Chapter 13

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Since I have a few hours before I have to pack up and get ready to go to the venue, I decided to do some shopping.

Rhea told me the collar could be anything. The hard part is deciding on what it could be. I'd get a tattoo, but there's no guarantee this new relationship could last forever. I'm serious about being her submissive, don't get me wrong. I guess it's just the anxiety.

Rhea stayed at the hotel. She volunteered to clean up our mess and to pack up everything. Nikki volunteered to come with me. I didn't want to go alone, so she stepped up to the plate. I'm grateful I have her. She's been my biggest cheerleader throughout this.

"Hey, she told you it could be anything, right?" I was scrolling through my phone to look for ideas. I looked up at Nikki as we walked through the local mall.

I furrowed my eyebrows while I thought about it. "Yeah, as long as it's something I can wear all of the time."

"Get a ring. People wear rings all of the time." Nikki smiled and looked proud of herself.

I hummed as I thought about it. It's not a bad idea. "I could, but I don't know. Wouldn't it look suspicious if I suddenly got a ring?"

"It won't be suspicious. Maybe if you wear it on your ring finger, yes. Put it on a different finger. Why are you so worried about it? It's not like anyone will notice." I guess Nikki hasn't witnessed the power of humans.

I stopped walking and gave Nikki a look. "Nikki, I would over analyze everything about celebrities I liked as a teenager. I could pick out small details. I knew people were gonna divorce if I saw one photo taken without a wedding ring. You really think we don't have fans doing the same thing to us?"

"Get a ring and wear it on your middle finger instead. The only place a ring holds value is on the ring finger. Maybe someone would notice, yes. At least it's not going to be as suspicious as it could be." Nikki could see I'm faltering and second guessing myself. She gently grabbed my arm and lead me to a jewelry store nearby. "Don't let anyone stop you from getting what you want; even yourself."

"What are you, a motivational speaker?" I looked at Nikki and she pointed to the rings on display.

If I see something I like, I'll get it. It doesn't have to be extravagant. Sometimes less is more. I crouched down to get a better look. There's plenty of gorgeous choices. A lot of them look great for engagement or weddings. As much as I'd love to get a flashy one and show off, I want to stay under the radar.

My eyes scanned through as I thought about each one. That is, until my eyes landed on a particular silver band. The design made it look like connected vines that are weaved together. It must be my lucky day because there are two of them. A silver and a gold. I stood up straight and smiled at Nikki. "I found two I like. I'll get us each one."

"I thought you only needed one for yourself? Why get two of them?" Nikki asked.

I waved a clerk over to help me out. "I don't know. Rhea told me to get a matching set. She said she would explain it to me later."


Nikki and I returned to the hotel on time so we can get ready. While we made our way onto our floor, Carmella and Zelena passed us. Zelena sent a wink my way, which earned an eye roll from both Nikki and I. "I really don't like them." I whispered to myself.

"Me neither," Nikki whispered back to me. We made it to my room without another incident. "I'll see you later."

I nodded and entered the shared room. The beds look like they've been made and all of our clothes are picked up and packed away. Well, all except my ring gear. I see Rhea sat it out for me on my bed. I know Rhea is in the bathroom getting ready. The door is closed, and I can hear one of her playlists playing. It's the one she puts on to get her hyped up before a match. I can tell because there is an Ice Nine Kills song on. They are mostly what she listens to when she has to get into the pumped up fighter head space. 

I got undressed and slipped on my black ring pants. I heard the bathroom door open as I grabbed my black boots. Rhea came in to check on me. Her makeup is half done. The only thing she has to do is her lips and eyes. "Oh good, you're back. Did you find anything?" 

"Yeah, I did." I grabbed the shopping bag and chucked it at her. She caught it without much effort. "I also got matching ones like you said." I put on my boots and laced them up so I can tie them. "Why did you want me to get a matching set, anyways? I thought when a submissive gets a collar, they just have one for themself?" 

I finished lacing up my boots and stood up from the bed. Rhea took the boxes from the bag and opened them. "Normally, yes." She opened the boxes and removed the rings. She examined them curiously. I watched as she ran her thumb over them to feel the texture of the metal rings. "We aren't normal, obviously. Now, which one is yours?"

"The silver one." I said and pointed at it. "Oh, could you put it on my right middle finger?"

"Whatever my baby girl wants." She gently took my hand and slipped the ring on. "You are now bound to me. As long as you wear your collar, you will be my submissive. Now, do the same for me." I took the gold ring and slipped it on the same finger on her hand. "I am now bound to you. As long as I wear this collar, I shall be your dominant. Our bond will be unbreakable." I couldn't help the smile that made its way onto my lips. "Anything you want to add?"

"Ok, I do have something, but don't laugh." I took a deep breath before continuing. I hope she doesn't laugh because I'm gonna use a line from Game Of Thrones. "I am yours, and you are mine. From this day, until the end of our days."

Rhea bit her lip and tried her hardest to stifle a snicker. "What is this, Game Of Thrones?"

"I told you not to laugh!" I tried to push her away, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. I let her hug me as we gently swayed. "Hey, I need to mention something about later."

She stopped swaying us, but didn't let go of me. "What's that?"

"No matter what happens tonight or next week, it's just you and me. I don't want anyone coming in between us for our match. If anyone interrupts us, we take them out together." I released Rhea and gave her a determined look to show how serious I am.

"Even if Nikki wants to jump in?" I know I said anyone, but I guess Rhea has a point. Nikki is like a sister to me and I'd give her the world if I could.

"Yes, even Nikki. My eyes are only on you. This match is between us and us only."

Rhea nodded and pulled me to her. "Getting possessive, I see."

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