Masquerade part2

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Agatha groaned and blinked when light hit her eyes. It took her some moments for her vision to adjust so she could see where she was. She was in a kind of dark room. There were no windows or doors in sight. She couldn't move, couldn't even feel her magic anymore. And what scared her the most was that the light that had awakened her was the light that emanated from your magic. You were here with her, but she couldn't see you.

"I'm always with you, my love" your voice sounded behind her, but she couldn't move.

"Y/N? What's-"

"Hush honey, you don't want to wake her up do you?"

"Her?" The brunette frowned.

She could feel you circling around her, like a shark lurking in a dark sea. Except that a shark was less scary, it was natural for it to appear in the ocean. But you shouldn't be here.

"Oh Aggie, she is beautiful!" you said, apparently cheerful, but she could hear the poison dripping from your voice "She's small, so sweet and tender. She..."

The witch gasped as you stood in front of her, emerging from the darkness and holding a baby in your arms.

"She looks like you" you said.

Agatha felt her heart stop. She definitely should NOT be here. You had lost her, years ago. She had cried with you for the unborn baby that came out of your body. She had destroyed an entire forest by letting her pain out of her. The wave of power that came out of her had been powerful, sweeping everything in its path.

Including you.

"Oh dear, you didn't think you really murdered me did you?" you smiled cruelly "You were powerful, Aggie, but no more than me. Never more than me."

"I don't- You shouldn't-"

"Be here?" you interrupted her "Like I said, I'm always with you, my love. Even if you can't see me. Even if you can't feel me"


"You destroyed my physical body...but my soul held on to you. I escaped to your memory, your dreams and desires. You had a lot of love for me, a lot of memories, it was easy to hide there. And then I found her" you said, smiling at the baby in your arms "The daughter we never had. She also existed within you, within your desires"

The brunette was silent, trying to process everything as she watched you cradle the baby. Her daughter.

"Why didn't you do anything before? To let me know you were here?" she asked

"I was weak. It took me a long time to gather the necessary power, until I became strong again"

"And then?"

"Then I could really see through your eyes, feel through your skin. Live through you. Everything you've lived, what you've learned, I did too. Now I'm strong enough to be able to temporarily project myself out of your mind, to bring you here" you said.

Little by little, Agatha felt her arms again. She still couldn't move from her place, but it was progress. Then, you approached her and she could see the evil in your gaze, disguised behind a sweet smile.

"Hold her" you ordered, handing her the baby.

It was a strange feeling, but not entirely unwelcome. The weight of the baby in her arms made a part of her mind wake up. It was real, this was happening.

And then, she felt her arms freeze again, now holding her daughter.

"She is just a broken memory" you whispered, stroking the baby's cheek "A shadow of what you imagined when I was pregnant. But soon, she will be real. My girl, the most powerful witch of all" you said "I just need the powers of the scarlet witch "

Agatha gasped.

"Y/N. You can't-"

"No! You can't Aggie" you interrupted "Because you want Wanda's power for yourself. You want to control and possess it. I only need a small part to bring Ayse to life, like she did with her twins"

"The twins aren't real, Y/N! And our daughter won't be real either!"

"MY daughter" you corrected "You lost all rights over her the moment you started forgetting us" you growled dangerously.

"Y/N, please-"

"Silence!" you growled "You should be grateful that I'm allowing you to be with her. Enjoy it Aggie, because once I have the power to bring her to life, you won't see her again"

Agatha was about to say something, when she felt a painful tug inside her. Then the dim light of your magic grew brighter and brighter, almost blinding her. Horror washed over her when she realized what you were doing.

"Now this, is what I call the perfect mask, don't you think, my love?" Your voice sounded so distant now.

She tried to move, scream, fight. But you were right, she had never been more powerful than you. She couldn't even squirm in pain, couldn't even scream. She could only watch how the gold of your magic consumed the purple of hers and feel your presence grow larger than hers.

When it was all over, she found herself in a golden room and knew that you had won. You had taken her place.

Now you controlled her body and she was just an echo in your memory.

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