Affectionate babbling

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"And then Tommy used his powers to win, so Billy and I had to disqualify him, so I won and-"

Agatha rolled her eyes as you kept talking and talking. She loved your voice, she had always found it the most beautiful sound of all. But not now. Now, the witch was tired.

You two were lying down, her head on your stomach as you played with her hair carelessly. It would have been a beautiful moment if you hadn't been babbling.

Usually she would find it cute, but seriously, she was terribly exhausted from having to deal with Wanda, so the fact that you were talking about her boys was irritating.

"Love, it sounds fascinating, but do you think you can tell me about it later?" she asked suddenly.

You blinked, but nodded slowly.

"Uh yeah, of course" you smiled.

Agatha smiled back at you and closed her eyes as she settled into your lap better. You ran your fingers through her hair once more before stroking her cheek. It was very rare to have her like this.

"you are beautiful" you said

"Thank you love" she smiled but she didn't open her eyes "you too"

You ran your fingers over her features, enjoying the feel of her skin on your fingers. Agatha let out a satisfied sigh.

"I like your nose" you said suddenly "it's cute"

The woman didn't reply, but she nodded slightly to let you know that she was listening to you.

"Also your eyes" you spoke again "they are the most beautiful I have ever seen in my life"

You carefully ran your fingers over her closed eyelids

"And your cheeks...I like when they blush"

You continued your affectionate babbling for a few minutes, not noticing the way Agatha's frown deepened.

"But do you know what I like the most? Your lip-"

"Y/N" The brunette interrupted you, surprising you a little "I crave your affection, but I crave your silence even more– shut up"

You blinked a bit and felt a little guilty for upsetting her when you knew she was tired.

"I'm sorry" you mumbled quickly before falling silent.

Agatha sighed. She knew that she would later have to apologize to you, because you had really done absolutely nothing wrong and it was actually quite cute what you said. But she didn't have the energy at the time.

The witch smiled when you leaned over her and murmured against hers a quick "I love you" and you pecked her lips.

Agatha Harkness x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt