's when she brutalizes women the most.

Rhea Ripley- Mending Broken HeartsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant