Juliet's Luck

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It was a tiring day hopping from one company to another. But it always takes my tiredness away whenever I see Mom at home and she is cooking again. Our helper and my cousin just support her every move. Her caregiver leaves the house when his shift is done.

"You just arrived from Italy three days ago and here you are working non stop." Mom scolded me while I hug her from behind the moment I came home.

"What's for dinner, Mom?" I asked and it really smells good.

"Jennie's favorite. I'll also pack some for V and maybe you can give it to him tomorrow? You know, they are very unlucky with their parents. I really miss Jennie, Lisa." Mom's more emotional than I am.

"I really do miss her too, Mom." I sighed.

"Any progress?" She asked.

"None. V sill couldn't catch his Dad talking to Jennie's husband." I said with disappointment.

"We'll have her. I believe we will have her again." Here's my mother bringing in some positivity.

"Your Dad called earlier. Maybe you should call him. Your brother is coming over before his graduation. Do you have a job for him already?" She said and I just nodded.

My attention shifted on the pieces of papers clipped on the fridge by magnets.

I walked near and found this cream envelope. I took it and I saw the address at the back that made me smile.

"Home of Juliet, Italy"

"Oh, it was delivered this morning when you left. Is it a love letter? Are you dating someone in Italy already?" My mother is eager to know but I could see a little bit of sadness in her eyes.

"I'm not, Mom. I am still in love with Jennie and there's no way to entertain other people. I think I won't date anyone." I said.

"But if the time comes that there's someone who makes you happy already, I won't get in the way, Lisa. You also deserve to be loved." She said.

"I don't know. Mom, there's no one like Jennie." I think I can't move one.

"I know. I will pray harder for Jennie. Come here." Mom embraced me so tight. She knows I'm going to cry again tonight.

After dinner, I did a conference meeting online with some suppliers from other countries. I am looking for new suppliers for our needs at The Golden L especially in our hotel. The casino is doing well and I will maintain what we got there. All I need is some renovation and innovation for the hotel.

One of the suppliers is Jessica Bridge. Her company's residing in the USA and she encourages me to trust their linens, bedroom stuff and fragrances for The Golden L. I am considering her presentation and she even promised to bring samples when she visits Korea next month.

Lying on my bed drowns me in sorrow. Still thinking of Jennie and my child. How are they? Are they living a healthy life? is Jennie happy?

My mind remembered that figure in Verona I saw. And that made me take the letter from my desk. I am nervous. I am not sure if this is right. I feel like I'm cheating the moment I open this letter.

Lisa, calm down.

Reading it does not mean you are forgetting Jennie.

I took a deep breath upon breaking the wax seal. My room is so quiet and all I could ever hear is this paper being taken out from the envelope. It smells like an old book that is so addicting.

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