Chapter 19

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We made it to the club before it got busy. I'd give it about fifteen minutes since it's thirty minutes until the show starts. "Hey, I gotta go to the back real quick. Come with me, you'll love this."

We went to a club down in Orlando since that's where some well known queens and kings are. I got to the dressing room and knocked on the door. Someone opened it and all of the girls inside started screaming. Roxxxy Andrew's pulled me inside for a tight hug. "Where have you been? It's been too long, bitch!"

Her drag son, Axel hugged me as well. Next was Ginger Minj, then Trinity the Tuck. "I asked Trinity to make me an outfit. I thought that since she finished, I could watch your show tonight."

Trinity fished through a suitcase she has and pulled out a plastic bag. "Everything is in here, my love."

I pulled out my phone and used Venmo to send her the money. "I just sent my payment to you. Thank you so much. You best believe, I'll be wearing this on Monday. A good lesbian supports all of her kings and queens."

"So, you're staying for the show?" Ginger placed a hand on my elbow to get my attention.

"Of course I am. You're all my girls. I'll always support my girls." Rhea came up and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. My attention went to her. We smiled at each other.

"Does this mean I'm one of your girls too?" Did Rhea even need to ask? Of course she is.

"Of course you are." I subconsciously bit my lip, feeling like there's slight tension between us. My gaze returned to Trinity who was currently sipping a cocktail and not looking at me. Ginger was trying to hide a smirk. Roxxxy and Axel were putting the finishing touches on their outfits. Crap, I've been caught and they are going to want to gossip, I'm sure. "Hey, could you find a seat for us? I'm gonna grab one more thing and I'll be out."

"Yeah, sure. I have to use the restroom anyways." Rhea left the dressing room.

The three anxious queens and Axel immediately jumped the gun. "I see you're over Taylor." Roxxxy pointed out.

"That's okay, because we hate Taylor. You don't need that two-faced bitch in your life." Axel said and everyone else agreed.

"Yeah, I don't ever want to see her again. You know, I found out who she cheated on me with." Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked at me. It was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. "Go figure, it's the most beautiful girl in WWE, Carmella." I said with venom in my voice.

"Oh hell to the no!" Trinity stepped forward. "I will not stand for this. Tell me where she lives, I'll go over right now!" 

"There's no need for violence. I got my revenge last week and I confronted Carmella in the locker room. Long story short, I challenged Rhea for the title and the plastic bitches wanted to fight us. We wiped the floor with them." I pulled out my phone and brought up a video that showed some highlights from the match. 

"So, I got a question." After watching the video, Ginger spoke up first. "When are you going to tell that girl you love her?"

I was taken aback by this. "What? Tell who?" They laughed at my comment. "Do you mean Rhea?"

"Well, we don't mean us. Hun, you are whipped for that woman." Roxxxy placed her hand on my shoulder. 

I know I've been caught, but now I'm getting nervous. If it's that obvious, does Rhea know? "The only person who looks at me like that is my boyfriend." Trinity said and sipped on her drink. 

Ginger jumped in too. "I only look at my husband that way. So, either you're both secretly dating, or you're both pining."

I scoffed and roll my eyes. "I don't pine, Ginger. Besides, she's my best friend. Nothing more than that." Roxxxy threw her hands up in defeat because she knows how stubborn I am. I know Ginger and Trinity would still push for answers. "The only other thing she is to me, other than that, is she's my dom. That part is new." I lifted my hand to show the ring.

"Wait, you said dom? You have a dom/sub relationship with her, and you are still in denial?" Trinity came up to me and gently grabbed my arms. "Sweetheart, I know you can do that without strings attached. Just for one minute, I want you to listen to me." She cupped my cheeks to keep my attention on her. "I've gathered from context clues before. I remember when you brought Taylor here all of the time. Trust me when I say, humans give away when they truly love someone. Your love for Taylor almost looked forced. Like it was a challenge to be with her. You're not even dating Rhea and I can see a major difference."

Ginger added to this. "I totally agree with Trinity. You melted into Rhea's touch. You look so happy around her and it looks like you are both naturally drawn to each other."

"You mean that twin flame shit?" Axel asked Ginger. Ginger nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I see it too."

"I can understand your pain, Riley." Ginger rested a hand on my shoulder. "You were hurt and you're still healing. You love someone again and you're scared they could hurt you too." Wow, I can't believe how right Ginger is. "Let me say this. There's a gap between you and Rhea. You want to be with her. All you have to do is make that jump. If you fall, give her the chance to catch you. It will be worth it."

I took a minute to absorb what they were saying to me. They're right, the only think holding me back at the moment is myself. "Ok, I'll think this over and do something about it."

I left the dressing room and found Rhea. She saved a table, which happened to be near the stage. I sat down as the show started. "Hey, I was starting to worry."

I waved off her comment. "No need, I'm good. My girls and my boys got my back."

Rhea looked at the plastic bag in my hand. "Can I see what she made you?"

I looked at the bag, then to Rhea. I smirked and shook my head. "Sorry, daddy, no can do. You'll have to wait and see on Monday."

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