Little bird(Agatha x Vampire!reader) part 1

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You smirked when you heard the steps getting closer to the tree you were hiding in. They were human steps. More than one human, by the sound of it.

"Excellent, I'm sick of animal's blood" you thought.

You were a child of the night. The creature parents warned their children about. A vampire. One of the youngest, you might add, but also one of the strongest. Your power was what made your own kin afraid of you. But you didn't care. It's not as if you needed them anyway.

"What's happening?" you heard a voice and your smirk widened. You recognised that tone. Fear. One of the people was really, really scared.

"Oh, poor little thing" You thought and decided to get closer, still hidden by the darkness.

"Agatha Harkness, are you a witch?" another voice said and you got there just in time to see a young woman tied, many women around her.

You knew this. It was a trial. A witches trial. Hmmm, this dinner just got interesting. What did the little witch have done to make her own people condemn her? Taking a closer look, you noticed how cute she was. She seemed nice and her cute pink cheeks made an amazing contrast with the ice in her eyes.

"She must have been the one who's fear I felt" you thought.

You saw how the little witch begged for her life. You almost felt bad for her.

"Maybe I will drink her blood the last" you thought. But then, you blinked when she called the eldest witch "mother", and you frowned.

Vampires were known for not caring for anyone but themselves, with a few exceptions to the closer relatives, but witches? You always thought witches were better than that. At least that's what they claimed themselves.

"I can be good" The little witch said and something in her voice made your heart start to crumble. Why? Why was this witch doing that to you? You didn't know her, you shouldn't care for her, you just wanted her blood, and for the few parts you actually paid attention to, she was messing with dark magic...

...Okay, THAT you could understand. Dark magic wasn't that bad, it was more the stigma than anything.

"No, you can't" The older witch said and you watched as the rest of the witches attacked the poor girl.

Her screams were almost too much for you and it was making you angrier. Why were you feeling like that?! You always enjoyed other's pain! (well...not really, you just didn't care) So why was this different? Why would you care if she reverted the tables and was stealing the other witches' magic? why would you- Wait what?!

You blinked and saw how the magic turned purple, taking all the magic and life form the witches attacking her. Well, now that was something special. The older witch stared in disbelief as the younger one killed the rest. You couldn't help but feel proud of the little witch.

"Teach them how to treat a lady, girl" you thought.

But your amusement didn't last long. You saw how the older witch prepared herself to attack her own daughter. And most importantly, you saw that the little witch didn't just take the magic and life from the others, the corpses were totally empty, which meant no blood for you.

"Hell no, princess, I won't drink more bear's blood tonight" you thought and decided it was a good moment to make an entrance.

You were sure the little bird (Agatha, your mind whispered, remembering the name she was called by when the trial started) was able to stop her mother, but you already lost the blood of the others, you wouldn't lose this one.

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