Share my infinite (Agatha x Fem!reader) Part 2

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You ran as fast as you could, voices screaming with rage behind you. They will kill you.

"Shit" you growled when you tripped with a branch. You got up quickly and continued running, but that second was enough for the dogs to come closer to you. Those stupid dogs and their stupid owners, why couldn't they leave you alone?! You didn't do anything to them and yet they were hunting you, just because of your "family".

"I don't even have the last name" you mumbled.

You were part of a rich family that was respected among the people of your town, but you were never a part of it. You were the odd one, the freak, the mistake. You were the only one that inherited your grandfather's...condition.

At some point in the family's story, someone thought it was cool and a good idea messing up with dark magic and ended up marrying a vampire, condemning the entire lineage to fear for the purity of their blood. By the time you were born, that was just a legend, something the parents told their childs to make them behave.

"Y/N, stop doing that" your mother would say. "It must be the vampire in her" your father would add.

You were a pretty curious girl, which led to many misbehaviours, so you heard that phrase too often.

"Wish something really hard and it will become a reality" you thought with sarcasm.

When you were 8, the nightmare began. You had just lost your baby teeth and your new ones were appearing. Your parents thought it was cute, but then, your new fangs came and they screamed in horror. They were too long to be normal. They were like your grandfather's. They were vampire's fangs.

At first, they tried to pull them out, it hurted like hell, but they didn't move. So, your parent's kept you hiden, not even the rest of the family could see you (you would later hear that they didn't want to). The only person that you were allowed to interact with, was the grandfather himself. He was actually your great great great great great great grandfather, but allowed you to call him Grandpa or Grandfather. Your parents decided that you were no longer their daughter, so he gave you his last name. His real one.

He was sweet and nice with you, teaching you how to retract your fangs and everything he knew about your condition. He told you that you shouldn't worry, that it was something that happened every generation. Your uncle Nicholás had it too, so it wasn't anything you couldn't control.

What he didn't tell you was that uncle Nick was burned alive for it.

You weren't a full vampire, you only had a few remnants of vampire blood in your veins. Grandpa was sure that, with every generation that had the condition, it became weaker and weaker, so he had faith that you would be the last one to have it. And he was right.

You were the last one. None of your nephews or nieces got it, nor their children or grandchildren or great grand children. You were there for the babies' births, and for their deaths too. Generations came and went, but you remained the same. You stopped aging at 22, and were trapped like that ever since. Your grandfather died long after your great grand nephews did, but it proved that you were not eternal.

As the years passed, you became kind of a myth among the family, the maiden who didn't age. The ghost of the library. The shadow of the house. Generation after generation, you became just another part of the family heritage, something that came with being part of the Van Dales. Everyone treated you like another decoration.

Until now.

These new people (you had stopped thinking of the new generations as your family long ago) decided it wasn't fair that you got to enjoy all the money while they had to die. It was a stupid argument, but that didn't matter. You knew they just wanted to get rid of you. And that's what they did.

Agatha Harkness x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now