Chapter 9 - It's a Twin Thing

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The doorbell rang several times a day, which was the cue for Sirius's mother to start shrieking again, and for Emily and the others to attempt to eavesdrop on the visitor, though they saw very little from the brief glimpses and snatches of conversation they were able to sneak before Mrs. Weasley recalled them to their tasks. Snape flitted in and out of the house several times more, though to Harry's relief they never came face to face, although his sister did say a few hellos and gave him a hug; Emily also caught sight of her Aunt Minerva, looking very odd in a Muggle coat and dress. They exchanged a few looks, receiving a look of warning from her aunt as if she knew what she had been up to.

Tonks joined them for a memorable afternoon, and Lupin, who was staying in the house with Sirius but who left it for long periods to do mysterious work for the Order, helped them repair a grandfather clock that had developed the unpleasant habit of shooting heavy nuts and bolts at who ever passed by. Despite the fact that Emily was still sleeping badly, still having dreams about corridors and crumbling archways that made her scar prickle, Emily was managing to have fun for the first time all summer.

And then, she would remember that Harry would be on trial.

Fear jabbed at her insides like needles as she wondered what was going to happen to her brother if he was expelled. The idea was so terrible that she did not dare voice it aloud, not even to Ginny and Bill, whom she had grown close with over the days. Sometimes, she could not prevent her imagination showing her a faceless Ministry official who was snapping Harry's wand in two and ordering him back to the Dursleys'... but he would not go. She won't let that happen. It made her mad that she was more afraid of Harry's trial compared to Harry, who kept his head low at all times.

Emily dropped her fork upon hearing Molly whisper to Harry's ear, "I've ironed your best clothes for tomorrow morning, Harry, and I want you to wash your hair tonight, too. A good first impression can work wonders." Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny all stopped talking and looked over at him. Harry nodded and tried to keep eating his cheesecake, but his mouth had become so dry he could not chew.

"How will Harry be getting there?" Emily asked Mrs. Weasley, trying to sound unconcerned. "Arthur's taking you to work with him," said Mrs. Weasley gently. Mr. Weasley smiled encouragingly at Harry across the table.

"You can wait in my office until it's time for the hearing," he said. Harry looked over at Sirius, but before he could ask the question, Mrs. Weasley had answered it. "Professor Dumbledore doesn't think it's a good idea for Sirius to go with you, Emily isn't a good choice as well, and I must say I - "

"Think he's quite right," said Sirius through clenched teeth. Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips.

"When did Dumbledore tell you that?" Harry said, staring at Sirius.

"He came last night, when you were in bed," said Mr. Weasley. Sirius stabbed moodily at a potato with his fork. Harry lowered his own eyes to his plate. The thought that Dumbledore had been in the house on the eve of his hearing and not asked to see him made him feel, if it were possible, even worse.

"Why can't I be there for his hearing?" Emily chirped in, trying to sound chill about everything, "Not that I don't want to be there or anything...I am his sister, it's good to have some moral support." Remus gave her a lopsided smile, drinking down his tea, "And what if you step out of line? Let's say a Ministry official says he's guilty, not that he is, and takes his wand?"

"THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, IS IT?" The Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry received quite the shock from her sudden outburst, Emily blushed bright crimson and timidly picked up her mug of coffee, "Is what someone who's not in control would say, haha. But is there any way for me to - "

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