Chapter 18

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(Author's Note: Warning! Mentions of past self harm in this chapter. The act is not committed, it's merely brought up in a conversation.)

We talked for a little bit, then went to the beach. It was beautiful outside, so it's a good day to visit the ocean.

On our way, I changed the current playlist I had on. "Hey, I was listening to that."

"Chris Motionless can fucking wait. I have something better. I made another playlist for us." I sat my phone down to continue driving.

Pump It by the Black Eyed Peas started playing. Rhea's eyes widened and she gasped. "Shut up! No you didn't!" She slapped my arm repeatedly out of excitement.

"Surprise!" I laughed as I watched my best friend jam out to her favorite guilty pleasure group. "I made a playlist that has all of our guilty pleasures on it."

We sang along while I drove. Once we got to the beach and found a parking spot, I grabbed a Bluetooth speaker. Rhea rounded up the dogs while I grabbed our bags and towels. "Do you need help?" She chuckled as she watched me struggle.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Rhea walked around to me and grabbed a towel and her bag. "Nala, heel." I commanded my dog. She ran to my side and waited to follow me. Rhea held Barry by his leash and we went to pick a spot. We found an empty area and sat our stuff down. The first thing I made sure to put out is a water bowl for the dogs. I filled it with one of the water bottles I brought. Rhea and I made sure to put up an umbrella for us and the dogs so they don't get overheated. Right after I sat down on my towel, Barry came to me and sat down in front of me. I smiled and gave him chin scratches. "Hi, Barry, how is my bestie?"

"Looks like he missed you more than I thought." Rhea watched as I interacted with her dog. Nala was laying in between us. She rested her head on Rhea's lap. "Hi, Nala. I missed you too." 


We alternated between tanning and going in the water. Rhea kept reminding me to put on sunscreen every time we left the water. At least I know we won't burn since we're keeping up. The dogs are having fun. Nala absolutely loves coming to the beach. It's a treat any time we get to come. Right now, Rhea and I are laying under the umbrella with Nala and Barry. "I wanna go to the club. I don't know if I should go tonight or tomorrow, but I want to. I know if our match goes either way, I'll be too busy after that."

Rhea looked at me. "You mean the gay bar?" Rhea doesn't drink, so she hasn't gone with me. I could probably get her to come tonight. "Go ahead, I don't care. I can hang out at your place and watch the dogs."

"Dude, come with me. There's gonna be drag performers. You don't have to drink. That's not a requirement. I'd like to go see my kings and queens and I want you there with me." Rhea looks like she still wants to say no. I know she'd rather be antisocial with our dogs, I can understand why. I want her to take a step out of her comfort zone. For once, I want to watch someone else perform. I scooted closer to her and rested my head on her chest. I traced one of her tattoos on her arm. "Please, daddy?"

Rhea rolled her eyes. I don't normally beg, so it has to show how much I want her there with me. She softly growled in my ear, which caused goosebumps to spread all over my body. I love when she does that. "Whatever my baby girl wants."


After going back, we showered and got ready. I had a moment where I was deep in thought while I brushed my hair. Everything about Rhea being here seemed right. It felt so easy when she's around. I feel like my feelings for her are growing every time I see her. I don't know how she feels, and that scares me. I do know she cares about me. "I'm about ready. Are you almost done?" I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. I saw Rhea was looking at her wrists like she's deep in thought. She must be having a bad day too. I knelt down in front of her to catch her attention. "Hey, are you ok Demi?"

She met my gaze and nodded. "Just thinking, I'm alright." She wiped her hands on her pants, obviously removing sweat.

I took her hands and turned them over so I could see the under side of her wrists. If I focused enough, I could clearly see small faded lines. As gently as I could, I kissed both wrists and then looked at Rhea. "Don't listen to the thoughts." I leaned forward and gave Rhea a kiss, which was just as gentle. "You're beautiful, got that?"

Rhea smiled and nodded. "Thanks, baby girl." I helped Rhea to her feet and pulled her into a tight hug. I know about the scars and why they are there. I know part of the reason why she has so many tattoos is to cover up the visible scars. I know she's better with her mental health, but there are days where she struggles.

I don't think she is struggling today, I think she's just thinking about it because my mental health isn't good at the moment. "Anytime, daddy. You know I'll always be here for you."

Having a tight embrace like this is very therapeutic. It's our way of showing we care, but it's a way to ground each other too. Nothing like a tight bear hug to bring you back to earth and in the present.

"I'm here for you too." My face is buried in her shoulder. It's similar to when she was holding me during my panic attack.

"I know, I appreciate it." The forbidden words are on the tip of my tongue, begging to escape. The words that could either bring us closer, or tear us apart. The words that I fear the most because of how much power they hold. We've said it before, but they hold a different meaning to me now.

Even without saying it, I hope she knows. She's only one of three people who make me feel safe. Yeah, Nikki and Drew are great, but Rhea makes me feel like nothing can touch me. Not even Zelena. I just hope she feels as safe with me as I do with her.

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