Chapter 15

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Since the tag team challenge is last minute, it was gonna be the last match of the night. Rhea and I walked out together since we were being challenged. Rhea stepped into the ring first, but I stayed back for a second. I saw my mom had come to surprise me. She made sure to get a seat close enough to see the ring. I made a bee line for her. "Hi, mom!" She reached out to me and I gave her a big hug. I took off my jacket and gave it to her. "Can you keep this safe for me?"

"Of course I will!" She put it on and waved to Rhea. Rhea smiled and waved back at my mom.

Now my mood is lifted and absolutely nothing can ruin my mood! "Ladies and gentleman, please welcome Queen Zelena and the most beautiful woman in WWE, Carmella!" I rolled my eyes because I don't believe any part of that statement.

"I know we both don't like them. Who gets to go first?" Rhea and I were standing in our corner. 

"I want to. I'm gonna get revenge on her." I looked at Zelena. My attention went to Carmella, who was having a small makeup crew put on a mask for her. She's wearing a mask now? Now that is pathetic. I watched as she walked over to someone in the crowd. Oh, she must have family here too. She gave the woman she approached a kiss. I looked to see who it was out of curiosity. I really wish I hadn't because I felt my heart stop. It was Taylor. Wait, Taylor is here? "That bitch....." Now it's all making sense. Carmella is the bitch Taylor was cheating on me with! 

She climbed into the ring and the bell rung. I launched at Carmella and Superman Punched her. She fell to the ground and I used the death drop on her. It may seem like early overkill, but I can feel the anger growing within me. I stood up and turned my attention to Zelena. I walked over and pushed her off. I didn't notice where she landed, as I don't care. I felt a hit to my back and turned around. She slapped me in the face. I just smiled at her and laughed. I slapped her face and pushed her into the ropes. She bounced off and went to hit me. I dodged and bounced off of the ropes. Carmella ran at me and I stuck out my arm so she ran into it. I let her crawl to Zelena.

I backed up and tagged in Rhea so I could calm down. I can't get too emotional. The last time I did, I got hurt. I watched as Rhea barely did anything, not taking them seriously.

That was fine and all, until Zelena found a weak spot and had Rhea pinned. It looked like it was just enough to keep Rhea in an awkward position. I jumped in and drop kicked Zelena before she could get the win. I returned to the corner, since that was our only assist. Rhea stood up and grabbed Zelena by her hair. She came over to me. I climbed to the top rope and let Rhea tag me. I went to jump, but Carmella had climbed beside me.

Carmella grabbed my leg and pulled me down, making me land on my back inside of the ring. Zelena had jumped on me to pin me. I kicked out right before the third count.

I didn't notice Carmella got tagged in until I saw her set up to jump on me. I rolled out of the way just in time. I rolled over onto my stomach so I could get up. "Come here!" Carmella jumped onto my back and wrapped her arm around my throat.

"Come on, Daemon! Get her!" I heard Rhea shout. Her grip isn't too tight, so she's not really choking me. I don't think she can successfully do that. I crawled to the ropes, which happened to be in Carmella and Zelena's corner. Zelena kicked me in the face a couple of times. I caught her foot the third time and shoved her away from me. "Come on, Riley don't give up! Your mom is watching!"

Yeah, my mom is watching. I can't let her down. I looked up and saw Taylor was looking at us. Our eyes locked. She flinched like she was scared of me. Good, she should be. "You're the bitch Taylor cheated on me with." I spat out. "I'll never forgive you for this!"

"I didn't know she already had a girlfriend." Carmella made sure to say it so only I could hear. I gripped Carmella's arm and stood up with her still hanging onto me.

"I was gonna propose to her!" I jumped and landed so I was on top of her. Since both shoulders are down, I pinned her. She jerked out of it on the second count.

I walked over to Rhea and tagged her in so I could calm down again. Carmella tagged in Zelena. Smart move, since I did a number on her. I watched as Rhea did her close quarter clothesline thing.

Zelena did manage to get a few hits in, but Rhea finished her with a Riptide. I thought she was gonna pin her, but Rhea came over and tagged me in. I climbed to the top rope again. This time, I'm gonna execute my finisher, the fallen angel. It's like the death drop, except from the top rope. I jumped and landed it. Now she's done. The referee counted, and got to three. It's done and over with.

I stood up and let out a war cry. Rhea came in and put a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged her off, not in the mood for physical contact. Even if it's from her. "Don't touch me." She didn't question it since the cameras are on us. I exited the ring with Rhea close behind me. I went straight to my mom and took my jacket. "Thanks mom, text me later." She nodded and let me go.

"I'm proud of you, kid!" I smiled after hearing that. It's just what I needed.

As we walked, I noticed a lot of kids on my way out. There's one in particular that caught my eye. It's a little girl. She had makeup on that looked like mine. She also had a Rhea Ripley shirt on. I walked over to her. "Hey, kid, what's your name?"

"My name is Madison! It's my birthday!" She looked so happy that I chose to talk to her.

I looked at the parent that was with her. "Do you have a pen or a marker?"  He nodded and pulled one out of his shirt pocket and handed it to me.

"It's your birthday?" Rhea jumped in at the smiling little girl. "How old are you?" Rhea and I signed my jacket and I gave it to Madison.

"I'm nine!" She hugged the jacket tight and gave me a big toothy smile. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, happy birthday Madison." I ruffled her hair, which caused her to blush.

"Happy birthday, I hope you get everything you wish for." Rhea gave her a high five. We walked to the back with smiles on our faces.

Rhea Ripley- Mending Broken HeartsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang