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For the rest of the day Blue played around with Michael. They seemed to get along well. Everyone was shaken around by the head cutting off thing but otherwise everyone was fine.

Until, Y/n's head started to hurt. The voices didn't make it any better.

Shit we just murdered two people...




Y/n growled and buried her head in her hands. The pain in her head growing every second.

"You okay Y/n?" Tubbo asked, concern Lacing his tone.

"Never been better." She shook her head vigorously and squinted through the window. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall.

"I know someone back at my village I feel like you'd get along with well Wilbur." Niki smiled.

"Really? Is she a mermaid?"

"No Wilbur she's human."

"Oh really?"

"No Wilbur she's obviously a mermaid. Her name's Sally."

"Well her name sounds lovely."

"If we ever go back to sea maybe I'll introduce you to her."

"That'd be amazing!"

"Now that I think about it she's probably incredibly worried about me...Would it be okay if I swam back out there so I can get her and come back?"

"I feel like it'd be fine with everyone." Y/n nodded along sadly.

"Okay! Well, I think I'll get going cause it might be a while."

"I'll see you off Niki." Y/n stood up and walked out with Niki. They walked to the docks and Y/n pulled Niki into a hug and wrapped her wings around her.

"I really don't want you to leave..." Y/n mumbled into Niki's shoulder. Niki hugged her back.

"I promise you I'll be safe Y/n. I need to go now or else it'll take longer." Y/n let go of Niki. Niki pulled Y/n's head down and touched her nose to Y/n's. She smiled and kissed Niki on the forehead.

"I'll see you when you get back." Niki smiled and jumped into the water. The smile slowly faded from Y/n's face as she walked back to the castle.

"I think it would be best if me and Blue got some rest. Goodnight you guys." She picked up Blue who waved bye to Michael and carried him up to her room. She changed him into nice clothes for sleeping.

"You can sleep here with me if you want, I don't really have an extra bed for you."

"Okay!" Blue crawled under the blanket. "Come sit down Mama!" Memories of Max came flooding back as she sat down. Tears gathered at her eyes and started to fall down her face.

"Why are you crying mom?"

"Why are you crying mom?"

Y/n wiped the tears off her face.

"It's nothing Blue, Just go to sleep." Blue looked worried but fell asleep anyway. Y/n leaned against the bed frame and slowly closed her eyes, sleep taking over her.

Until We Meet Again Captain (Niki x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon