Chapter 5

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The next morning, I woke up around nine thirty. Since we have a week to rest before the match, I was thinking of taking the opportunity to start training. I need to get back into shape. If I'm going up against Rhea like I planned, I can't do it like this. I need to lift and see if I can't get some help from Nikki too.

I'd like to go to the gym, but I'm too comfortable right now. Plus, I can already feel a dull ache in my neck and back. I was right, I'm sore. Luckily, I'm able to ignore it for now.

I opened my eyes and I notice I'm not in the original position I fell asleep in. Last night, Rhea was holding me from behind, something she does when I want to feel safe. Now, she's on her back and I'm sort of on top of her. My head is on her chest, and my arms are wrapped around her waist. Her right arm is around my waist, and her left is gently gripping my arm. Our legs are tangled together. It's pretty warm under the blankets. It feels comforting. I feel protected and cared for.

Honestly, I'd rather stay in bed and wait until she wakes up to go to breakfast. I feel like if I get out of bed, then I'd wake Rhea. I'd rather not. She looks so peaceful and content right now. I think I'll wait.


Rhea only slept for fifteen more minutes before I felt her stir. She stretched out her body and yawned. I took this as an opportunity to try and get up, but I felt her grab me and pull me close to her. She had a tight hold on me. "Where do you think you're going?" I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from reacting. Her voice was low and raspy from sleeping. It was kinda hot.

"I was getting up." I tried to remove myself from Rhea, but her hold is too strong. "Rhea, let me go."

"No, you're staying here. We have the day off. What is so important about today?"

I rolled over to look at her. Those piercing eyes are gazing into my soul, looking for an answer. "I want to go work out. I need to train and get into better shape. The only reason I was able to beat Charlotte yesterday is because I had Nikki with me."

"Then you can go train later. Is it a crime I want to spend time with you?" I rolled my eyes and tried to escape again. Her iron grip is keeping me in place.

"Alright, how about a compromise? We both get up and you come with me. We get a light breakfast and then go to the gym. After that, we can do whatever you want. We can do all of that together."

Rhea looked like she was thinking about it. Finally, after about a minute, she nodded. "Offer accepted, you may go." She let go of me so I could get out of bed. I reached into my bag to grab a change of clothes, my hair brush and my tooth brush. I went into the bathroom and locked the door.

While I was changing, I heard my phone ringing. "Rhea, who's calling me?" There was a pause as I put on new underwear and a sports bra.

"It's Nikki, do you want me to answer it?" I pulled a shirt over my head to cover up my torso.

"Yeah, I'm not done yet, go ahead." I heard Rhea answer for me. No doubt, Nikki is her perky morning self. Rhea on the other hand, is not a morning person.

It shouldn't be that bad since I don't hear anything. At least I have some peace to brush my teeth. "Oh my God, Nikki, calm down! It's too early for this!" I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh. I guess I spoke too soon. I make a quick effort to brush my teeth since I know Nikki is impatient and Rhea doesn't have a lot of patience at the moment. "Riley, you better hurry up. Nikki is testing my nerves this morning."

I finished up and exited the bathroom. I notice Rhea is wearing an outfit similar to mine, but without a t-shirt. She got up and handed me a few pills. "Take your meds, and then we can go." I thanked her and took them. I grabbed a cup from the bathroom and washed them down with water. "All good?" I hummed a reply and followed Rhea to the elevator where Nikki was waiting.

"Finally, there you are! Do you know how long I've been waiting for you two? What took you so long, you lolly-gaggers?" Nikki looked at the invisible watch on her wrist. Rhea groaned and rolled her eyes.

We entered the elevator together. I pressed the ground floor. "Nikki, you called five minutes ago. Take a chill pill." They might be starting another bicker session, but I'm over here trying not to laugh. "Think it's funny, do you?"

"No, I'm not laughing. I just remembered a meme I saw on Instagram." Rhea rolled her eyes again. Lucky for me, the elevator stopped and the doors opened. I rushed out before Rhea could do anything.

We walked to the dining room where some of the other wrestlers were already sitting. Rhea and Nikki went straight to the food, but I wanted to talk to Becky. I made my way to her table and tapped her shoulder. She looked up at me and smiled. "Hi, Riley. I'm sorry I hadn't had the chance to talk yet. What's up?"

"Hi, Becky. I was gonna go to the gym after breakfast. I know Rhea is tagging along, but that's besides the point. I was wondering if you and Drew could help me train this week? I'm out of shape from being out for more than a year." I scratched the back of my head. Gosh, I feel so awkward approaching her. Stupid anxiety causes me to fear talking to people I'm not comfortable with.

"Sure I can. What about Rhea? She's perfectly capable. Besides, you're always with her and Nikki." Becky took a bite out of the cheese omelet she has on her plate.

"Yeah, I know. Sure, Rhea is strong and a great hype-woman." Becky hummed in agreement and sipped on some juice. She's looking at me like she's amused. "Look, my point is you're stronger than her. You won't take my shit if I want to give up. Plus, I feel like the conflict of interest could get in the way."

"Alright, if you say so. I'll be busy today, so could we schedule a rain check for tomorrow?" Becky already finished with her breakfast. She wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Tomorrow is good. I'll be free." Becky offered a fist bump. I gladly returned it and walked over to the buffet to get food.

I grabbed a plate and got some eggs, sausage, toast, and a blueberry muffin. I also took a water bottle, knowing I'll need it for the gym. I joined Rhea and Nikki, who had claimed their own table. "Any plans for today?" Nikki asked in between bites.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Rhea and I are hitting the gym. After that, whatever she wants."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement. I looked up to see Queen Zelena and Carmella are looking at me. They are smiling and giggling while looking at me. I awkwardly waved, and they looked away as their giggles continued. Nikki followed my gaze. "What do they want?"

I turned back to my food. "Don't know, don't care. They're just being a bunch of giggly school girls."

Rhea scoffed and finished her plate. "Those bimbos probably have their eyes on you."

"Like I said, I don't care. I may be a lesbian, but they are not my type." Nikki and Rhea looked at me like they wanted me to continue. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "They are just a couple of fake bitches with too much work done. My type is literally anyone else. I like women that take the time to understand me and work through our problems together."

"So, you're basically saying someone like you?" Rhea asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders and stood up to throw away my mess. "Something like that."

Rhea Ripley- Mending Broken HeartsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ