Chapter 1

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A few years ago, I was signed onto WWE. Too many things happened at once and I had to leave. My girlfriend, Taylor dumped me after I found out she cheated on me. I got injured during a fight with Charlotte. Something went wrong and I got a couple fractures. One on my humerus, and a hairline on my fibula. The last straw was losing a friend. He was in the military and lost his life while protecting his team, letting them retreat to safety.

It was all too much. I had to take time to recover. I told Rhea and some other friends at RAW I had to leave to take care of personal things. I couldn't go into details, or I would start crying. Luckily, everyone understood I needed space. The only one I would allow to be around me physically from WWE was Rhea. Our friendship has stayed strong, despite the circumstances and distance. I did go see her once this past year. She told me she'd be a couple hours away for a match. I had immediately bought tickets to go see her. It was something we both needed.

Yesterday, I decided it was time to go back. I'm physically and mentally ready. Before I left, I was told all I had to do was make a phone call and I'd have my place back. An hour ago, they called me back and let me know I'm back in. This is supposed to be a surprise, but I wanted to let Rhea know I was coming to see her. Even if I come up with a small lie.

I brought up her number on my phone and hit the call button. It dialed three times before she picked up. "Hello?" I heard other voices in the background. She must be on the way to the next designated hotel.

"Hey, Rhea! How's it going?" The smile on my face grew.

"Riles! I'm on my way to the hotel. I have Charlotte and Nikki beside me." On camera and in the ring, my main rivals are Charlotte and Rhea. In real life, Rhea is my best friend and Charlotte and I are cool. We both respect each other. Nikki on the other hand, we're friends whether or not the cameras are rolling. All of our fans know about it and they love it.

"Nice! Hey, I have something to tell you. I'm coming to watch the show." I couldn't hide my excitement.

"No way! That's great to hear. I can't wait to see you again." Rhea and I stayed on the phone until I heard a knock at the door. That was my ride to take me to the hotel. Another part of the secret is I was to be staying in the same hotel as the other wrestlers. I'm not taking the bus with them to go to the arena. There will be an uber provided for me.

"Hey, that's my ride. I'll see you there. Don't tell anyone else I have front row seats, OK? I want it to be a surprise."

"Keeping secrets, are we?" We chuckled and I gathered up my stuff to leave. "I promise I won't say a word. I'll see you there, yeah?"

"See you there." We hung up and I made my way out the door.


When more of the plan was relayed to me, my excitement went from ten to one hundred. Rhea is going first up against Asuka, in which Rhea is scheduled to win. After that, Nikki is supposed to go against Charlotte, in which she was originally scheduled to win. I was told since I'm returning, things are changing. I am supposed to interrupt Charlotte and Nikki. Nikki and I will team up and beat Charlotte together. It's going to drive the audience wild, get more views tonight, and help me get back on my feet by getting a win.

I kept going over the plan in my head to make sure I got it right and I understood everything. As I looked up from my lap, the driver pulled up to the back door where two security guards awaited me. I exited the car and made my way over. I had on an over-sized hoodie to conceal my outfit and a mask, that hides my full face, to hide my identity. Normally I wouldn't, but everyone would recognize me, especially since I already put on my makeup. My signature makeup is black eye liner and shadow, a dark green lip, and a skull painted around my face. My outfit is black pants with studded pockets, a spiked belt, a pentacle necklace, black knee high boots with dark green accents, and a dark green cropped top. My nickname people gave me is "The Sinner." Kind of like how Rhea is "The Nightmare."

I removed my mask to show them who I am. They opened the door for me, allowing me to go inside. I heard voices, so I put the mask back on. I walked passed a couple wrestlers, but I didn't pay attention who. I quickly threw a text to Rhea, telling her I'm here and waiting to see her match. After that, I shut my phone off. I went to the locker room to put my bag in a locker and my phone. All the girls who are in here stared at me. I know I look suspicious with the mask and hoodie. My eyes met with Rhea's. My heart started racing. I don't know if it's because I haven't seen her in awhile, but lately, it's been happening if I thought about her. Luckily she looked away and didn't spare me another glance. I walked out of the locker room and went to wait for my turn.


Now everyone is lined up and waiting for the first pair to go. Asuka's theme played first, which was her signal to go to the ring. Rhea approached the entrance as she waited. Her and I locked eyes again. I feel like she's starting to catch onto my rouse. Before she could confront me, her theme song played. "This is my brutality!" She walked to the ramp and did her thing.

The match was great. Rhea kicked Asuka's ass. Asuka had no chance. I smiled and my heart swelled with pride for my best friend as Brutality rang through the halls. Both women came back. Nikki was beside me. She held out her hand for a fist bump, which Rhea obliged. It's adorable to see Rhea and Nikki interact. I think Nikki is adorable anyway, so that's besides the point.

Charlotte's theme song sounded and she left to go to the ring. I looked to Nikki and nudged her. She looked to me with a smile. "Good luck out there." I told her and backed away.

"Thank you!" She said and ran out after hearing her theme play.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye that more people are around. Most of them are looking at me. I know Rhea is curious as well. I can tell she's studying me, trying to figure me out. Luckily a producer came by. "You're on, we are gonna hit the lights so you won't be seen. Just walk out there and wait. We'll play your theme and turn the lights on. It will be like you've been risen from the dead."

I nodded and shrugged off my jacket, revealing my outfit and my newly dyed hair. It's shorter than Rhea's, with an undercut too. My hair has been recently dyed black. Since I talk to Rhea all the time, she knew about it. She stood up, knowing it's me. I removed the mask too. Before I walked out, I heard Rhea call for me. "Riley?" I know she's shocked and has lots of questions, but I couldn't talk.

I only smirked and winked at her before making my way to the top of the ramp in the darkened room.

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