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There was a loud boom and Dream disappeared into thin air. Y/n helped Niki up. The floor under them disappeared and they fell into a cell. Niki turned back into a mermaid because of the water running into the cell. It was just enough to where it was always touching her legs, now tail.

Y/n tried to move her arms but they were chained to the wall.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I should've never left the crew. I should have defended Manburg better." Techno mumbled.

"Don't say that Techno. We did everything we could." She flapped her wings hard and pushed against the cell wall. Absolutely nothing happened.

"It's not worth trying Y/n!" Ranboo yelled from the cell across from them.

"It is!" She pushed against the wall and bit at the chains with her sharp teeth but nothing happened. Y/n yelled in anger and punched the wall, only to wince in pain and sit back down.

"I'm gonna fucking kill Dream."

"That's a little dramatic but I do agree he's getting out of control." George agreed.

"Does anyone have a hairpin or anything?" Y/n asked the groups. No one said anything. George started to cough furiously.

"I apologize, I am still sick."

"I can heal you if you want..." Niki said quietly.

"Oh no it's okay."

"No I really want to. I just didn't want to do it on command of Dream."

"Oh okay." Niki started to sing quietly. Her voice was beautiful. Y/n struggled to get out of the chains while she sang. She also noticed how cold it was in the cells. Niki stopped singing and smiled.

"I feel amazing!" George said happily. "How can I ever repay you Niki?"

"I just want to live among the humans, without worry of people trying to kill me for what I am."

"I'll see to that." George and Niki smiled at each other. Y/n continued to try and escape from the chains, her head starting to hurt.

"Y/n are you okay? You look super pale..." Tommy mumbled.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"It's freezing in here..." Ranboo added. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes." She climbed up to look through the bars near the top of the cell. It was dark outside. Y/n started to shiver and fell back to the ground. Niki tried to help her up but the chains held her back. Y/n started to breath heavily and her head started to hurt even more. She got up slowly, almost falling over twice and flapped her wings as hard as she could. There was a loud clang and the chains came straight out of the wall.

Niki watched as Y/n sat down next to her.

"Are you okay?" Niki asked. Y/n's head fell into her lap, she'd passed out.

"What's going on with her is she okay?!?" Techno asked worriedly.

"Yeah what's going on?!" Phil added.

"This happens to all dragons. When they get too cold their body warms itself up and it can cause them to pass out sometimes. As long as she stays somewhat cool while her bodies heating up she could be fine." Ranboo explained. Niki was blushing furiously.

"She looks so calm..." Niki whispered.

Until We Meet Again Captain (Niki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now