Little bird (Agatha x Vampire!reader) part 6

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A baby. You came back with a fucking baby!!

Agatha didn't know how to react at first, too shocked to say anything. Where the hell did you get a baby from? Well that was pretty obvious given that you said you saved her. Okay, next question. How the hell were you going to take care of a vampire baby?! She wasn't ready to be a mother! Damn, she hadn't even thought about it at all! She was bad with babies, she never knew what to do with them.

And yet here she was, standing in her kitchen with a baby in her arms, trying to calm her down.

"Please go to sleep, little devil, go to sleep" she begged, but the baby just cried louder.

Agatha was afraid of accidentally dropping her, she had never carried a baby in her life! And the more the little devil squirmed in her arms, the more nervous the witch became. She just wasn't made for this! But she promised you that she'd at least try.

She smiled at the memory of the tenderness with which you had looked at the baby. There was so much love in your eyes, that the witch just couldn't say no when you begged her to keep her.

Well, you actually asked her if you could take care of the baby, until you found some family or someone who could take care of her.

But Agatha doubted that would happen. The vampire hunts were spreading rapidly. Soon, you guys would have to move too, so she doubted the baby still had a family out there, something you doubted too. But neither said anything.

Besides, the little devil was a good company for her, now that you were so distant. That was something that worried her so much. You have been back for five days now and you still didn't want to drink her blood yet. She knew you needed it, but you were too stubborn.

"Please eat, love" Agatha begged when you entered the kitchen, still struggling with the baby.

"No, thank you goldfinch" you said and smiled, taking the girl from her. As a shield, probably.

"Y/N" she sighed "You need to drink, just a little, love, please"

"I'm fine, birdie, really" you lied and caressed the baby's cheek, making her stop crying.

"You're not" she frowned.

Sure, your wounds were already healed and you seemed fine, but she knew you were starving. You have been only eating bread, meat, human's food. But you needed blood. Her blood. And the more you denied it, the weaker you got.

"Y/N" she sighed again. She smiled when the baby babbled and reached for her.

"Look at that. The little babbling thing likes you" you joked.

"Little babbling thing?" she asked "She needs a name"

"I think the little babbling thing fits her just well" you murmured and looked away.

The witch rolled her eyes. That was another thing you refused to do. Naming the baby. You said that there was no point if she would be gone soon. But Agatha knew you better than anyone, and knew you just didn't want to get too attached to her. She understood, really, she didn't want to get too attached to her either, but the baby needed a name.

"What about, Grimhilde?" she asked, knowing you'd never allow it.

"Over my dead body" you quickly said and she chuckled

"Then Ursula"





"Little babbling thing it is" you said firmly.

The baby giggled and reached to the witch, resting her head against Agatha's chest when she took her once again.

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