Robert's Party

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"We're all over the internet." Y/N said to Scarlett, laughing.

Scarlett chuckled, shaking her head. "Yeah, baby. Tell me about it." She said.

They woke up this morning with their names and faces all over the news, they had to deal with their managements' scolding too. But they handled it very well— they ignored it.

They made it clear to their managements that they will not address it, like post it online or do a specific interview for it, they want their relationship to be as normal as it can be. If ever they'd get asked in an interview, they won't deny it. But for now, it's not necessary to address their relationship to the public.

They did confirmed it to their families and closed friends though, both their families saw it coming so they didn't really react like it's a new thing. But their friends... they freaked out.

Especially Y/N's closed friends.

"YES! GET IT, BITCH!" Cara shouted over their FaceTime call.

"THAT'S RIGHT! GET THE D!" Kristen shouted too.

"Jesus Christ!" Y/N gasped, laughing at her friends.

Anya and Candice just shook their heads, laughing.

"Just be careful if I'm not with you, okay? Don't let those paparazzis invade your personal space." The green eyed actress said, caressing Y/N's hand with her thumb.

Y/N smiles, "Of course. You too, I won't be there to protect you."

Scarlett chuckled and sipped on her beer, "I can take care of myself, baby. You know that." She said and smirked.

Y/N bit her lip, smiling. "I know."

Their conversation was interrupted by someone, calling Y/N.

"Y/N?" Kendall Jenner walked up to them.

Y/N looked up and saw Kendall, her eyes widened before she cleared her throat and composed herself. "Hey!"

"Holy shit, it is you!" Kendall said and pulled Y/N in a hug as soon as Y/N stood up. "I knew it was you."

"Yeah." Y/N chuckled. This is so fucking awkward, why is she even here? She asked herself.

Kendall pulled away and kissed Y/N's cheek, "It's so good to see you, babe. I watched the VS Show and as usual, you were great. I was wondering if you like to go out sometime? I missed hanging out with you."

Y/N could feel Scarlett's stare burning at the side of her head. "Have you also been... you know, watching the news?"

"No, why?" Kendall asked, chuckling.

"I have a girlfriend." Y/N said, "And I don't think she'll like it if I go out with other women. Don't you, babe?" She asked and looked down at her beautiful girlfriend.

Scarlett smirks, "Damn right, baby."

"Oh," Kendall nodded her head, "Okay, um... Sorry."

"Sorry." Y/N smiles a little. "Nice to see you again, though." She added to be more polite.

"Yeah." Kendall said and awkwardly smiles before she walked away.

"Good save." Robert said, laughing.

It is a good save, but Scarlett is still jealous. She hates the fact that other women got to see Y/N the way she should only be seeing and she can't even blame Y/N for it because she was single and was free to do whatever the hell she wanted.

She's just jealous even though it all happened before their relationship, she just loves Y/N so much that even just thinking about those stuff makes her really jealous.

"I forgot how long did you dated Kendall." Scarlett spoke, drinking her beer. She licked the side of her mouth, staring into Y/N's soul.

"We, um," Y/N couldn't even find the right words with how intense her girlfriend's stares. "We were just friends."

Scarlett hummed, and raised an eyebrow. "Friends, huh?"

Y/N nodded her head, "Yup."

"You two fucked, didn't you?" Scarlett husked, clearly not impressed. She's full with jealousy and she fucking hates it. No one is allowed to touch her baby. Y/N is hers.

The boys stayed quiet, scared to be in Scarlett's bad side. They know if they try to say anything funny, they will get glared at. And Scarlett's glares are scary as fuck.

Elizabeth and Cobie are smirking though, finding the situation amusing.

Y/N is actually scared. She doesn't want to piss Scarlett. But it wasn't even her fault! Kendall came over, not her.

"What?! That's– that's ha!" Y/N couldn't even formed a sentence.

She can lie if needed, but she can't lie to Scarlett, she doesn't want to. Besides, Scarlett will know if she's lying.

Y/N was waving her hands behind her, signaling for the boys to come and rescue her.

Seeing it, the boys nodded and stood up at the same time. But they were so awkward and it's just so obvious.

"Look a bird!"

"Doofus, why would there be a bird here?!"

"Shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

"We should dance!"


Chris H just straight up lifted Y/N in his arms, and they all run towards the dance floor. He put Y/N down and made her stand in front of him and around the boys.

"Is she looking?" Y/N asked, as they all pretended to be dancing. And they just looked so awkward, even Robert looked so awkward in his own birthday party.

Mark peeked, and looked at Y/N. "She's glaring."

"Ah, shit. I'm dead." Y/N groaned.

"But like... did you slept with Kendall?" Chris E asked, whispering so only they could hear.

Y/N nodded her head. "It was one time!"

They looked at her like they didn't believe her.

Y/N rolled her eyes, "Okay, it happened two times. And now, I'm fucking screwed."

On the other hand...

"She totally fucked Kendall." Elizabeth said, laughing.

"She did." Cobie chuckled.

Scarlett sipped on her drink, "She's screwed."



As midnight approached, it was only the Avengers family and Y/N.

They're all gathered around, talking here and there, laughing and smiling. Relaxing for once and just being in the presence of each other.

Until Robert got bored.

"Anyways!" Robert clapped as he stood up. "I'm bored, let's play a game. Suggestions?"

They all listed some games.

"Truth or dare?" Sebastian shrugged. "It'll be fun. We don't have to move if not necessary."

Everyone agreed.

"Yeah, I do want to know something." Scarlett said, looking at Y/N.

Oh, no. Y/N thought.

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