The day that time stopped (Agatha x Fem!reader)

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Ah, shit. Well, you fucked up.

You were making a cake for your and your girlfriend to celebrate your birthday (even when you knew the date didn't matter in the current reality of Westview), when you noticed you were out of sugar. You rolled your eyes at the cliché of the scene, pretty sure it was Westview wanting you to play the neighbor that asked for sugar, but ever since you arrived at the town, you had no intention to follow Wanda's script unless it was necessary and it involved a scene with Agatha.

"If I'm going to play a character, I'm gonna be the lesbian neighbor" you once said to your girlfriend, making the witch laugh. Later, when Tommy and Billy started calling you and Agnes "aunts", you winked at her and celebrated the promotion to "lesbian aunt".

Smiling at the memory, you decided to ask Agatha to magically appear sugar. You knew she hated when you asked her to use her magic for something so simple, but also knew she wasn't able to say no to you, especially on your birthday. Never was, never will.

Smirking, you had gone to the basement, not really paying attention. Your mistake. The first rule of dating a witch is to always be careful when she was doing magic.

"Ags, can you help me with th-" You stopped talking when everything turned black.


Agatha ran to you when you fell unconscious to the floor. She was making a spell that would allow her to knock out Wanda for a moment, enough to let her steal her magic and run with you. She was so concentrated that she didn't hear your steps and your voice made her jump.

"Y/N" she said again, gently moving you, trying to wake you up. You didn't answer. That's when she noticed her hands were still glowing and she gasped in horror. She used the spell in you. The spell that was meant for a powerful magic being, used in a human.

"I'm fine, dear. But woah, if you wanted to have me on the floor, i know a better way" You joked, trying to get up. But you couldn't. In fact, you couldn't move at all. "What the- Aggie? A little help?" You said, or, actually thought. Your mouth wasn't moving, and you couldn't even open your eyes. "Oh. Oh no".

You knew this place. It was your mind. You were trapped in your mind. Well, shit.

"Y/N, love, please answer me" You heard Agatha saying and you knew she was scared. You felt her magic wrapping around you, and a string pulling from the back of your mind, trying, begging you to wake up. But it didn't work.

Agatha felt tears begin to fill her eyes. Her magic wasn't working. Why wasn't it working?!

"Please, please, wake up dear" She whispered, pushing her magic harder.

"I'm trying!" You thought, starting to worry. If she couldn't help, how could you get out of here? You didn't want to spend the rest of your life trapped in your mind.

"Hon, don't do this to me. Please don't" she begged, a little desperate. It broke your heart hearing her like that.

"I'm trying, doll, but i can't." You thought, wishing you could do something to make her feel better. You knew she was always afraid of hurting you with her magic, and you managed to convince her that it wouldn't happen, but now, you weren't sure how you'll manage to calm her after this ended. At least, you hoped it would end.

Agatha felt the tears rolling down her cheeks when she realised her magic wouldn't be enough to wake you up. She hated herself at that moment. How could she hurt you like this?

"I'm so sorry love, please forgive me" she whispered, pressing a kiss on your temple, taking you in her arms and carefully lifting you. She used her magic to make the spell book follow her as she took you to your shared bedroom.

Agatha Harkness x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt