werewolf reader

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You ran as quickly as you could. You needed to get away from the town. As far as you could! You cursed yourself for losing track of the time, you really shouldn't have been flirting with that damned woman or let her get too close to you.

Well, in your defense, she started it!

You didn't know why a witch would be interested in a creature like you. You weren't human, even if you looked like one, and you knew that she knew it too. Even more, you were sure that, as a witch, she knew exactly what you were, and that only made it all stranger! Everyone knew that witches hated werewolves...in fact, everyone hated werewolves! It was a well known fact that you were the most hated and misunderstood of all mythical creatures.

And yet, she seemed so fascinated by you. Perhaps, that was what made you stay with her for a while. It was so strange that someone showed such desire to be in the company of your race.

But time flew away and before you noticed it, it was already getting dark, and you knew it was a full moon night. So you apologised and ran away as far as you could, not wanting to put anyone in danger, especially not the beautiful brunette who made you feel welcomed and made you laugh all the time you were together.

"Stupid little shit!" you thought "you should have known better than to let a cute girl distract you!"

You were too focused on running as fast as you could and trying to contain the transformation (which was already starting, if the pain on your joints was any hint)that you didn't hear the wind following you.


Agatha's heart was racing as she followed you through the forest. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't absolutely excited for this. She always found werewolves interesting, despite the stigma that other witches like her mother had about them. And when she found you, such a perfect creature, she couldn't contain her emotion.

As a witch, she had to know when it would be a full moon night, because some spells only worked in it. So, in her eyes, you two weren't so different. That's why she kept you distracted, in hopes the moon would reach you before you noticed and it allowed her to watch you transform. Too bad you were more clever than she thought and you ran away, making her fly so as to not lose you.

But hey! She had always loved a good race!


By the time you got to a clear place, your hands and feet were already completely covered in hair. It didn't take you long to finish transforming.

You hated it. Your joints were twisting in unnatural ways, you could feel your spine sag, and your bones change in size. It was terribly painful.

And tragically beautiful in the eyes of a witch hidden in the shadows.

For once in her life, Agatha decided not to push her luck and she remained hidden the entire time you were in the clearing. She never once took her eyes off you, and the howl you let out in the moonlight was etched in her memory and her heart.


You woke up tired, naked and thirsty. It was always exhausting to wake up after a full moon. If turning into a wolf was painful, returning to your human form was 100 times worse. Usually, you ended up so exhausted that you just passed out.

You jumped a little when you heard a branch snap. You were not alone. You didn't have the time or the strength to get to your feet to escape, and a purple smoke kept you in your place, preventing you from falling.

"Watch out, furball" said an amused voice.

You watched in surprise as the witch from the day before approached you with a basket and a cape. Agatha draped the cloak over your shoulders, disappearing the smoke around you.

"What are you doing here?" you asked carefully

"I went out for a walk when I saw a beautiful naked creature and thought I'd come say hi" she smiled, sarcasm evident in her voice.

You frowned but accepted the canteen she offered, you were thirsty after all. And it was very difficult to ignore the delicious smell that came out of the basket.

You sat in silence while the witch prepared what was evidently a picnic. You didn't understand why she would bother to be so nice to you, but you weren't in a position to say anything.

Agatha watched you with fascination as you ate and drank, obviously exhausted. You were adorable and the howl from the night before was still ringing in her head.

"I don't know if someone had told you, but you have a lovely howl" she told you.

You blinked in surprise and almost choked on the bread.

"Excuse me?" you said

"Your howl. It's adorable" she repeated, moving closer to you.

You swallowed when you realized that she must have followed you last night, which meant she had seen you transform. God, what a shame. The brunette enjoyed seeing you nervous and shamelessly ran her thumb over your lips. There was no trace of the elongated fangs that she could see last night, but it didn't matter, she was patient.

"I can't wait for the next full moon" she whispered.

"W-wait" you stuttered "A-are you flirting with me?"

Agatha smirked wickedly.

"Thanks for noticing"

Agatha Harkness x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now