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Y/n and Niki are both 19, Tommy, Ranboo, and a Tubbo are 15, Techno and Wilbur are 18, and Phil is his irl age.

"TOMMY LET THE ANCHOR DOWN!" Y/n called from the helm. Tommy nodded and let down the anchor.

"So what are we doing here Y/n?" Ranboo, her brother, asked from beside her.

"We're here to explore. Plus I figured everyone could use a break."

"I heard there were mermaids around here. Are you sure you aren't trying to catch one for him?"

"I'm not."

"I know he's been threatening you Y/n. You don't have to lie to me about it."

"He sent me here to catch one for George. I don't really want to because I know what he's gonna do to them."

"He's gonna do something worse to you if you don't give him one."

"True. Anyway go have fun I'm gonna set up a tank and read a bit more." Ranboo ran down under the deck to mess around with the Sleepy Bois which included Phil, Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. Y/n walked into her room, grabbed a book, and then walked into a room under the helm. There was a massive tank filled with water strapped to the ship. Y/n sat at the desk in front of the tank and began to read quietly. (Why Techno's not there will be discovered later.)

Just go find one...

Not that hard...

Good luck...

She had a problem problem. Y/n could hear voices and frankly they were all annoying.

"I'm trying guys. I'm waiting for a chance." As if on cue there where shouts from outside. She grabbed her sword and hat, dashing out the room. Tommy was shouting and pointing at the water.


"GO GET IT OR SOMETHING!" Y/n tossed her coat, hat, and sword aside, grabbed a net, and dove into the water. She swam after the mermaid. Managing to tangle the net in her fin. She swam back to the boat still pulling the mermaid by its tail. She wrapped it up in the net and climbed back up onto the boat, Struggling because of how much the mermaid was moving around.

"Put them in the tank!" Ranboo and Tubbo grabbed them and carried them into the tank underneath the helm.

"Are you okay?" Tommy asked handing Y/n her stuff. Phil pat her on the shoulder. Y/n walked into the room under the helm. The mermaid turned around quickly and backed up against the wall of the tank.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." Tubbo grabbed the net and walked out. "We just need you to help us." Ranboo came over and sat next to her.

"Why should I help you? You've taken me away from my home and friends."

"We'll let you go back. Like I've said we only need your help. We're not going to keep you here forever." The mermaid turned around.

"Will you tell Phil to start the journey towards Manburg?"

"Got it." Ranboo walked back out leaving the to alone.

"Listen. If you don't help me I'm gonna die."

"Are you the one that I need to heal?"

"No. I need you to heal my employers husband. If you don't help them I'm gonna die."

Cute mermaid...

Be careful...


Y/n walked towards the tank.

"What's your name?" She asked the mermaid.

"You don't deserve to know that."

"Well let me ask you one more question and then I'll leave you alone."


"What food do you eat? I'd like you to stay alive."

"Fish, kelp."

"Thank you. If you don't mind I'll just be sitting over there, I won't bother you."


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