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(Disturbing descriptions)

He kicked her in the ribs and she went flying.

"BEAT HIS ASS!" Phil yelled.

"Be quiet." Dream waved his hand and Phil was thrown to the ground. Y/n got up holding her ribs.

"Your a monster Dream."

"Let's fight Y/n." There were two large explosions of smoke and a dark green dragon and a red dragon were standing there. The fake dreams disappeared. They went over to check up on Phil. His heart was beating and he was alive. Ranboo turned around quickly to loud roars. It looked like Dream was winning. He saw his mother still against the wall and tears gathered at the corners of his eyes.

"GET HIM Y/N! DO IT FOR MOM!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Techno and Wilbur who had woken Phil up and helped him up where also cheering Y/n on. Y/n sliced her claws across Dream's face and blood spurted everywhere. He fell to the ground and sunk his claws into Y/n's chest. She roared and wrapped her claws around Dreams throat.


She snuck her large fangs into Dragon Dream's neck and ripped out a large chunk of flesh. Dream roared but Y/n was holding him to the ground. The scales on her neck began to glow.

"EVERYONE TURN AROUND!" There was a loud fwoosh sound and roaring. They turned back around to see Dream laying on the ground, back as a human, and his skin was burnt and he was bleeding. Ranboo ran over there.

Dream was dead.

No longer breathing.

He looked up at Y/n. Blood dripped down from her scales and she was breathing heavily, her large mouth hanging open to reveal large teeth. He ran over to his mother and yanked the sword out of her chest.

"Ranboo...Were so sorry..." Wilbur put a hand on Ranboo's shoulder.

"It was going to happen. I'm just sad I never got to say goodbye." Tears rolled down Ranboo's face and dripped onto his mother's hand. Y/n roared and shook her head.

"Ranboo?" Techno tapped his shoulder. "I don't think Y/n can switch back into a human." Ranboo whipped around and saw Y/n shaking her head and moving around. He flew up to her face and put two hands on her large nose.

"Can you switch back?" He saw the sadness in her eyes. "Oh god..." He hugged her nose tightly.

"Please try more Y/n I need you to be not a dragon." She nodded softly. Ranboo flew back down.

"Techno, please try to get Y/n into the training grounds or the village fields. The castle is too small for her dragon form. Phil and Wilbur can you go let the others out of the safe room? I need to go let the villagers out." Techno helped Y/n get out of the castle safely and into the village fields. Ranboo flew off towards the mountain. She laid down on the ground and Techno rubbed her nose.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. Thank you so much for protecting us." She nodded and the others came running out.

"Y/N! NO!" Niki ran over with Blue in her arms and Y/n lifted her head up.

I'm so sorry love...

Y/n tried to talk but with expected results she couldn't. She started to get lightheaded from the blood loss. She sat up and looked around. The people were flooding back into the village.

Niki looked up at Y/n and felt extremely bad. She turned around to talk to Ranboo and found Tubbo hugging him tightly. Sally was hugging Wilbur and she was crying. She picked Blue back up.

"Is Mama okay?" He asked.

"She's going to be fine okay?"

"Okay..." Blue rested his head on her shoulder and she rubbed his back.

There was loud flapping noises and Y/n flew off into the sky.


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