Chapter 8

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I'm laying on my bed since Rhea is taking her turn in the shower. Currently, I'm texting Nikki. She told me to text her if something happens, so here I am. The gay panic has set in!

Super Nikki: Sorry, just got out of the shower. What's up?

Blessed Sinner: I was looking in the mirror earlier. Rhea must have thought I was self degrading myself internally. I was just looking at my tattoos.

Blessed Sinner: She hugged me from behind and told me I'm beautiful! I'm having gay panic right now!!!!!

Super Nikki: OMG, no way! Did anything else happen?

Blessed Sinner: No, nothing else. She's in the shower right now. Just waiting for her to get out.

Super Nikki: didn't join her????

Blessed Sinner: NIKKI!!!!!!

Super Nikki: Come on, Riley you know you want to. You want a slice of the Australian Nightmare. ;D

Super Nikki: How does it feel to touch her, I wonder? Could you feel those toned muscles of her's? 

Blessed Sinner: Fucking hell, Nikki! Stop it!!

"I'm going to smack her!" I threw my phone across the bed and covered my face with my hands. She must find it funny to tease me like this. God damn it, Nikki! I huffed and crossed my arms as I closed my eyes. Actually, now that I think about it, Nikki might be right. Even though Rhea's muscular body makes me feel safe, there's something else to it. Rhea is an attractive woman. Some may say she looks like a dude, or she's not feminine enough. That's not true because I think she's very beautiful. She doesn't owe anyone femininity to be a woman. She has her own sense of style that works for her. Although, I do wonder what it would be like to kiss her. There's so much I like about her. I'd love to feel her in a different way. Her lips trailing down my neck. Her hands all over my body. Oh, the things I wish I could tell her. The things I want her to say to me. The things I need her to do to me. I'd let that woman ruin me, if given the opportunity. 

"What are you thinking about?" My eyes flew open. I didn't even realize Rhea was done with her shower. I didn't hear the door open at all. Shit, I think I've been caught!!! I gotta come up with an excuse, and fast!

"What am I not thinking about, is the better question." Rhea gave me a look like she thinks I'm lying. "Honestly, I can't stop thinking about next week."

Rhea nodded and walked over to her bed. She sat down and leaned forward, showing interest in the conversation. "Oh, yeah. You mean the fact you challenged me for my title? Good luck with that. You haven't beaten me before." She flashed me a smirk and stuck out her tongue, revealing her piercing. 

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I know. There's a first time for everything." Rhea dropped the smirk, which earned a laugh from me. 

She bolted up and jumped onto my bed. Similar to last night, she grabbed my wrists and pinned my arms above my head. She's straddling my hips to keep me from moving. Why does Rhea insist on asserting dominance lately? "You want to test that theory, love?" She lowered her gaze from my eyes. I think she's looking at my lips. My breath hitched. Her gaze returned to my eyes and she smirked at my reaction. "What's wrong? Do I make you nervous?" 

"No..." I felt her grip on my wrists loosen. This is my chance! In one fluid motion, I jerked my hips up, allowing me to flip us over so I was the one on top now. I sat on her thighs and used my iron grip to pin her wrists. Her eyes were wide and I noticed her pupils are dilated. "....but you should be." Rhea's face held nothing but pure shock. Check mate, I win.


Over the rest of the week, I created a routine. In the mornings, I'd eat with Rhea and Nikki and work out with Becky. In the afternoon, I would talk to Nikki and relay anything that happens between Rhea and I. In the evenings and into the night, Rhea and I watch some TV until we're ready to go to sleep.

Although, there was a few days where some of us were scheduled to go take interviews and talk to any sponsors who have taken interest. Not all of us were given the opportunity for sponsorship.

Today, I told Becky I wanted a break from working out so I don't over work my muscles and hurt myself. Luckily, she had no problem with it since we're supposed to go to the arena tomorrow.

"No!" Rhea and I laughed as we finished our seventh game of Uno. Rhea and I each had three wins. I just won, making me one win ahead of her.

"Yes, finally! Something I can beat you at." Rhea is good at a lot of things, but at least I know I can beat her at Uno.

"I bet you cheated." She threw down her last two cards into the pile.

"Come on, Rhea. You can't cheat when you play Uno."

We sat in silence, trying to figure out something we can do now. Rhea looked at me like she wanted to ask me a question. I noticed and gave her all my attention. "Hey, do you-" She rubbed the back of her neck. Wow, I haven't seen Rhea this nervous in awhile. "Do you want to go to the pool with me?"

I nodded and shrugged my shoulders. "Sure, why not?"

We got off of Rhea's bed and grabbed our bags to fish out our bathing suits. "I call the bathroom." Rhea said as she walked in and shut the door.

Since she took the bathroom, I'm gonna change here. I removed my clothes as quickly as I could. I put on my two piece suit, which was dark green, sort of like my ring gear. I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt as a cover up. Just as I finished, Rhea came out of the bathroom with her suit on and two towels. She threw one at me, which I caught. "Nice try, I saw that coming." Rhea chuckled and walked to the door. I grabbed my phone and one of the room keys before leaving with Rhea. 

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