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"Wait," Y/N frowned. "Where are we?" She asked.

They are bound to fly back home because the whole cast finished filming in Miami, and good timing for Y/N because her schedule is full with photoshoots and she's recently been casted for an action movie.

But their car parked at some... place.

Scarlett smiles widely, "Come on, my muse."

The car door was opened by their driver and Scarlett got out first, before helping her girlfriend who is very confused at the moment.

"What is going on, love?" Y/N asked Scarlett, confused, as she saw the other cast, also getting out of the cars with huge smiles on their faces.

Scarlett didn't say anything and just guided her girlfriend.

"A beach? Why, what the hell is going on?" Y/N asked again when she heard the waves. They are inside this resort, but she knows there's a beach outside.

Scarlett stopped walking and faced her girlfriend. "We're getting married today." She said.

Y/N's eyes widened, "What? No... Scarlett?!"

"You said you want us to get married, right?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah! Of course, but what?" Y/N couldn't help but to laugh at the situation. She's really really confused.

"We're gonna get married today, baby." Scarlett said and smiles widely. "I planned this ever since you told me that you want us to get married because I want that too, so, are you gonna marry me today?"

"Wow," Y/N licked her lips and cupped Scarlett's cheek. "Of course, I'll marry you. You're amazing."

Scarlett smiles widely, "Good because I already asked for your parents' blessings the other day." She said.

"Sweetie!" Y/M/N greeted as soon as they answered Scarlett's FaceTime call.

Scarlett smiles widely, "Hey, momma!" She greeted back, waving. She calls Y/N's parents momma and papa since they've been best friends since forever. "Where's papa?" She asked.

"Here, sweetie." Y/F/N spoke, waving a hand.

"Great, great!" Scarlett smiles excitedly, "Okay, so. We just finished filming here in Miami and we'll be flying back home the day after tomorrow, but before we do that, I want to do something first." She said, the excitement she was feeling was replaced by nervousness.

"What is it, honey?" Y/M/N asked.

"I wanna ask for your blessings," Scarlett said. "I want to marry Y/N, I want to marry your daughter."

"Finally." Y/F/N said, chuckling.

"Wait, what?" Scarlett was shocked. That was fast.

"We know it's going to happen someday, honey. You two are soulmates, we know you two love each other before you even realized it yourselves." Y/M/N said, smiling widely.

"We're happy for you two," Y/F/N said, and then he raised an eyebrow, "But listen Scarlett Johansson, if you hurt my little girl, you'll have to deal with me. Do you understand?"

Scarlett nodded her head, "Yes, sir. And I promise that I'll take care of her with all my heart."

Y/F/N nodded his head and smiles again, "Good, I know you will. Make her happy."

Y/N gasped, "You asked for their blessings?"

"Of course, my love. You're their princess and I want to do it right." Scarlett said, smiling. "I want to do it old fashioned way." She added and chuckle.

"You're amazing." Y/N whispered and kissed Scarlett's lips.

Scarlett smiles, sighing in happiness.

"Alright, alright," Kate interrupted the couple, "Scarlett give me my boss for now." She said.

Y/N chuckled and pulled away from Scarlett.

"Go with Kate, everything is already prepared." Scarlett said, "I can't wait to see you with your wedding dress." She added.

Y/N smiles widely and pecked Scarlett's lips. "See you, my love."

Scarlett smiles and watch as Y/N linked arms with Kate and walk away. She really couldn't wait to see Y/N in her wedding dress.


Kate opened the door to one of the rooms and let Y/N in first.

"This is crazy." Y/N chuckled as she shook her head. "Am I really getting married today?" She asked while they walked inside.

"Yes you are, bitch!" Someone shouted.

Y/N jumped in surprise when she saw her best friends and her eyes widened, then she screamed and run to them.

"Congratulations!!!" Anya and Candice shouted, hugging Y/N.

"Oh my god! What are you all doing here?!" Y/N asked, laughing in excitement.

"We all flew here last night for the wedding." Kristen said, smirking. "Congratulations Angel, you're not a sad lesbian anymore."

"She's a happy lesbian now." Cara said and laughed.

"Fuck you, guys." Y/N said, laughing.

"Ooh, save that later for Scarlett." Kristen said.

"Hey!" Y/N blushed, laughing. "Where's my dress?" She asked.

"Why don't you hug me first?" Someone spoke from behind.

Y/N immediately turned around as she recognized the voice and she immediately broke down crying as she saw her mom next to Kate.

"Oh, honey." Y/M/N smiles and opened her arms for her daughter.

Y/N immediately went to her mom and hugged her tight.

Y/M/N smiles, rubbing her daughter's back. "I'm so happy for you, sweetheart. You're gonna be such a beautiful bride."

Y/N sniffled, "Thank you, mom. Thank you."

Y/M/N pulled away and cupped her daughter's cheeks, wiping her tears. "Stop crying now, okay? And we better get you ready, your future wife is waiting for you."

Y/N smiles widely, nodding her head. "Okay."

"Let's go, bitches!" Cara shouted.

Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "Let's go!"

Best Friends • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now