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Y/n steered the ship more towards Manburg. You could start to see the kingdom.




"What's wrong?" Niki asked walking over.

"Niki are you any good at fighting?"

"I think I am. I'm good at hand to hand combat, not really good with swords though."

"Well okay then. Stay next to me." Y/n got her coat, sword, and hat. She gave Niki a coat as well. Ranboo and Tubbo tied the ship up and they walked into town.

"Be careful of pickpockets." They walked through the town and towards the kingdom. Y/n glared at the guards and they opened the gates.

"Hello Y/n." A voice said from the throne. Y/n bowed.


"Have you gotten the mermaid yet?"

"Not yet. I went to the place you suggested and didn't find anything."

"Who is that?" Dream walked to the group and pointed to Niki.

"We recruited her before we left for Manburg. She helps man the helm when I'm busy."

"I see. Y/n I'd like to speak with you privately, your crew is dismissed."

"Follow Ranboo okay?" She whispered in Niki's ears and then nodded to the crew. Niki looked back worriedly. As soon as they left the room Dream waved his hand and her head burst into pain.

"You will return to your voyage. You will find a mermaid and return to me with news of your success." She nodded, despite the burning pain in her head. Dream waved his hand again and a burning pain flashing across her back.

"You are free to leave now Y/n."

"I'll see you again soon." She walked out and onto the boat.

"What'd He say to you?" Tommy Asked running over to her. The pain in her head was slowly getting worse.

"He Just Asked me to hurry the job up. I'll be right back." She hurried underdeck and into her room. She took off her coat and saw large scratches on her back. Y/n sighed and bandaged them.

"So much to handle..." She fixed her shirt and walked back onto deck.

"What are the orders captain?" Tommy saluted jokingly.

"We need to go towards the North Sea, however we are running low on supplies so we should stock up before leaving Manburg. Coins are in my office take what you need. Niki your free to walk with me." Y/n jumped off the boat and Niki followed.

"Where are you going?"

"Local pub. I need a drink."

"Oh okay." Y/n walked through some doors and a man met her. She hugged him and they laughed.

"Nice to see you again Sapnap."

"As to you Y/n. Who's your friend?"

"This is Niki, She's apart of my crew."

"Nice. I'll get you the usual, Can I get anything for you Ma'am?" Sapnap Asked Niki.

"Oh, I'll have whatever she's having." Y/n slapped some coins on the bar and Sapnap set down two bottles.

"Thank you man." Y/n popped the lid off and took a swig. Niki took a drink and immediately regretted it, the drink was very strong.

"Not many people like the drink, I'll get you something tamer." She smiled and slid her drink over to Y/n.

"Is He your friend?"

"Yup. Been friends since I was a kid."

"Damn." Sapnap put down a glass and Niki took a drink. It was pretty good.

"Did you talk to Dream today?" Sapnap questioned Y/n.

"Yup. Did the head shit again."

"He's such a dick now. The powers driving him crazy."

"Yeah man. I feel bad for George, he's really sick."

"The word got out pretty quickly." Y/n finished her drink and took a drink of the one Niki gave her.

"This sucks man. One day, I'm gonna kill Dream and take this over myself. Let the people have more power." Y/n slammed the glass down and the bar fell quiet.

"I've got to go back to sea Sap. See you soon eh?"

"As always." She pat him on the shoulder and flipped him a coin. Niki followed her out of the bar.

"Are you drunk?" Niki Asked.


"Oh okay." There was a loud cry from a space between two buildings. Y/n stopped and turned towards the noise. There was a kid who looked to be around 7 or 8 sitting in a box. Y/n walked over and Niki followed.

"Hello, What's your name little one?"


"Hello Max, I'm Y/n."

"Are you a pirate?" The little boy asked.

"Yes. Would you like to come with me? I can provide you with food and clothes."

"Okay, Who's that?" Max pointed up to Niki.

"Oh, I'm Niki! I'm friends with Y/n!" Max hugged her leg, not being very tall.

"Come on Max, We'll get you some food on the ship." Y/n and Niki held Max's hand while they walked towards the ship.

Until We Meet Again Captain (Niki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now