Chapter 26

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Rhea furrowed her eyebrows and sat up straight. "You had feelings for me?"

"Yeah, I still do." I looked over at Nala. She was sleeping on her bed nearby. Her soft snores could be heard from across the room.

"Why did it take you so long to tell me?" Rhea's voice still held that soft and gentle tone.

I shrugged and tried to find the right words. "Because I'm terrified. I'm so scared of screwing up and losing you. I thought if I didn't tell you, then the feelings would go away. Obviously they didn't. I wanted to keep you in my life, even if it meant suffering in silence."

"I was scared too." Rhea admitted. "I always felt like I had your attention, but you were just out of reach. That's why I was clingy when you returned to RAW and why I got jealous when you accepted a date from Liv. You thought you lost me? I thought I lost you."

My smile dropped and I felt a pang of guilt. I didn't know how Rhea was feeling, so I created bad ideas to find out. I was playing with her feelings and I felt terrible for it. "I'm sorry I played with your feelings like that. You didn't lose me. I was always here right beside you."

Rhea let go of my hand and caressed my cheek with her knuckles. She gently turned my head so I was looking at her again. She had a soft smile. "Tell me how you feel when we're together like this. There's no judgement and no holding back. I want to know everything."

I smiled and felt my lip quiver. "I care so much about you. You are so beautiful all of the time. Whether you're in your ring gear and brutalizing your competition, or you're cuddling with your pets and eating sour candy. You make my heart skip beats and I feel the cheesy crush feelings. You make me feel strong, cared for and I feel like I'm enough because of you. When you hold me, I feel protected and safe. I feel like nothing can hurt me."

Rhea chuckled and pulled me towards her. She pecked me on the forehead, which added to my security. "I feel that way too. I get compared to men all of the time and I always hear I'm too muscular or I'm not feminine enough. You make me feel beautiful and when you look at me, all of the negativity washes away. I feel like I don't have to be strong for you. At the same time, I want to protect you."

We rested our foreheads together and took a deep breath together. Our noses rubbed and I have the strongest urge to kiss her. "Demi...." I trailed off, as I felt the forbidden words attempt to surface. I guess they aren't forbidden anymore since we share each other's feelings. Rhea hummed a response and i felt her hot breath on my lips. "......I love you."

Rhea had a toothy grin plastered on her face and it made my heart melt. "I love you too, Riles."

Finally, we gave in to temptation. Our lips touched. My heart swelled because finally, everything is out in the open. The tension has melted away and I'm aching for someone to pinch me so I know I'm not dreaming. At this point I also don't care. For once, I want to be selfish and relish the moment. I never get to be selfish, I've been so selfless all of my life. I'm taking what's mine for once.

As we pulled away, it was difficult to not continue kissing Rhea. Her lips are so addicting. "What's gonna happen now?"

"What do you want to happen, baby girl?" I've lost count with how many times, but Rhea is still consitant with asking me how I feel and what I want. If I wasn't so sure we are on the same page, I would ask her too.

"Well, I'd like to move my collar to my ring finger. I'm ready for people to know it means something. I already know it does, but I want it where it should be." Rhea nodded and I presented my hands to her. She removed the ring from my right hand and slipped it on my left ring finger. I sat up so she could move her arm. She presented her hands to me and I moved her ring as well. She replaced her arm so she's holding me again. "I also want to know if we could be girlfriends? I know you're my dom, but I'd also like to be your girlfriend."

"I'd love to be your girlfriend, Riley." Rhea responded and pulled me in for another kiss. She's being so gentle right now and it's warming my heart. After pulling away, I snuggled up to Rhea again and played the movie.

I can't wait to tell Nikki and Drew. They're gonna be so happy to hear I shoved my fears away and went for it. Speaking of which, I think my friends at the club would like to hear about this too. I pulled out my phone and took a small video of the movie. I turned the camera around to Rhea and I. Rhea looked at the camera and smiled. She kissed the side of my head and hugged me close. I stopped the video and sent it to my queens and Axel. "Ginger is gonna flip when she finds out she was right."

"I don't think there's anyone out there who will top Nikki's reaction when she finds out." I shrugged and nodded. She's not wrong, Nikki might book the next flight over here just to confirm I'm telling the truth. "Honestly, I'd wait to tell her until tomorrow."

"Yeah, I know. I'm only telling my drag friends right now. They'll see it later. I'll tell Nikki in the morning." I checked the time and saw it was getting late. "By the way, are you going home or staying the night?"

"Trying to get rid of me, love?" I gave Rhea a look that shows I'm not joking, but serious. "I was going to leave, but it's getting late. I'd rather not drive at this time of night. You wouldn't mind if I stayed, would you?"

I shook my head with a smile. "I don't mind. I was wondering because I have to crash soon. I have a chiropractor appointment in the morning, then a couple interviews tomorrow. Need all the rest I can get."

"Then let's go to bed now and we can finish the movie tomorrow." I nodded and turned off my PlayStation and my TV. Rhea followed me to my room. Since I wore a t-shirt and basketball shorts today, I went straight to bed without changing. Rhea tucked herself in next to me. She kissed me briefly before pulling me into her arms. We snuggled up together and I listened to her heartbeat. "Goodnight, love."

"'Night, Demi."

Rhea Ripley- Mending Broken HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now