The little bastard in the sink

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You tried to stay calm, you really, really tried to. You didn't want to scream, it wasn't that bad. Really, it was not.

"Come on, Y/N, you can make it. You're brave, you don't need help, you got this" you whispered for yourself, trying desperately to believe your own words. Taking another deep breath, you nodded and stood, entering your kitchen.

You got this, you got this, you got this.

You approached the sink, ready for the fight, magazine in hand.... Then the fucking spider dared to move and you ran away as fast as you could, actually leaving the house this time. Some of the neighbours looked at you, but didn't pay much attention to you, as if caring for you running out of your house wasn't part of their roles.

Okay, maybe you did need help.

But you were alone here. Unlike everyone else, you were new to Westview. You couldn't even remember how you ended here, but you moved maybe a day or two after Wanda and Vision did. At least that was what you thought. For some reason, you couldn't remember a lot from your life...well, nothing, really, the only memories you had started from the day you arrived here. The one thing you could actually remember, the only thing you were sure of, was that you hated spiders. Those little shits scared the hell out of you.

And there was one chilling on your sink. You could imagine it smirking at you, feeling your fears. "Little bastard" you whispered and tried to calm yourself again. While standing in front of your house, you kept talking to yourself.

"Ok, Y/N, we need a plan. Problem one, a fucking spider on our kitchen, problem two, we don't have reinforcement". Just as you were thinking about that, you looked at the house in front of yours. Maybe your neighbour could help.

You actually had never spoken to her, but you had seen the brunette from the distance. She was beautiful, and seemed friendly and she smiled at you the first (and only) time you went to Dottie's. You remembered being amazed by her because she was brave enough to contradict Dottie.

"Problem three, maybe she doesn't even know us" You reminded yourself. Again, you were the new neighbour, even if you felt like that was a lie, as if you had been in that role for a little too much for actually being "the new". But who cares?

You had two options: go to that house and ask for help, with the possibility that the hot brunette thought you were a loser, or, accepting the spider, live with it and develop a beautiful friendship with it (and then be murdered by it in your sleep).

"Yeah...nope, that one's not happening. When in doubt, the hot neighbour is always the answer" you said to yourself and walked over the house.

You took a deep breath before you carefully knocked on the door. You almost left, but the image of the little bastard in your kitchen was enough to keep you there. You were surprised when the door opened just a few seconds later. And holy shit, the woman in front of you was beautiful. You were frozen.

"Hello, dear, can i help you?" She asked and you blinked, blushing a little when you noticed that you were staring at her lips.

"Hi" you smiled "I'm Y/N, the new neighbour" you said, reciting your line a little awkwardly, but she didn't seem to notice it.

"Agnes, nice to meet you" she said, shaking your hand "excuse me for not giving you a proper welcome before, i've been busy, hon" she said and you blushed again at the pet name.

"It's ok" you assured her, almost losing in her baby blue eyes. Focus Y/N! You thought "uhmm, i know this might be awkward, and that we don't even know each other but..uhm..c-can you help me?" you asked, shyly.

The smile she gave you was enough to make your knees weak. "Of course, sweetheart, what do you need?" she said, stepping closer to you and making your cheeks a darker shade of red.

You mumbled something, suddenly feeling like living with the spider wasn't that bad of an idea after all.

Agatha smirked in her mind, she always found cute how you were so nervous around her. No, this wasn't the first time you had come to her for help, you just couldn't remember because every once in a while, Wanda's power erased your memories, keeping you in the role of the new neighbour.

"what was that, dear?" she asked and you sighed.

"I said...can you please help me and kill the giant spider in my kitchen? I will give you food, I promise" you said, a little desperate.

Agnes smiled and chuckled "Of course, hon!" she said and closed her door behind herself, walking with you to your house.

The spider wasn't that big, but you were obviously afraid of it and she smiled at the image of you handing her the magazine you tried to use against the spider before. She let you lead her to the kitchen, pointing at the spider on the sink. She then smiled when you quickly hid behind her. You were so cute.

"Be careful" you said, following her, looking over her shoulder at the little bastard.

"Don't worry, hon, I'll protect you from the monster" She answered and giggled. If you weren't so tense for being in the same room as the spider, you would have blushed.

She felt you hid your face on her back when she approached the spider. Taking it as her opportunity, she used her magic to make it disappear. "It's ok now, love, it's gone" she said and you peered over her shoulder. There was no signal of the little bastard.

You sighed in relief "thank you so much" you said and finally let her go.

"You're welcome, dear" she said and smiled at you, enjoying the way your cheeks were still red and how you evaded her gaze. She gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and walked to your fridge "now, i was promised food" she joked and smirked when you quickly moved to make her something as a pay for the help, still a little shocked for the kiss.

Yes, Agatha still had her agenda with Wanda, but she had to admit she loved this little routine. You would find a spider in your kitchen and sooner or later would come to her for help, thinking you didn't know each other. She'd help, you'd cook for her and by the night, you would fall asleep on her shoulder while watching an old movie. Then, for the next few days, you'd spend the time trying to deny your crush on her, and by the end of the week, she'd get to kiss those beautiful lips of yours.

Sometimes, she wished you were free from Wanda's powers, that you remembered her for more than a week. But she couldn't risk her plan, besides, you'll probably hate her when you wake up. The thought broke her heart, but she'll enjoy this little lie for as long as it lasts. No matter how many times she'd have made a spider appear on that sink.

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