Chapter 32

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Bonez came with me to the hotel. We got to my room and waited for Rhea and Nikki to get here. "I'm not mad at you or anyone. We aren't in trouble either." Bonez visibly relaxed after I said that.

We grabbed some makeup wipes from our bags and went to the bathroom to take the "warpaint" off as we call it. "You can't scare me like that, Ri. You know my anxiety makes me think the worst!"

"I know, I'm sorry. Like I said in the text, I wanted to wait until I had you three in the same room to talk." I explained, which earned a nod from Bonez. Because of how much we wear, it takes like four wipes to successfully take off the damn makeup.

I've mentioned before I put on skull makeup. Let me tell you what Bonez and I like to do. If I'm feeling lazy, I'll just do skull make up on the bottom half of my face.

Bonez's nickname is The Dragon. They get it because the makeup they started out with is a design on their cheeks and neck that looks like scales. They also have a tendency to growl when they're upset. So, the WWE Universe gave them that nickname. That is the simple version of the look. When they want to go all out, they'll paint a dragon's snout on the lower half of their face. That's only for special occasions because a dragon is more complicated than a skull. Tonight was one of those nights.

Bonez let me use their moisturizer since I forgot mine. Pretty sure it was almost out anyways, so it doesn't matter. "Don't use too much. I'm almost out." Coincidentally, they're in the same boat as me. 

"I'll get you more tomorrow. I'm almost out too." We applied the face cream to our red, irritated faces.

After finishing up in the bathroom, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I nodded and went to the bed to sit down. "Hello!" I heard Bonez say after opening the door. 

"Hi, Bonez." Nikki said with enthusiasm. She walked in with Rhea and Bonez behind her. Bonez took their place on my right on the bed. Nikki and Rhea sat their bags on the floor. "Hi, Riley." Nikki and Rhea don't have their makeup on, so I'm assuming that's why they took longer to get here. I waited until they took their shoes off and hopped on the bed with me. Nikki is across from me and Rhea is on the other side of me. "Alright, we're all here and you have our attention."

"What's going on, love?" Rhea spoke softly and took my hand to show her support.

I took a deep breath before starting. "Mr. McMahon pulled me into his office after Bonez and I came back inside. Apparently, they are going to be making more budget cuts soon. My name was thrown into the go fish deck of possible candidates to be let go."

"What?" Rhea looked scared, like she's afraid to lose me.

Nikki shook her head. I can only assume she's having trouble with comprehending this. "They can't do that! You're the current champion."

"What in the actual fuck?" Bonez is looking at me like I slapped them in the face. Technically, I did in a verbal way. Not the most exciting news in the world.

"Yeah, I know. At first, it was thought about, but Mr. McMahon decided to give me a chance. He apparently sees potential in me." The three of them sighed with relief and visibly relaxed. I turned to look at Bonez. "He wants us to be a tag team again. He thinks our chaotic nature is amusing and thinks it will appeal to the audience. So, we can do what we do best. That's why you were drafted into RAW."

"I can live with that. Causing chaos and spreading fuckery is our thing." I smiled and nodded in agreement. "It's also fun."

"Yeah, it is. Everyone expects nothing less from us, Remi." Now, I turned to Nikki. "Mr. McMahon also said I'm going to have a showmance. He said he wanted more gay representation. I think he just wants me to do this because it's pride month. Originally, he was gonna have me go with Zelena."

"Oh hell no! No way that bitch is gonna even be friends with you." Rhea protested, which earned a smile from me.

"Don't worry, babe. I rejected Zelena. I begged for Nikki instead." Nikki's eyes widened in surprise. "Let me explain before this is blown out of proportion. I don't want the fans to know about Rhea and I yet. I brought up Nikki because I'm familiar with her and she wouldn't mind. I also mentioned that a best friends to lovers trope would get a bigger reaction. I see people saying we'd be cute together all of the time. If we give the fans what they want, then we get more views and Mr. McMahon is happy."

"I don't mind at all. I'll have to let Killian know so he doesn't get worried." Nikki leaned forward and grasped my hand that Rhea isn't currently holding. "Thanks for letting me know and trusting me."

I nodded and turned to Rhea. "I wanted you to know all of this because I didn't want you to be in the dark. Plus, you're my girlfriend. You deserve to know." 

Rhea nodded and gave me a soft kiss. "Thank you for letting me know. I don't mind, since it's Nikki. At least you're not in trouble and I know you're ok." 

"Yeah, but there's another problem. I'm up against Charlotte again. I don't know if I can win this time." I bowed my head in defeat, unsure if I can retain against Charlotte again.

Nikki lifted my head with her hand so I'm looking at her. "Don't do that to yourself. If you defeat yourself before the fight, then you've already lost. As your friend, and fake girlfriend, I will not let you."

Rhea pulled me into her lap and held me tight. "I won't let you either. I remember Bonez lives in the same town as you. Everyday, you and I will work out together and Bonez and I will train with you at the performance center."

"Oh, and another thing!" Bonez said, catching my attention. "Listen here, you and I both know you can beat her ass. Why? Because you're a bad bitch and bad bitches don't lose to stupid hoes. And when you win, you and I will go get pizza and ice cream. Why? Because bad bitches deserve fuel for their fucking bodies!" 

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