Chapter 44

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"Alright, I know we're both tired, and we're gonna crash soon, but we gotta start the aftercare before we drop." I said after we've been laying there for about eight minutes. "I'll go run the shower. Are you able to get up yet?"

"Yeah, I can take the quilt and sheets off while you do that." The usual routine is someone prepares the hot water for the shower, and the other puts the sheets in the washer.

"Alright, sounds good. Let me know if you need any help." I slowly sat up and pulled myself to the edge of the bed. I opened the top drawer to my end table and pulled out two bottles of water and two granola bars. I sat Rhea's share beside her before opening my water and taking a couple gulps.

"Thanks, love." I looked behind me and watched Rhea sit up with some difficulty. She opened her own water to drink from it too.

"You're welcome, babe." I leaned over to give her a peck on the lips. She smiled at me and watched me get up and walk into my bathroom. I slid back the shower curtain to turn on the water and let it heat up. While it's heating up, I made sure to pee while I wait. I also ate the granola bar and stared out into space.

"Hey, I was thinking." I heard Rhea call out from the other room. "I don't think we've gone on a proper date yet." No, no we haven't. Our lives have been so busy, we totally forgot dates are a thing. I shrugged and stood up to adjust the water temperature and to turn on the head. I stepped in the shower to start wetting my body before Rhea could come in and join me. My eyes closed as I let the hot water cover my body. A couple minutes passed before I heard her enter the bathroom. She pulled back the curtain and stepped in with me. "Wanna go on a date with me?"

I opened my eyes and smiled at Rhea. "I'd love too, babe." We shuffled around each other so Rhea could stand under the water now. In the meantime, I washed my hair as I waited for my turn to use the water. That's usually the routine too. One person washes while the other gets the water, which doesn't take long. Washing ourselves is only a small part of the aftercare. That's the time we spend without physical contact so we can avoid sensory overload. It's not until we're cleaned up that we hold each other like we are right now. "So, how did I do? I didn't go too far? I didn't hurt you?"

"You did amazing, love. The only pain I felt was the consensual punishments you gave me, and you know I love it. I had fun. I'm ok, you didn't hurt me." Relief washed over me and I felt Rhea lightly scratch my back and kissed my shoulder to give me comfort. "How about we get out, change the sheets, and then snuggle in bed? How does that sound?"

"That sounds great, actually." Rhea smiled and pecked my lips. She let go of me and shut the water off. I got out first and grabbed two towels. I gave Rhea one after she stepped out too. We dried off together and I smiled since I feel fresh and clean now.

I went into my room and grabbed some sleepwear to put on. After that, I brushed my hair since it won't take long to air dry.

Now that it's taken care of, I went into the guest room to grab another set of sheets and a matching comforter. I brought them back to my room. Rhea is all dried off and she's currently putting on shorts and a sports bra. "Want any help with that, love?"

"It doesn't matter to me." I shrugged since I obviously know how to put the sheets and comforter on my bed.

Rhea rolled her eyes, since I didn't say yes or no. She came over and helped me out anyways and it got done faster with two people doing it together. We crawled into bed and snuggled up together. My head on her upper chest so I can listen to her heartbeat.

"I think I have a crush on someone." I said out of nowhere. I heart her heart skip a beat and speed up.

"Oh, really? Who would that be?" Rhea's voice is calm, but I can tell she's nervous.

I moved a bit so I could look her in the eye. "It's ok, Demi. Just because I have a crush, doesn't mean I want to leave you. I'm poly, remember?" She nodded, but still looked nervous. I gave her a soft kiss for reassurance and to calm her down. "It's alright, it's just Liv."

Rhea breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God! It's only Liv? Ok, that's fine." She chuckled and bit her lip. "Now that I think about it, I might have a small crush on Bonez."

"Yeah, I called that one a mile away." We laughed together as our hearts fluttered and our faces turned red. "Is it alright if I talk to Liv and pursue a relationship with her too?"

Rhea nodded and hummed. "Yeah, I'm ok with it. Would it be alright if I pursue Bonez?"

"You have my permission. Although, I'm giving you a fair warning. You think I'm crazy? Bonez is way worse." Rhea nodded in agreement. "Although, let's focus on our date first before we plan one with someone else."

"I agree, plan ours first." She softly kissed my forehead. "What do you want to do?"

"Surprise me! This was your idea to go on a date. I love spending time with you. I'll enjoy whatever you come up with, babe." Rhea and I shared a smile.

"Alright, then. It'll be tough to set aside a day, since we're busy. I'll let you know what I can think of and we can pick a day after that."

"Sounds like a plan." I pulled Rhea in for a kiss and then returned to my previous position before this conversation. "Goodnight, Demi Bear."

"Goodnight, Riley Bear, I love you."

"I love you too."

Rhea Ripley- Mending Broken HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now