Slippery When Wet

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Lisa and Jennie invited their friends to go out tonight and party as Lisa will be having a special slot in a classy club to spin for the owner's birthday. She always denies this talent of hers. She doesn't only spin on the radio waves but she can literally hit the buttons and vinyl. It was just during her fun times with some of her club DJ friends but somehow she has learned to make music out of boredom. Jennie pushes her to do it so she can also have fun.

"They won't know your DJ L from the radio, babe. Relax!" Jennie really encourages her to try some other stuff.

"Babe, what they should call me there later? DJ L 2.0? Damn! If it's not just Rico's birthday, I really wouldn't do this. We know that this is not my thing and I'm not good at this. In fact, I really do not know how it will come out later. Ugh. Good luck to the late night clubbers. DJ L's on the way with her beautiful lady right here." Lisa said and both of them are laughing inside the car.

"Sometimes it's also nice to try something new. Just consider this as your anniversary gift for me." Jennie told her while smiling.

"Happy third anniversary, Jennie. I really love you!" She greeted Jennie for the seventh time today.

"Happy anniversary, babe. I love you so much! Ugh! I can't wait to marry you!" And that just slipped out from Jennie's tongue. Lisa accidentally stepped on the break.

"Will you marry me?" Lisa asked curiously. Jennie is just giggling in response.

Lisa's set was beyond amazing. The crowd enjoyed her spins and beat. Jennie was so happy seeing Lisa so focused even on something that she is not interested in doing. She keeps boasting her Lisa to Rosé, Jisoo, RM, V and some of their friends.

After her set, Lisa joined them at the bar. Jennie looks so happy siting on a high chair next  to Rosé and Jisoo and having her drink. She's really so proud of Lisa in everything she does. Lisa stood in between her thighs and embraced her right away.

"You're so hot right there. Do you have any idea about that?" She whispered to the tall girl.

"I didn't know what I was doing. Did you like the beat?" She asked Jennie.

"Yes! You're wonderful. I loved how you incorporated old songs to modern EDM. I loved it! How I wish I can hear more of your beats, babe." Lisa is smiling but she feels really shy deep inside.

V tapped her shoulder and they both ordered some drinks at the bar where they are situated. Of course, Jennie doesn't want to let go of their fingers intertwined even if she's talking to her friends about how Lisa and her conquered the three-year itch in their relationship. Going strong!

"V, if ever I ask your sister to marry me, will you support us? I know I am not rich, but I assure you that Jennie will really be happy with me." Lisa asked the twin brother.

"Are you proposing now? Of course! All the way, Lisa! My sister is so in love with you and obviously she's really happy. I know too that you really take care of her obviously. But let me tell you, our parents are already suspecting. Better marry each other right away. Let me know how I can help, okay?" V is excited. The couple is really lucky that somehow, there's someone from Jennie's side who supports them. V and Lisa also talked about the radio station's standing and it's now claimed as the biggest station because of Lisa's segment. That means, she brought billions of wons again in the company.

"Babe, you want another glass? I'm driving later so you can get drunk if you want." Lisa asked Jennie. Jennie laughed upon hearing it.

"One last. I won't get drunk. I love you." Jennie said smiling  and she winked at her.

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