Slippery little spider (Agatha x Reader)

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You groaned as you evaded another purple ball of magic. This battle had already gone on too long, you had been fighting for hours (or so it felt) and you hadn't even hurt the witch. Not a single scratch.

She on the other hand, had already taken your breath away. In more ways than one, actually.

She had made you run and swing all over town, dodging her attacks (although you didn't know if you could call them that, because they really did nothing more than give you a small shock that made you shiver, but nothing more), climbing buildings, swinging from roof to roof.

But that wasn't exactly the real reason your heart was racing. No, no. That was rather due to the witch's words. It would have been easier if she had been insulting you, if she had made threats, if she tried to make you feel bad or insecure. But she hadn't done any of that. On the contrary.

She had been flirting with you the entire fight.

"And god, she knows how to do it" you thought, distracting you for a second.

Enough to be caught by the purple strings of magic. Damn it. You shuddered when you heard the laugh of the woman behind you. Too close, in fact.

"My, my. Look what the wind brought me. A little spider" Agatha chuckled, turning you around to look at her "You're slippery love" she smiled "But I'm always in the mood to play catch"

"Let me go!" you grunted, praying your blush wasn't so noticeable. Hell, up close she was more beautiful

"Now, now. Are we impatient, hot stuff?" She laughed "I guess decent people release spiders in the front yard after catching them"

You gasped when her magic pulled you so that you were inches from her. Her eyes immediately caught you, you have never seen eyes so blue and so beautiful.

"But I'm not a decent person, am I, gorgeous?" She smiled and brought her face close to yours. Too close, too far.


Agatha blinked as you scooted underneath her, swinging toward a building. She smirked while she watched you swing away. Yup, you were a slippery and cute little spider, and she couldn't wait for your next encounter.


"Harkness!" you roared, making the witch turn to you with a smirk.

"Oh, there you are, honey" she said "I was starting to think you weren't coming"

"Let them go" you said, talking about the bus she was making float behind her

"Make me" she smirked

You frowned and shot one of your webs at her, tying her arms to her sides. She just laughed and dropped the bus, making you gasp and run to catch it, but it wasn't necessary.

You blinked as the cloud of purple magic engulfed the bus and set it carefully on the ground. You didn't know what confused you the most, the fact that she prevented the deaths of the people that a second ago she was holding hostage, or that said people were smiling, without any trace of fear on their faces. Shouldn't the driver have stepped on the gas as soon as I was on the ground ?!

"What the-"

"Is that a new mask, love?" the witch asked, landing behind you, freeing herself from your webs "I like it"

"I-" What?! You did wear a new mask, but so far, no one on your team had noticed or said something about it (which hurted you to be honest, because you worked so hard on the design), and here she was, saying she liked it? This was confusing as fuck.

"I mean, i liked the other one too, but this one" she smiled, approaching you and caressing your cheek "This one shows a little more of your precious face, love"

You blushed and cursed her on your mind. She shouldn't be making you feel like this! She was evil! She was supposed to hate you, not flirt with you!

"I- I have to go" you said, stepping back.

"Aren't you going to arrest me?" she smirked, stopping you

"Are you going to stay in jail?" you crossed your arms, already knowing the answer " didn't hurt anyone, nor destroyed anything. I guess there's no crime here" you said and frowned.

Actually, now that you think about it, that was strange. Why would she make an entire bus fly, just to land it carefully the moment you arrived? And no fallen buildings? No murders? Anything? What was the plan here?

"Are you free tomorrow, hon?" she asked suddenly, interrupting your thoughts

"What?" You blinked

"Well, i was thinking about hijacking that store over there and taking hostages tomorrow. But if you're busy, I can do it another day. I don't want someone else to be sent to deal with me" She admitted.

"I- What?!" you asked, more confused than ever "Why would you tell me this?"

"Isn't it obvious dear?" she smirked

"What?" you asked and frowned, she just laughed.

"You're too cute, little spider" she said, kissing your cheek quickly "See you tomorrow, love" she said, flying away and leaving you with more questions than answers.


You walked to the store and asked to talk with the owner. A woman smiled and approached you, asking what she could do for you.

"You need to leave" you said carefully, making her blink and smile

"Why would i do that, dear?" she asked

"Because there's an evil witch who's going to hijack your store" you tried to explain.

The woman chuckled and shook her head, making you frown. What was so funny about this? Didn't she understand that she was in danger?

"My darling, don't worry about it" she assured you "We'll be fine. She promised to not hurt anyone and we're more than happy to help"

"Wait, what?" you blinked "Ma'am, i think you don't know what-"

"Oh i know, dear" she interrupted you "Everyone around here knows, don't worry, you don't have to act here" she said before she turned to another customer that was also smiling at you.

A young man approached you and took you by the arm, pulling you out of the place. You frowned but before you could ask anything, he spoke.

"Sorry, i just needed you to know this" he said quickly

"Know what?"

"The reason why everyone here helps Agatha" he said

"Help her? Is she controlling them?" you asked, already making plans to stop the witch

"No" he laughed "She's not controlling anyone"

"What? Then why is no one afraid of her?" you asked

"Because she's not hurting us. In fact, she asks us first before she does something" he assured you

"What?" you whispered, then remember the people on the bus "Wait, they knew she was going to make them float?"

"It was their idea"


"Listen, we don't know what's going on between you two, but everyone here wants to see you two together" he said


"Shhh" he pressed a finger on your lips "You two fight like an old marriage, and we all ship you, to be honest. She was confused too, but she seems to like you and started asking for our help. Now we're all in a contest to see where you two will share your first kiss. So do me a favor and kiss her tomorrow, because that's my grandparents' store and I want them to win" he said and smiled before walking away, leaving you alone and blushing.

She liked you.

Agatha liked you.




You started to panic and quickly swung out of there, repeating that thought over and over again. She liked you. And you had a date with her tomorrow. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit-

Agatha Harkness x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now