Little bird (Agatha x Vampire!reader) part 5

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Warnings: angst, violence?


"Get your ass down here Y/N!" Agatha's voice came under you and you sighed, jumping from the tree you were hiding in and landing in front of her. She crossed her arms and frowned.

"What's the matter, little bird?" you asked, crossing your arms too.

"Don't little bird me, Y/N!" She growled "I can't believe you would do something this stupid"

"I've done a lot of stupid things in my life, you'll have to be more specific"


Oh...That. Upps.

You sighed and knew she had all the right to be mad at you. You had a little fight with some men a few hours ago, nothing you couldn't handle, but you forgot to clean after yourself and some of the blood was still on your clothes. Yeah...that was probably stupid, especially when there were hunters after you.

"I'm sorry ok? I'll burn my clothes" you said and walked to the house.

"Don't you dare to walk away Y/L/N" Agatha yelled and you felt your own anger blooming on your chest "We both know this isn't about your clothes! You shouldn't have been there in the first place!"

"I had to!" You yelled back, turning to her with fire in your eyes "You know i had to!"

"No you didn't! You didn't have anything to do there! You're just a selfish little princess that doesn't care for others!" she said and you saw her tears rolling down her face. She was scared "They could have seen you! They could have killed you! Did you even think about it? Did you even think about me?!"

"It could have been my family, Agatha! I had to be sure!"

"I am your family too!"

You felt your own tears rolling down your cheeks. She was right. She was your family, your real family. She was the one who had seen through your walls, the only one who had stayed, without thinking that you were a monster. She was the one you told your secrets to, the one who hugged you when you needed it, the one who woke up every morning with you. She was your everything. She had been with you through thick and thin for the last hundred years.

Wow. One hundred years already? You didn't even notice when they passed, although for an immoral being like you, they weren't much. But a hundred years? Have you been in love with this damn stubborn and fucking beautiful witch for a hundred years?! Yes, you have.

A hundred years ... a hundred years in which she had done nothing but show you that she loved you (and also caused chaos together, but who cares?). You had been feeding on her blood for a hundred years! And she had never complained (okay, to be fair, it seemed like she was the one who needed it the most, but this was no time to think about your girlfriend's fetishes). You really owed her a lot.

"I'm sorry" you whispered again "But i had to"

"That's bullshit and you know it!" She yelled "They've never been here! They never cared for you Y/N! I DO!"

"It doesn't mean i don't care for them!" you yelled back

"Why would you?! You said it yourself! You don't need them!"

You really didn't want to have this conversation right now. Not after what you saw tonight. So you just turned and walked to the house again, ignoring Agatha's words as she followed you to your room. You knew she was scared and mad and that everything she was saying was just her way to deal with the emotions, so you'd let her be for now. Until she crossed the line.

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