White Heathers (Agatha x Fem!reader)

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Warnings: rape and mind control.


"Agatha Harkness, give me my coat!" You laughed as you chased her around the wooden table.

"It's mine now, hon" she joked, evading you.

You rolled your eyes as you tried to catch her again, but she was faster. You loved seeing her like this, so free and happy. And it was because of you. She deserved it, to be honest.

You two have been friends since you were just two little girls running through the woods, playing in the river and making both of your mothers worry when you climbed trees. You were a few years younger than Agatha, and you always followed her.

She was so nice to you, being the second younger of the coven, she loved to teach you everything she knew. Maybe it wasn't that much when it came to magic, she was still too young, but she knew so much about plants and animals. You remember when she told you about white heathers and how they were used for protection.

She gave you one shyly, before she softly kissed you. That was also your first kiss.

But then, your mother decided she wanted to explore the world, and after Evanora gave her her permission, she took you with her. She wanted you to learn everything you could, but she didn't know something, you loved Agatha. It was something you realized a little too late.

You walked with her to the river as you always did, but this time, you tried to remember every little detail, because you knew it would be the last time you did it. Agatha took your hand and you blushed. You really felt guilty at that moment.

You two spent a lovely evening, just talking and splashing each other. You gathered courage and took her hands, making her look at you. There was a clear question in her eyes, but her smile never wavered. The emptiness in your stomach grew. You didn't know if you could do this to her. But you had to.

When you told her you would leave with your mother, Agatha almost cried. She was speechless and didn't want to believe it. She thought you were joking. Oh how you wished you were. After she realised you weren't, she asked you to stay. It was your mother who wanted to leave, not you. But you had to go, otherwise, who was going to take care of her? She was older than even Evanora.

"She has her magic. She will be fine" Agatha had said, a little desperate "Stay here, Y/N, stay with me".

You wanted to. You really did. But you couldn't. You promised to come back as soon as you could. But she didn't listen. You tried to take her hand but she pulled away from you, leaving you there, alone.

You tried to talk with her before you had to leave, but she was upset with you and didn't go to say goodbye.

It broke your heart.

A few years later, your dear mother had passed away, and on her deathbed, she asked you to go back to the life you wanted. She apologised for taking you away from it, although she didn't exactly know why you were so sad about it. But it didn't matter, she just wanted you to be happy.

But when you came back to Salem, you didn't find anyone. The whole coven was gone, and most importantly, Agatha was nowhere to be found. It scared you, because you couldn't feel anyone's magic.

You walked through the forest, trying to feel something. Anything. And you did. You felt someone's magic. It felt familiar, but you didn't recognise it.

Until you arrived at the hut. And you saw her. Agatha.

"Y/N?" she asked

"Y/N!" this time you jumped and blinked, dragged to the present again. Agatha smiled.

Agatha Harkness x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now