Here's The Check

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"Babe, I am going somewhere tonight." I whispered while Jennie's making my coffee.

"Tell me more about it." She said.

"I am meeting your fake husband." I said. She suddenly stopped stirring. She sighed.

We went to our backyard so we can have our breakfast together. Mom and Livi went outside accompanied by our helper and my cousin to go to the big market today and buy fresh seafoods.

When we settled, she prepared my sandwich and placed some food on my plate. I held her leg and put it on my lap so I can give her a massage.

"Is it really necessary to see him, Lisa? I think, it's not a good idea." She is worried.

"Please do not worry. The police officers and the investigation team already prepared for tonight. I will be safe. We really just have to stop all his wrong doings. The authorities assured me that after this, our family and my businesses will be highly protected. Please don't worry, babe." I am really convincing her right now.

She is just quiet.

"Babe, please? I just really need to see him tonight. It's for my own peace too." I kept trying.

"Just promise me that you are coming back alive, Lisa. I don't want to lose you. And promise me too that you won't do anything that would put yourself in danger. God. This is danger already. Never ever do some crime. You know what I mean." She is really hesitant to allow me.

"Trust me. I promise, I won't do things that will make you worry. I will call you right away after the trap." I said. She did not react anymore. She just sat on my lap and embraced me.

Night came and Jennie keeps on sending me messages. She's not okay with this decision. She is worrying too much. I really understand her. My Dad called me too and scolded me on the phone for risking my life here. He told me that he'll ask help from stronger authorities to make sure I'll be safe. Relax, people. I am not going to die.

I called Jennie when we're near the port already. It's where Jason's going to meet us. Before I got out of the car, Jennie let me talk to our Livi. Her small voice told me to go home early because she's looking forward to hear another bedtime story from me. I promised her that I'll be home before nine and will tell her a beautiful one. Honestly, my child's voice gave me strength. Thinking of Jennie ignites me to do good.

I brought myself to Jason's yacht. With me are disguising men from the authorities. They are police officers who just wore a simple suit.

We've been planning for this since the day I took Jennie and Livi from Italy.

I observed the surroundings and it just proved that Jason is not a smart guy for being here alone. One of the police officers also told me that the area is clear. Confirmed. Jason has no back up.

But when I entered his yacht, I did not only see him alone drinking his brandy. Mr. Kim is here. What is he doing here?

"Hi. You are here, Golden L. By the way, this is Mr. Shin Kim. He's Jennie's father." What is Jason planning?

He invited us to join him on the round table. Beside him is Mr. Kim who looked at me strangely. He was surprised seeing me here too.

I sat calmly. I don't know why I am not scared.

"The shipments are already here. It's on the tanks. You want to see it?" He's excited.

"How much do we need to pay?" I asked while taking my check and pen out.

"A hundred and thirty thousand dollars. I guarantee you, we'll double the money in two weeks. No taxes to pay. How does it sound?" You sound like a fool, Jason. The authorities here with me are recording your stupidity.

"But we can't double it in two weeks just by not paying the dues. It's wrong not to pay the taxes, Mr. Li. I do business but I pay what I have to." I said in my dry tone.

"Relax. By the way, how's Jennie? Feels great to fuck her, right? Damn. That woman is a bomb. I missed her cries every time I hit her while I am having a good time." And my ears were like hit by a gong upon hearing that. My heart aches. What did Jennie do to experience that? She's a good person.

I suddenly became so red and my fist couldn't control anymore. I am so angry inside.

"What is this? What did you do to my daughter, Jason?" Mr. Kim suddenly got angry. Wow! Since when did you care about Jennie?

"Because my wife doesn't want to have sex with me so I had to do it my way even if it means forcing her. And I hate that her daughter is with us. I really don't like having that child in my house. It's so disgusting to think that she's Jennie's daughter with an intersex. By the way, I invited you here Mr. Kim for you to hear everything I am going to say. I just want you to feel bad. I fucked your daughter so hard and made her suffer. And I am so mad that even until now, your daughter can't love me back. Wait. You never told me who's that person she was with, Mr. Kim. I should have killed her if only I knew. Jennie never told me her name. Maybe Jennie is still in love with her that's why she couldn't give me what I wanted." Jason, I really want to stab your neck now.

"I'm sorry I became too emotional here, Golden L. Let's go back to business. I just want Mr. Kim to hear that his daughter is now your whore. This old man has to know the result of being not a good father and did not teach Jennie how to treat me." This evil is laughing so hard.

My tears are coming out but I am really trying so hard not to cry. I have to compose myself.

"You want to kill me, Jason?" I asked him while writing on the check.

His face suddenly became serious. His hand is shaking while holding his glass of brandy. He curiously looked at me.

"What did my daughter do to you that you hated her so much? She is a child." My voice is already expressing my anger.

He couldn't speak. Suprise, Mr. Li!

I placed the check in front of him with "Congratulations! You are fucked! Jail is waiting." written on it. He is shaking.

He's about to pull out his gun but the officers were so alert to pin him down and they cuffed him.

"Jason, I never hurt Jennie. All I did was take care of here even before you took her away from me.

I have always been told by my Dad and Jennie not to hurt someone. I really want to kill you now, Jason. But I do believe in karma. So, here's for you.

Now, the cuff is for all your bad deeds in business. That agony in your heart will last forever for hurting my innocent child. And the burden and misery waiting for you in jail will forever remind you of every pain you gave Jennie." I remained calm in this situation. But to be honest, I am hurt inside remembering what this man has done to my girlfriend and my daughter.

"Sir, can you please bring Mr. Kim to his house safely?" I requested from one of the officers and they guided Jennie's dad. It's the first time I saw him cry. Poor man he had to hear how this evil hurt his daughter.

Jason was taken by the police. The chief talked to me. Dad sent him here to make sure I'll be okay. They are really so good when it comes to their duty. He surrounded the area with his men to monitor and secure us while we're inside the yacht. He thanked me for cooperating with them. He said that Jason is not only wanted here in Korea but also in other countries. There's no way for this man to be out from jail anymore.

I was peacefully escorted by some police to our house.

My father cried when he saw me coming in the gate. He embraced me and told me not to do it again.

And here's Jennie sobbing and never let me go.

My daughter is so innocent wanting my time when she saw me entering the house. She said she wants me to rest from talking tonight and she'll be the one to tell me a story of her dream last night about unicorn, fairies, castles and sweet candies.

"No more Jason Li, my love." And I just saw Jennie took a deep breath while hearing that from me.

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