The universe between your hands (Agatha x Fem!Reader)

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You growled as Agatha's voice came behind you. She had you trapped in her basement and used her magic to keep you from using yours. You were totally gonna kill her.

This has been your relationship with her since the very beginning. You two hated each other, always fighting and trying to be the best witch. That led to nights staying awake together, reading the spellbooks as fast as you could, fights in the forest that usually ended with one of you having to carry the other, just to avoid being scolded by the older witches, and flirting. So much flirting (at what, you had to admit, Agatha was better). It wasn't anything serious, but the older witches didn't want to hear the two of you arguing, so you ended up covering your arguments with sarcasm and flirting. It was natural for you both at this point.

"Ready to talk, dear?" she asked, walking around you like a lion playing with her prey. You rolled your eyes.

"You haven't even offered me a cup of tea" you answered. "You're losing your touch with your guests, Aggie".

She chuckled at the name and grabbed your face with her right hand while playing with your hair with the other. Her baby blue eyes locked with your e/c ones. You always found her eyes really beautiful.

"My guests usually don't try to kill me, darling" she whispered "the best you deserve is coffee"

"two spoons of sugar, please" you growled and Agatha smirked.

She caressed your cheek before she left your face and hair and started walking behind you. You blushed when she wrapped an arm around your waist and pressed you against herself.

"Tell me what you learned and I'll let you go" she whispered in your ear "You'll be free to play in the stars, love" she promised.

The stars. That was the reason you were here right now. You always knew you could be better, always knew there was so much more to learn. Just, not here on earth. You found a way to travel across the universe, and you learned so much from the magic on other planets.

You were on Antares when you felt the chaos magic and it felt like a good time to visit your old home. The plan was simple: go to earth, learn chaos magic, and go back to your studies on Antares. But travel across the universe took so much of your power and you always ended up tired and almost knocked out when you did it. By the time you arrived at Westview, you could barely stand on your feet. That was the only reason Agatha was able to capture you. She wanted the power you got from the stars.

"I thought you were not interested in it, Aggie" you said and cursed yourself for feeling butterflies on your stomach when she giggled on your ear and used her free hand to play again with your hair.

"You know I'm interested in anything you do, Y/N" she said and you blushed.

That was true. She was always asking for you around the coven, wanting to know whatever you were doing, that was how she managed to be a step ahead of you sometimes.

That's why she was the one having a trial and not you, a voice in your head said and you felt guilty. You had been the one planning to steal the books, to learn dark magic. It was your idea. You were the one who planned to break the rules. Agatha just did it first because you lost a fight against her and she read your mind.

"I'm a little busy, hon" she whispered in your ear, interrupting your thoughts "so, let me save both of our time".

You gasped when she released you, allowing you to stand on your feet. Too bad your knees were too weak because of her proximity. You would have hit the floor if it wasn't because of Agatha's arm that was still around you.

"Careful, dear. I haven't even taken you up stairs" she joked and you rolled your eyes, feeling your cheeks a little warm.

"fuck you" you mumbled as you stepped away from her. You just heard her chuckling. You weren't sutpid, you knew she put some runes around the room to avoid your magic. Smart ass.

Agatha Harkness x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant