Dear J

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A week after the proposal, something beautiful, simple and heartfelt private wedding is happening today.

Jennie didn't want a grand one. Just an intimate ceremony with their loved ones and friends are enough for the couple. Lisa just agreed to everything that Jennie wants for the moment they have been waiting for so long— and that's to finally get married.

Lisa is trying so hard to control her emotions. She's crying the whole time looking at Jennie approaching her. She keeps asking her parents if this is just a dream or it's happening for real.

But the moment she held Jennie's hand and wiped her tears away, she has proven that this is so real.

The ceremony brings joy and tears to the people who are present. But Lisa and Jennie are honestly having this little pinch in their hearts knowing the Mr. and Mrs. Kim are not here.

But life must go on. It's not always about the people around you even how important they are to you if they don't want to be part of it. Again, life must go on.

After Lisa and Jennie delivered their vows to each other, an unexpected entrance happened.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim arrived.

Jennie felt like she's being choked.

"Please. Not again. I want to marry you now." She is crying as she leans her head to Lisa's chest after seeing her parents.

V stood up and went to Jennie's side right away. Lisa's father also walked towards the couple.

Lisa is so desperate right now. She left Jennie at her father and V's watch for a while and walked towards Mr. and Mrs. Kim.

"Sir, please. Please just let us do this. I'll give you whatever you want just—. Sir, I am begging. Let me marry Jennie. Let us be happy. Can you please accept the fact that we love each other? Sir, please—" Lisa is about to kneel and beg for acceptance.

But Jennie's Dad gently took her arm and let her stand straight before her knees reach the ground.

"Go back there and you may now kiss my daughter."

And all of the people inside were shocked.

Lisa couldn't collect all the air she needed and just embraced Mr. Kim. She went back to Jennie who is still crying. But somehow, she saw that genuine smile from her wife's face.

"I thought that's going to be like one of the films with so much drama." Lisa uttered and they all just laughed.

Jennie faced her parents and mouthed her love for them. Her father just smiled at her.

After the officiant announced them as one, Lisa got everyone's attention before kissing Jennie. She faced Jennie's Dad and smiled.

"Sir, you told me a while ago that I may kiss your daughter now. Just so you know, Jennie and I had a deal before that we should not kiss each other. But she's the first one who broke our rule."

Jennie just pulled Lisa again and kissed her.

"Too much information, babe. They didn't have to know that." She whispered to Lisa and the other just chuckled.

After the picture taking and when they made sure that the marriage documents will be filed soon by the Vice President's assistant, they all went to the reception.

Livi sang a song for her parents and even delivered a short but sweet message. People were crying because this little girl told a short story of their sad life in Italy. But she was too honest to tell everyone how Lisa made her and her mother realize that it is not yet too late to be happy and safe.

Lisa's parents also expressed their love for the couple. V and their friends did not miss the chance of promising their support for Lisa and Jennie whatever happens. They even shared how they witnessed Jennie and Lisa's love for each other even if the world broke them apart.

RM even called them the Soldiers of Love.

When the host called out any more volunteers to give a message, they all got surprised.

Mr. Kim walked in the middle and took the mic from the host. Jennie and Lisa are actually wondering what he has to say. He first called Livi to join him. That made Lisa smile.

Before he could say a word, he took his hanky from his pocket and wiped his tears.

My Dear J,

When you were a little kid, you were this beautiful as my granddaughter. But not as expressive and brave as her.

While Livi was talking here, I realized something. Lisa is someone who brings out the truth in you. The truth that will make you happy and comfortable of who you are. I saw in Livi how Lisa helps you in raising a kid who is not afraid of speaking her heart out. I can see that Livi is a happy kid right here.

And with that, I realized too of how bad of a father I was to you. I love you and your brother but I was too hard on you. I let you live under my control. I thought my decisions were always right. I thought you will be happy if I decide for you. But I was wrong. I risked your life. I took away the happiness you deserved.

I have been thinking lately on how I will ask forgiveness from you and Lisa. And since this day is so important to you, I think I made the right decision of coming and celebrating with you. I am sorry for all the heartaches, Jennie and Lisa. Rest assured that from now on, I will not only be a good father for Jennie and V, but also to you Lisa. I swear, I will never interfere with my grandchildren's lives in the future. It's all in your hands. You know better.

Lisa, thank you. I can't tell one by one all the help you did for us. But one major reason why I should thank you is for loving my daughter despite all the hurdles. Thank you for being an instrument for Jennie to get to know herself more.

All I thought we deeply know her. Only to realize, my daughter lived in fear because of me and that's why she never had the chance to know herself even more. Thank you for being her freedom and strength when her own family was never there to let her use her own wings.

From the bottom of my heart, I apologize for everything I have done to both of you and to the people I hurt because of my greed.

Lisa, I can't tell you anymore to please take care of my daughter. Because we all know that even if we don't say it, you already did and in your own ways, you will.

I can't tell you to love my daughter more because it's pretty obvious that you love her the most.

But if there's one thing that I want to ask from the two of you, please don't ever forget this.

Be the best parents your children will look up to as an example everyday. Continue how you raise Olivia and make her believe that her feelings are valid. Never give up on what you both have for each other so your child will make you as her image of love.

Never be like me who could put his children's lives at risk for my own desires. I really regret everything I did.

Be who you are. Be the parents they will be proud of. Let yourselves be your children's best friends and not someone they will fear of telling what they are having inside.

I love the two of you. And from now on, I will always be here for you.

The reception was full of tears. Lisa guided Jennie so they can hug their father. After that reconciliation, Lisa gave Jennie's hand to Mr. Kim for a dance.

What's more genuine than that?


IG: @lvnalvnalvnaxx

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