The Legend of the Zodiac

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Long ago, when time was still new, the twelve primordials ruled the heavens rightious and true.

Each of them were limitless in power, strength, and might, but were forever bound to remain hidden until the darkness of night.

They longed for a world where they could live in harmony as one, a place to call home, where they could raise their heirs; their daughters and sons.

The heavens were a lonely place you see, nothing but vast emptiness, none would disagree.

And so an agreement was made, together they would create a kingdom, where all things dark and evil were forbade.

Each took turns fashioning the land, giving life to all sorts of creatures, just as they planned.

For thousands of years they lived in splendor, until one dark day during the month of December.

Like a plague, their darkness  consumed, and in that moment the  knew they were doomed.

Just when all seems lost, the heir long forgotten will rise,
bringing the dark army to their demise.

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