"Have you come for lunch?"

"We came for board games,"

"Excellent. But, your dad isn't here. He is on a double date with Mike,"

"They left you and Ashton alone?" Maja asked, taking her shoes off, "Rude,"

"We said we would stay, and it seemed to work out. Where's the rest of you?"


"You must've been painting," he said to me, touching my chin, "Pink?"

"We did pottery painting, she did her mug for me,"

"How sweet,"

"We have company?"

Ash walked through in his dressing gown and slippers, smoothie in hand.

"We do, and it's almost midday, get dressed,"

"I don't need to, I'm not doing anything. Have you come for lunch?"

"Board games," I said, hugging him tightly, "I missed you,"

"You did?"


"I have missed you too, darling. Would you like a drink?"

"I'm okay,"

"I'll get you water. Girls?" Calum said, "We have soda, or coffee, or tea?"

"I'm good thanks,"

"Me too,"

"I am also good," I said, but he pushed the water into my hand anyway and kissed my head.

One thing about the guys is that they did not care about embarrassing me infront of my friends.

While dad kept it pretty low key unless I was sick, the guys pampered me.

"I suppose I'll go and change,"

Ash walked off, so I sat down at their table and set down my water, Calum taking the seat beside me. Maddox did a little cough and folded her arms, then he moved round the table to the other side.

Ash came back and brought over Monopoly with a smug look on his face, then everyone -being the competitive people we were- immediately picked up a piece.

Mads was probably the least competitive, she didn't shout or act like a sore loser, but the adrenaline from the rest of us often rubbed off; my friends were all those kind of people.

About half way through the game, the rest of my friends let themselves in and watched us play, but Calum won which pleased none of them.

"Right then, who wants lunch?"

All of us raised our hands and Ashton scoffed, shaking his head. Deep down, though, I knew he was happy my friends felt comfortable here, and that he had lots of company.

He made up some sandwiches and salad, then put it on the table with plates; Calum brought over crisps, then chucked a packet at my head.


"Anyone else?"

"I'll grab mine myself," Julian said, "Don't need my face ruined,"

"Julian has a date too,"


"Who is the lucky man?" Maddox said.

"I'll tell you later,"



Everyone began to eat, making conversation, but I was a little tired so I didn't, only pulling faces at Calum every so often.

After lunch, we played another board game, but then the rest of the guys got back and it put my friends on edge. Most likely because it was dad.

"Are we having a party?" he asked, gently squeezing my shoulder to let me know he was there, "How is everyone?"

He got a chorus of 'good' then went to make himself and Sierra a drink, while my friends all began to get their shoes on.

"Are you all leaving?"

"I'm gonna stay for a bit," Maddox said, "If that's okay?"

"Oh, me too then," I said.

"Of course,"

"I think I'm gonna have a nap," Henry said, "Thanks for lunch,"

They all trailed out, then Mads grinned and leant into me for a cuddle, the smell of her shampoo overriding everything else. She had all the mega expensive brands, which made sense now.

"You should've come on the double date,"

"Yes, Luke, I am sure Gabi would've loved to sit with us, her dad and uncle, and have a date with her girlfriend,"


Ashton made a whoosing noise and flicked his hand over his head, making me giggle, then dad got it and scoffed.

"Are you two feeling okay? How come you're not going back with your friends?"

"I am fine,"

"My shoulder hurts,"

"Oh sweetheart, let me get you some medicine," Sierra said, rushing out of the room; she came back with tablets and gave it to Maddox.

"You might benefit from sleeping in your own bed when we go to yours, just so you don't have to worry about Gabi hitting you,"

"She doesn't hit me,"

"She might accidentally in the night. Her dad does,"

"I never,"

"You do," Mike said, sitting on the sofa, "A little,"

Dad's cheeks went red, then he apologetically kissed Sierra and sat down beside me, his hand on my shoulder.

I found if he had been away from me for longer than he normally was, he got a bit clingy.

We all chat for a bit, the guys taking interest in Maddox's life- hearing her talk made me feel really proud, and the excitement on her face when she spoke about what she enjoyed was beautiful.

I admired how much she did, too. All the sports, studying, everything.

"We should probably get back and make sure the place isn't burnt down," she said.

"Good plan, checkout is at 10 tomorrow so please make sure the place is clean by then," Ash said, "But go and have fun. We can worry about that tomorrow,"

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