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"We're going through a water fall so go under deck everyone!" Y/n yelled to her crew. It'd been three days since they left the castle. Y/n's back was still in extreme pain.

She steered the boat towards the waterfall and went through it. Once she got through sunlight met her eyes and a glorious and shining castle was standing there.

"You guys can come out now!" Everyone came out and gawked at the kingdom. Ranboo and Niki ran up to her.

"Welcome to me and Ranboo's home everyone!" She steered the boat towards a dock. Tubbo and Phil tied it up and everyone started to walk towards the castle. Niki grabbed onto Y/n's hand causing her to blush furiously. Y/n had figured out she had a huge crush on Niki.

They walked into the castle and into the throne room.

"Mom?! WE'RE HOME!!" A lady with dark purple dragon wings and a black dress on came running towards them.


"It's a long story Mama." She ran over to hug Ranboo who had let the spell wear off of his fairy features.

"Mama, these are my friends. We got attacked by Dream and needed somewhere safe to hide."

"Of course, Welcome back my loves. Hello new people! My name is Audrey! It's lovely to meet you all, Ranboo can you show them to their rooms? I need to talk to Y/n privately."

"Of course Mom, everyone follow me!!" Ranboo led the others off. Y/n pulled her mom into a tight hug.

"It's okay darling, Let me heal you." Y/n took the bandages off her back and her mom waved her hand. Y/n wings grew back quickly, as did her horns.

"Thank you Mama."

"I'm glad to have you back darling." Her mom smiled warmly. "Why don't you get changed and then we can get some food? I bet you and your friends are starving."

"Okay!" She ran upstairs and into her old room. She changed into a pair of dark red pants and a flowy shirt with slits in the back for her wings. She met Niki in the hallway.

"Your wings!! How?!"

"My Mom is the Queen, Elder dragons have the power to heal and create."


"Let's go tell her about you!" Y/n grabbed onto Niki's hand and pulled her downstairs to the dining hall where everyone else already was.

"Mama, this is Niki! She's one of my closest friends and she's a mermaid!" Niki waved with a smile.

"Welcome darling! I hope you enjoy your stay here, and with my daughter." Y/n blushed furiously and the table burst out into laughter. Y/n lead Niki to the table and sat down next to her.

"So what's happened while I've been gone Mama?"

"A lot of things..."

"Also where's father?"

"He's uhm...Out on a mission right now. He'll be back soon enough."

"Oh okay." She took a large bite of food. "Anything else?"

"We have a lot of hatchlings. And our crops are growing better than ever."

"There are hatchlings?!" She yelled excitedly.

"Yup! Their in the nursery right now, I bet they'd love to play around with you and your friends." Y/n quickly finished her food and flew out of the castle. She flew above the town and towards the nursery. She landed in front and walked in.

"Y/n!" Her old friend Katla ran up and jumped into Y/n's arms. She laughed and held onto her tightly.

"I've missed you Katla!"

"You've been gone for so long! Look at you!" She set Katla down and the hatchlings ran over to her. She sat down and wrestled with them playfully.

"So what have you been doing while I've been gone?" Y/n asked, a large smile creeping onto her face.

"Well, I got married. I had a kid of my own, He's hanging out with Draco right now."


"Right after you left he asked me out, I said yes and it just got better from there. He's gonna be so happy to see you." Katla was smiling brightly.

"Why don't we take the hatchlings and go over to him?"

"Actually that's a good idea, Okay everyone we're going on a little trip!" All the hatchlings were happy about this so they started to walk down the street. Katla led the group to a house with a large garden.

"Everyone play in the garden!" She opened the door and a dragon with bright blue wings was sitting on the couch holding a newly born hatchling.

"Oh my god Y/n?!" He gently set the newborn in a cradle and ran over. She hugged him tightly with a laugh.


"I missed you too man!" She laughed and pulled out of the hug. "Nice job getting married dude." He laughed.

"How about you? You got anyone special Y/n? I mean you were gone for a while."

"Not yet, I'm hoping soon though."

Until We Meet Again Captain (Niki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now