Chapter 33

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Over the course of the next week, Rhea and Bonez helped me prepare for Charlotte. I was lifting heavier and the both of them had me train harder too. I tried different moves and we prepared me for different submission holds. If I could stand them, then I can stand Charlotte.

Which is why Rhea is now holding me in the figure-eight. Ric Flair used the figure-four to finish his opponents. Charlotte, being his daughter, uses it too and still shows how effective it is. She added a bridge to it to make it even more deadly. I had Bonez try to get me into the hold as fast as they could, so I could see it coming and know how to escape just as quick. Rhea is using her strength so if I do get caught in it, I could reverse it or find a way out. "Rhea, you have to do that bridge thing. That's how she keeps other people from escaping."

"Listen, this is the best you're getting. I'm not as flexible as her. Not all of us used to be cheerleaders." Rhea said, still propped up on her arms.

I sighed and motioned Bonez to come over. "Help Rhea into that position and keep her there. I need to see if I can reverse it." Bonez nodded and helped Rhea. I can tell Rhea is uncomfortable, but she's managing ok. Bonez made sure to keep Rhea stable for me. "Ok, I'm gonna try to reverse it or escape." Bonez gave me a thumbs up. I rocked back and forth, using my hands as momentum. In a quick motion, I used my legs and core strength to flip Rhea over so it's reverse. Rhea cried out and tapped out. I untangled our legs and sat beside my girlfriend, who's lying on the floor. "How was that? Was that fast enough?"

"Probably as good as you're gonna get, love." Rhea looks exhausted, and so does Bonez. I still have energy and I want to keep going.

"That's not good enough, I need more practice. I need to be sure I have a chance!" Bonez groaned and stood up. They pulled me to my feet.

"Look, Riley, I get it. You need practice. You're being the bad bitch I know you are, but Rhea and I are exhausted. We are of no use if we overdo it. Same goes for you." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

Rhea sat up and picked up her fallen snap-back. She fixed her hair and put the hat on backwards. "Bonez is right. If you burn yourself out before the match, you will lose or hurt yourself again." She stood up and grabbed my waist. She pulled me against her so we're as close as possible. "I refuse to let that happen."

"Demi, I need more practice. It's different when I went against you. I won on sheer luck and willpower. I need to make sure I win against Charlotte." Rhea rolled her eyes at me. When I'm stubborn, it's difficult to change my mind or make me budge. Yeah, that comes in handy, but it's also gotten me into trouble plenty of times.

"Excuse the fuck outta you?" Bonez caught Rhea and I's attention. They walked over to us and grabbed me by the back of my neck, causing Rhea to let go of me. I recognize what they're doing. Bonez does this when they're done with my shit and are about show me what the consequences are. "You think you have the energy to keep going?" I nodded and grunted as Bonez dragged me to a nearby ring and threw me in.

"Bonez, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Rhea asked, obviously ready to defend me. 

Bonez held their hand out to stop Rhea from coming over. "I'm showing Riley she's not as energetic as she think she is. In the words of Brock Lesnar, I'm taking her to Suplex City." Bonez climbed in with me. By now, I've stood up and I'm ready to wrestle with Bonez. I ran at them, but got caught. They got behind me and wrapped their arms around my waist. They threw me over their body, doing a German Suplex. I shook it off and stood up again. I ran again, this time aiming for a spear. Bonez caught me and quickly slung an arm around their shoulder. Using speed and momentum, they suddenly tossed me over their body and landed us both on our backs. Now I haven't seen a Snap Suplex in awhile, so that caught me off guard. "You done yet?"

"Fuck no, I'm just getting warmed up!" I may sound confident, but I'm winded. I know Rhea and Bonez can see it. I just want to keep going. Like Rhea, I hate losing and sometimes I don't know when to give up. 

Bonez groaned and stood up. "How many times do I need to knock you on your ass before you give up?" I didn't answer as I sat up and pick myself up to my hands and knees. I felt Bonez pick me up and set up for another suplex. They held me with a front-facing hold. With little effort, they used the sling-shot suplex on me. See, Bonez uses this as their finisher, which they nicknamed "The Dragon Yeet." (See video above for visual.) I took a breather for a minute, making Bonez think I was done. No, I was not, which I should have been. Slowly, but surely, I began to pick myself up again. Bonez got up too, but grabbed me and set up for a move that would finish me. This time it's the delayed vertical suplex. They held me at a front-face lock and slung my arm around their shoulders. They lifted me up in the air, but kept me up, letting the blood rush to my head. Then, all at once, they leaned and fell backwards so we both landed on our backs.

"Are you done being stupid, love?" I only nodded as I tried to breathe and calm down. Rhea climbed in with us and knelt down near me. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, once I get the room to stop spinning." I looked at Bonez. "What the fuck?"

Bonez shrugged at me. "That's what you get for being stupid. Now you have to deal with the consequences I gave you." Bonez pointed to something in Rhea's hands. I watched as Rhea tossed a water bottle to Bonez. "Now drink your fucking water, you dehydrated dumbass."

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