Chapter 31

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"So, do you want a fucking cookie? I have none. Go to the store and buy one, because your aren't getting one from me, bitch." I was trying not to laugh at what Bonez said, so I covered it up by clearing my throat.

I crossed my arms as I tried to wrap my head around what Carmella just said. "You broke up with Taylor?" Carmella nodded and for a split second, she looked upset. Naturally, I'm protective of people, especially if someone is hurting. It doesn't matter if they're bigger than me like Rhea or even Drew is, I have a mama bear side. I don't like Carmella, so that's why I'm able to hold back like I am. "What happened and why are you telling me?"

"Zelina helped me do some digging. She was cheating on me too. She's still on Tinder and I found out she tried to dm multiple other female superstars on Instagram. That includes Sonya Deville and Tegan Nox." I took a second to absorb the situation. Taylor had the nerve to text two other female superstars that are lesbians. I know Sonya is looking for love, so I hope she's not stupid enough to fall for Taylor's tricks. "I don't know if she tried to message you either. So, what I'm trying to say, is you were right. Once a cheater, always a cheater."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I wouldn't know. I blocked her on everything after she broke up with me." Rhea sighed and pulled out her phone. I turned my attention to Rhea. "What's wrong?" 

She handed me her phone. It's a dm on her Instagram. Taylor messaged her too. The time stamp says it's from a week ago. "I didn't acknowledge her and I immediately blocked her. I didn't want to say anything because I knew you'd get mad."

I wanted to scream. I want to yell at Carmella and Rhea. I want to criticize Carmella for being with Taylor in the first place. I want to yell at Rhea for not telling me. I know they aren't at fault. Carmella was having false hope like I did. Rhea is just protecting me like usual. It was a hard call to make. A damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. 

"Riley, you're shaking." Nikki said and placed a hand on my shoulder. I gave Rhea her phone and tried to take a deep breath. "Woah, it's ok. Try to stay calm."

"Hey-" Rhea copied Nikki and placed her hand on my other shoulder.

"Listen, Rhea, I know you and Carmella aren't at fault. I'm going to need you and Nikki to not touch me while I'm angry." They removed their hands and took a step away from me. "I'm going to need everyone who got a message to screenshot and send it all to me. I'm not in the right mind to make a decision or do anything right now."

Bonez stood up and walked around so I could see them. "Let's go outside for some air." I looked at Bonez, who was making a cigarette motion to me. Knowing Bonez, they don't mean cigarette, they mean weed. I nodded and followed them outside.


We snuck back in since we were called. Apparently Mr. McMahon wanted to talk to me. "You got any gum?" I asked Bonez. They nodded and grabbed a pack out of their bag. I took a piece and chewed on it.

I walked to Mr. McMahon's office and knocked. "Come in!" I heard from the other side. I walked in and shut the door. "Ah yes, hello Riley. Have a seat, kid."

I sat across from him and cleared my throat. "Everything alright, sir?" This must be official business since there are no cameras in here.

"We are experiencing issues and need to make budget cuts. Your name came up." My heart began to race. This is it. My dream career is over. I feel so defeated. "I'm not gonna let you go. I wanna keep you. You're the current champion, plus you have potential. I see your drive and determination. You are gonna help keep views and you will be the reason people tune in to watch us."

I sighed in relief and allowed myself to absorb the information. "Ok, I'll do it. What do you want me to do, sir?"

"I want you and Bonez to be a tag team again. NXT got a lot of views because everyone loved watching you create chaos and stupidity together. I know you're still the champion, so just run around together for now." Mr. McMahon folded his hands on the desk and gave me a half smile.

I nodded to what he said. "Yes sir, I can do that. Is there anything else?" I know curiosity killed the cat, but I wanna be prepared.

"We also need a romance storyline. I was hoping to use you and give the LGBTQ+ people some representation. I have the perfect woman too." Someone knocked on the door. "Ah, that must be her." Mr. McMahon stood up and walked over to the door. My jaw dropped when Zelena walked in.

I stood up and shook my head. "Sir, I'm all for a showmance, but I can't do that with Zelena. I don't know her well enough to trust her. Plus, my girlfriend would get intimidated."

"Well, this is the best I can do. Unless you have someone in mind?" I don't want to challenge Mr. McMahon, but I refuse to do anything with Zelena.

I snapped my fingers and pointed to Mr. McMahon. "How about Nikki A.S.H? We can do a best friends to lovers type of deal. People love that kind of trope. The WWE Universe will go crazy over it."

Mr. McMahon took a minute to think before nodding. "Ok, you can have Nikki. I hope this works out for you." He opened the door for Zelena and I. "Good luck, ladies."

I went straight to the locker room and grabbed my things. I created a group chat with Nikki, Rhea, and Bonez.

Riley: Meet me at the hotel. My room # is 74. I need to talk to all of you.

Nikki: Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can.

Rhea: Are you alright, love?

Bonez: Riley, are you in trouble? I'll stab a bitch if I have to.

Rhea: Bonez, I don't think this is the time.

Bonez: There's always a time for stabby stabby. 🗡

Nikki: Let's see what Riley says first before we let you stab someone.

Riley: I'm not in trouble, I just need you three. I'll explain everything in my hotel room. I'd rather wait for us to be in one place to talk. Bonez, save stabby stabby for later.

Bonez: That wasn't a no.......

Rhea: 🙄

Riley: My room has two beds. Everyone can stay with me if they wish.

Bonez: Nice! 

Rhea: I already planned to.

Nikki: Yay! Sleepover! We can paint our nails and tell each other secrets!

Rhea: We are not doing girly things like we're high schoolers, Nikki!

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