Kiss X

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"And? That's it? So how did you feel?" Rosé is so eager to know what happened on the first day of my body exploration. I don't have plans of telling her but she's my best friend and I can't hide anything from her. I just did not go deep in details.

I cooked for her at my restaurant when she messaged me that she's visiting this afternoon. Now we're at my unit and having a wine night.

"It felt awkward at first. Like I even asked myself if I can handle it. But she made me feel comfortable with her. She's really shy at me but I think she was just thinking that she must do her job. And- and she knows the spot. She knows when to start. I mean, our bodies had a connection." I told her while I am fixing the dishes. She was shocked learning my experience with Lisa the other night.

"Oh. That's nice. Compatibility. Aren't you afraid of her?" She asked.

"Did you know that when we're on a club last time, there was a guy who followed me inside the restroom? He had a black plan towards me. Then another person came in. Lisa. She saved me from that guy. And we're both surprised of what happened next on the following days. We even saw each other again at Burger King before we met and discuss about this deal." I said.

"She must be a good person. I want to meet her. Hmmmm. Coincidence. Fate. Destiny." She told me while drinking her wine. I just chuckled and shook my head when I heard her last few words.

"But we have our rules. I told her not to intrude on my personal life." I said.

She just nodded.

My gaze brought me to the clock and it's already seven. That means the radio segment I have been listening to is starting.

"Wait! It's seven." I just stood up and took the radio inside my room.

Rosé laughed at me when I was switching it on.

"Just in time for her show to start." I smiled.

"Oh. That DJ has really good taste in music. I never thought you're tuning in a radio segment, Jen." She said.

"And she really has a very nice voice. So relaxing to my ears. Let's make a request!" I said and messaged their Facebook page.

Rosé and I listened to the love stories that L has been telling over the air waves. She suddenly smirked. Well, she caught me smiling.

"You know, it's inside your TV Network. Why don't you make a way to meet that L? Looks like you're having a crush on her. Hmmmm?" She teased me and I just rolled my eyes.

I requested for Rosé's song and luckily, L played it on the radio! Rosé told me she feels a little weird for her whenever she hears her songs on the radio.

When Rosé left my unit, I messaged Lisa. I am not up for something tonight. I just want her to be here. I don't know. Maybe talk or another glass of wine. I really do not know. We'll see.

J: Hi. Are you free to come tonight?

L: Hi, about to finish work. Sure.

J: Just if you don't have work anymore.

L: Okay. Just let me take a bath at my apartment first. Maybe expect me again around 10pm?

J: Come here directly. Just have a bath here.

L: Really? Will you allow me to use your bathroom there? I don't have extra clothes here with me. I promise, I will go there right away after fixing myself at my apartment.

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