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A week had passed, and the tension between Scarlett and Y/N got thicker. And everyone is convinced that something's going on with the actress and the model.

It's kind of hard for Y/N though, Scarlett is such a smooth talker when it comes to her and she would melt every single time. But then the next minute or something, the green eyed actress will tell her that she's meeting with that Colin guy. It's a stab in her heart, but as painful as it is, she can't hate Scarlett. How can she? When she's deeply in love with her.

Besides, Y/N can't hold it against Scarlett. They've known each other for so long and Scarlett has always been extra soft when it comes to her. So, she'll have to suck it up and go with the flow and pretend like she's not in love with her best friend.

Suck it up, Y/N. Y/N thought, sighing. I can just suck her di— nope. Shut up. She scolded herself then she took a deep breath, bringing herself back to reality.

She needs to focus because right now, Y/N's back with a photoshoot with her Calvin Klein family. It's going to be for the new collection but they said that she will a have partner for this one. She's already dressed and ready to start the photoshoot, they're just waiting for her partner, they said she's in the other dressing room, changing.

Y/N have done a lot of photoshoots with women, so she wasn't surprised when they informed her that her partner will be a woman. She loves it because women are better partner for her, since she's into girls. But whenever she needs to do photoshoots with men, it's alright, she can act, so she does all her photoshoots well.

Standing in front of everyone and the cameras, Y/N smiles while waiting for Alvin to call out her partner for today's photoshoot. She can tell that this woman is important because everyone is extra excited today. The room is practically bouncing with excitement.

"Okay, without further ado! Let's call her out. Come on out!" Alvin screamed in excitement and clapped, followed by everyone and Y/N.

Then, the door opened and the woman walked in, already dressed and ready to shoot.

Y/N's eyes widened and her mouth agape.

The woman stood in the middle with Alvin as they gave each other a warm but quick hug.

The woman looked at everyone, smiling widely. "Hello, everyone! This is Scarlett and I am excited to work with my Calvin Klein family again." Then she looked at Y/N with her beautiful smile.

Y/N shook her head, chuckling. "Hey, Scar."

Scarlett grins, "Surprise!"

Y/N giggles, "Dork. Come here."

Scarlett laughs and went over and hugged Y/N, swaying them back and forth. She can feel Y/N's warm skin against hers.

"Alright! Let's get this photoshoot started!" Alvin said.

Everyone got into position as Scarlett and Y/N pulled away from their hug.

The first shots were just fun, light, and then it turned serious and seductive.

Then for the last shoot.

"Okay, now. I want you ladies to get close and just promote the brand like couples." Alvin said.

Y/N gulped. Oh, God. Help me. She thought and nodded her head and then went closer to Scarlett, "How do you want to do this?" She asked. Her mind is running wild and her feelings are all over the place, but she's a supermodel and a professional one, she needs to set aside her feelings.

Scarlett shrugged, she doesn't know what's happening to her at the moment. This is just a photoshoot, she have done plenty. But with her best friend this close, it's giving her a hard time to be professional.

Y/N raised one brow, "Take advantage of this, Scar. You can touch me however you like." She said with a tone of teasing. "You said you always like feeling my skin, right?" She added.

That changed the look on Scarlett's eyes, "Oh yeah, trust me, I will." She growled only for Y/N to hear and pulled her by the waist.

Y/N didn't expect that so she slightly stumbled onto Scarlett and her hands landed on her chest.

Their eyes met, and Scarlett's looking at Y/N with something else. Challenging and... lust?

Am I seeing things? Y/N thought, as she gulped. But it turn her on and since she's not the one who backs out of challenges, she stood closer to Scarlett and put her arms around Scarlett's neck and looked into her eyes with the same gaze.

"You're beautiful." Scarlett whispered, staring between Y/N's eyes.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "I'm not a mirror, love."

Scarlett chuckled, biting her lip. "Smooth."

"You know what's more smooth?" Y/N asked in a whisper.

"What?" Scarlett asked back.

"My pus—"

Y/N was cut off by Alvin, shouting for them to change positions.

And Y/N was thankful for that. Fucking hell! I'm going crazy. She thought and blushed as she saw Scarlett's smirk. This is gonna be a long day. She thought, and bit her lip.

Best Friends • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now