Chapter 46

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Later on at dinner, we had already got our pizzas and we're eating. I'm staring out into space, thinking about how I wanna do this. Well, I should talk to Bonez before hand.

Riley: Hey, I wanted to tell you before I do anything. I think I'm crushing on Liv. I wanna talk to her about it. Is that ok?

Bonez looked at their phone and read the text. They replied back to me.

Remi: Yeah, I'm ok with it.

I looked up and Bonez smiled at me. I looked over and saw Rhea texting too. She must be messaging Bonez.

I decided telling Liv over text isn't the best thing to do, so instead I'm gonna talk to her in person about it.

Riley🔥: Could I talk to you after dinner?

YouOnlyLivOnce: Yeah, of course!

Rhea and I shared a look. I discreetly showed her my message. Rhea nodded with a smile. "I'll be back. I need to take a hit off of my pen."

Rhea perked up and stood up with Bonez. "Can I go with you?" Bonez nodded and they left.

Since Rhea and Bonez are gone and Liv is talking to Randy, I figured I could talk to Nikki. "So, my little superhero." This got her attention and she looked at me. "What were you doing with Rhea before you found us? You don't usually talk to her."

"Oh, that!" She cleared her throat and turned slightly to face me. "I asked her to be my tag team partner tonight to go against Nia and Shayna."

"Tag Team partner?" I asked with interest. "That's great, Nikki! How did it go? Did you win?"

Nikki nodded with a huge smile. "We did! It was so much fun. I'm thinking about keeping her. I think if we practice with each other, then we have a chance to try for the tag team titles."

I smiled and nodded along. "Well, good luck with that, Nikki. Bonez and I are the champions now. We've always been partners. We had the NXT women's tag team titles at some point too. We are no strangers to this. In singles, you are both great. Do you think you could beat us that easily?"

Nikki crossed her arms and rose an eyebrow to give me a look. "Well, a wise woman once said there's nobody out there that is unbeatable."

I laughed at the irony. "Using my own words against me, are we?" Nikki shrugged nonchalantly.

"I'm just saying. I think we have potential. I think we have what it takes to take those titles from you and Bonez." Nikki smirked at me.

I poked her side, causing her to jump. "Keep dreaming, dude. These titles aren't going anywhere." Nikki and I began a staring contest. I'm smirking, while Nikki is quirking an eyebrow at me. I heard a snicker and then felt something hit me in the side of my head. I looked down and saw a straw wrapper. "What the hell?" I looked up and saw Liv is trying to hold in a laugh. "Was that you?"

"Y-yes it was!" Her and I broke into laughter. Nikki joined in. "I'm sorry, I saw you two were having a stare down and I just had to interrupt."

"Uh huh, yeah, sure. Are you sure it's not your way of flirting with me?" I asked with an amused smile.

"Maybe, maybe not. I guess we'll never know." I rolled my eyes at Liv's comment.


A few weeks have passed and Bonez and I are exhausted. It was different when I was RAW Women's Champion. I didn't have to go back and forth between RAW and Smackdown like we have to.

Rhea talked to Bonez and I talked to Liv. We were both successful and Bonez and I brought up the idea of a polycule. We're all taking the relationships slow. The only person I'm not romantically involved with is Bonez. We only see each other as friends, so we're just platonic partners.

Other than that, we've got our titles to worry about and defend.

So far, we've been challenged for the titles every Monday and Friday. Shotzi and Tegan, Carmella and Zelena, and Natalya and Tamina.

We weren't gonna accept the challenge against Natalya and Tamina, but they made it personal. Tamina said if we wouldn't, she'd find Nikki and make me regret it.

"You've been evading us for too long. We want our titles back." Natalya told us as both her and Tamina stood close to us. They are trying to intimidate us. All they're doing is making Bonez and I uncomfortable and on the defense.

"Well, we want a million dollars. Looks like we can't all get what we want, sorry." Bonez said to Tamina. We turned to walk away, but Tamina grabbed my arm and pulled me back to where I was standing.

"You're gonna accept our challenge, you little brat. Or else!" She said in a threatening tone.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Or else what, Tamina?"

She chuckled and smirked at me. "Who knows? Maybe I'll see how your little girlfriend feels if I were to rough her up a bit?"

This is a breaking point for me. You can talk shit on me all you want. The second you mention someone I care about, then you're toast. I shoved Tamina, which pissed her off. Natalya had to grab her and Bonez grabbed me to hold me back. "I swear to all the Gods watching me right now! If you so much as go near Nikki, I will break every bone in your body. That's not a threat, it's a promise!"

~End Flashback~

Bonez and I beat every challenger we came across. Natalya and Tamina came close, but we pulled through, thanks to Bonez.

Right after our match with Natalya and Tamina, another team approached us. "Impressive work, Riley." I looked over and saw Nikki and Rhea approaching us.

"Thanks, Nikki. I saw your match earlier. Impressive work, you two. You're coming along as a tag team." I complimented, which earned a grin from Nikki and a smirk from Rhea.

"Thanks, but now that you mention it, we really are. Which is why we want to officially challenge you and Bonez for the tag team titles." I looked to Bonez, unsure if I want to do this. Not with the major conflict of interest going on with our girlfriend and my fake girlfriend.

"That is, unless you're scared." Rhea said with a cocky attitude.

"Scared? You gotta be joking me." I laughed, which caused Bonez to grin.

Bonez giggled with amusement. "You should know by now that nothing scares us, Rhea. In fact, we'll prove it. We accept your challenge."

"I've beaten you once, Ripley. I can do it again." I tapped my title. "These bad boys aren't going anywhere."

"We'll see, Daemon."

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