Chapter 58

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(Author's Note: The warpaint for the Rumble is the picture above.)

Today is the Royal Rumble. Everyone is busy and running around. I have no clue where my partners are and I'm really nervous.

I don't even know who's here. They have the current superstars waiting and the returning stars in dressing rooms to keep the surprise factor.

I anxiously waited like I was told to do. Finally, after what seemed like forever, it was my turn. My entrance sounded, meaning it's time to go out. I did my signature somersault and removed my leather jacket. I took my time and walked down to the ring. There's so many girls in there already. There's no sign of Bonez, but I do see Liv and Rhea. Liv is doing ok, but Rhea is tangled up with the Bella Twins. I didn't think I'd ever be in the same ring as them. First time for everything.

I watched as they lifted Rhea up to try and eliminate her. I ran over to the other side of the ring to help her. I climbed up and shoved Rhea so she went back into the ring and landed on Nikki and Brie. I climbed in and helped Rhea up. "You're welcome!" I said and ran over to a group of girls who are trying to eliminate Tamina.

Somebody grabbed me and gave me a German Suplex. I looked up and saw Sonya standing over me. I rolled over to a corner that isn't taken up and grabbed the bottom ropes. Sonya chased after me and tried to pry me off. She failed miserably because I'm hanging on as tight as a cat would.

Suddenly, I heard the crowd counting. I waited to see who's next. Aaaaaaand, it's Nikki. Rhea looked up at the entrance. "Get out here, Nikki!" She shouldn't get distracted by Nikki. There's women here that would love to get Rhea while she's distracted.

I noticed Nikki come from behind like she has been. "Rhea, behind you!" I shouted, hoping to get her attention. I let go of the ropes and stood up so I could help Rhea, but I was intercepted by Dana.

I saw Rhea get back in the ring as I heard another countdown. Dana threw me over the ropes when I was distracted, but I caught myself. I used the ropes to ram my shoulder into Dana. She fell over, so I was able to climb back in.

"Nightmare!" I looked up with a smile as I saw Bonez strut down the walkway like it's a catwalk. They climbed in and gave me a fist bump.

"Time for chaos, Bonez!"


Many women eliminated later, Bonez and I are exhausted. We are apart of the final few. Liv is gone, so Rhea, Bonez and I are left from our polycule. It's alright because we're gonna keep going for Liv.

Number twenty eight is supposed to come out soon. Bonez and I are trying to eliminate Bianca, but this bitch is strong. Bianca kicked me away. Bonez is still there, doing their best. I heard the buzzer go off and froze as I heart Joan Jett's Bad Reputation. "BONEZ!!!"

They rolled their eyes at me. "What, Riles?"

"IT'S RONDA FUCKING ROUSSEY!!!!!" I shouted, causing Bonez to turn around.

"Ah shit, we gotta get her, Riley! She's big competition!" Ronda climbed in, staring everyone down. I ran at her from the side to attack, but was met with a series of punches and jabs until she stunned me and knocked me to the ring floor. "Dumbass!" I heard Bonez say to me.

Ok, Ronda is a no for now. I watched as she eliminated women one by one. I pulled Bonez aside for a second. "Let's get the Bella Twins." They nodded, so we charged at them. We each speared a Twin, which got a big reaction from the crowd. We grabbed Brie and lifted her over the top rope. Nikki grabbed me, so Bonez held Brie in place. I picked Nikki up with a huff and placed her beside Brie. Bonez and I stunned them, which gave us enough time to run to the roped on the other side of the ring. We bounced off of them and dropped kicked the Bella Twins off the side, eliminating them. We high five each other.

Bonez and I turned around and saw Charlotte eliminate Rhea. "Oh hell no!"

"Riley, stop!" Bonez shouted as I ran at Charlotte. That bitch saw me coming because when I jumped to attack her, she caught me. Charlotte threw me out of the ring. I landed outside, getting myself eliminated.

Well shit, I should have listened to Bonez. Next thing I knew, they landed beside me. "Who got you, dude?"

"Ronda Roussey did. Fucking bitch!" We stood up and trudged to the back.

"How much you wanna bet she's gonna win?" We found a place to sit down to watch the rest of the Rumble.

Bonez shook their head. "Nah, we both know it's Charlotte. That cheating ass whore always finds a way to win."

We went to the cantina to get some food. Bonez and I sat down with our snacks. It's now the final two. Ronda Roussey and Charlotte Flair. With a surprising ending, Ronda eliminated Charlotte.

"See, I knew it would be Ronda! Now that she won, she's gonna get a big rivalry with either Becky or Charlotte. It'll lead up to Wrestlemania and Ronda will eventually dethrone one of the horse women."

Bonez shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, that would make sense. It would be nice if more people would get title opportunities. Especially the ones who barely get to." Eventually, Liv came in and she brought Sarah with her. I froze, staring with wide eyes and a dropped jaw as she lead her Riott Squad friend over to Bonez and I. "Oh jeebus, Riles. Go ahead, hug your hero."

Once they came to our table, I jumped up. I pulled Sarah into a tight hug. "Oh my Gods, I'm so excited to meet you in person, Sarah!"

Sarah chuckled and hugged me back with an even tighter grip. "Same here, Riley. It's great to see the two people that make my girl happy."

Rhea Ripley- Mending Broken HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora