Wanna Go Home?

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The game is going good so far.

Chris H was dared to chugged a beer in ten seconds.

Cobie snorted a powdered milk.

Elizabeth ate a fucking leaf.

Anthony confessed some shit.

Mark did a poorly cartwheel.

Robert prank called one of his friends.

Jeremy sent a dirty text to his wife.

Chris E and Sebastian made out. (I'm sorry🤧✋🏻)

Scarlett posted a wacky selfie in her Instagram story.

And now, it's Y/N's turn.

"Truth." Y/N said, drinking her beer.

Everyone looked at Scarlett, and the green eyed actress smirks.

Y/N pursed her lips seeing this. They are totally scared of Scarlett and let her ask the question. She shook her head, "Whatever. Just get on with it, please." She said.

Scarlett hummed. "Name the celebrities you've slept with, because I have a feeling it's not just Kendall." She said, raising an eyebrow. They might be best friends since forever, but Y/N doesn't talk about those things. She's a little conservative when it comes to her sex life. And Scarlett wants to know right now.

"What? I didn't even told— ah, fuck it." Y/N sighed, there's no way out now, might as well just get it done. "Kendall, Megan Fox and um, Margot Robbie."

Their mouths agape.

"Y/N!" Scarlett shouted. "What the fuck?"

"What?!" Y/N shrieked.

"Wait," Chris H shook his head, still shocked. "What?"

"Damn, Y/N." Sebastian chuckled.

"Good job!" Robert said, clapping his hands.

Y/N couldn't help her laugh, but she immediately stopped when Scarlett slapped her thigh and still glaring.

"Wait, speaking of." Robert smirked. "It came to my attention that Scarlett's suitor is actually working at SNL. Which means Y/N is his boss. Small world, right?" He said, smirking.

What he meant was, Y/N is one of the high executives of Saturday Night Live. She loves a good comedy and they give people laughter so she decided to put an investment into it. (Totally made it up lmao, don't come at me🥺🥺)

Scarlett cringed. She didn't told anyone but Y/N that she dated Colin, so she could not really blame Robert for saying the word suitor. Besides, Y/N didn't really know what Colin does, so this is a misunderstanding.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "A suitor?"

"Yeah," Chris H laughed. "And you're his boss."

Y/N didn't care about that, what kept on ringing in her ears is the word suitor. Her girlfriend has a suitor and she didn't know about it? Why would she have a suitor in the first place? She's taken. She looked at the actress.

"A suitor, huh?" Y/N said, but she's playing it cool, she doesn't want to make a scene. "That's really... interesting. When was this?" She asked, as casual as she can.

(Rue, when was this?🤌🏻🤧)

Scarlett gulped.

"And why am I only hearing this now?" Y/N asked. Her tone isn't friendly anymore.

"I-I..." Scarlett stuttered, she didn't know what to say. Y/N rarely gets mad, and whenever she does, it's not good.

Everyone kept their mouth shut. This is the first time that they've seen Scarlett like this. And so they know something is about to go down.

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Can we talk somewhere?" She asked, she wants to resolve this issue with just the two of them.

"Yeah," Scarlett said and stood up.

"Excuse us for a minute." Y/N smiles a little and followed Scarlett.

As soon as they made it to the kitchen, Y/N spoke. "So? You're into comedians now?" She asked, hoping to get an answer, just anything to make Scarlett talk and she can continue from there. She just needed to fuel the actress.

Scarlett rolled her eyes, "He's not just a comedian."

"Oh, really now?" Y/N raised her eyebrows, she did not expect that.

"Why are we even talking about this?" Scarlett asked. "I'm not done with the fact you slept with three celebrities."

"No, no. I wanna know about this not just a comedian guy and a suitor of yours." Y/N said, crossing her arms.

"You're being immature." Scarlett said.

Y/N laughed sarcastically, "I am? You started it, though. And you didn't even tell me that you let someone court you? So come on, Scar. Tell me something about this guy."

"Fine! He's smart, funny, and... kind! Yeah." Scarlett said, but she sounded unsure. She doesn't really know him that well.

Y/N laughed, "Yeah? Good for him."

"Why are you laughing? He graduated from Harvard!" Scarlett said. She doesn't know why she's even defending him. She doesn't care about him. She's just so jealous and angry that she wants this conversation to end.

Y/N laughed sarcastically. "Oh, this is funny."

"What is?!" Scarlett asked, annoyed.

"That's it? He graduated from Harvard?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah. You done something so awesome?" Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. This is one of the things she wants Scarlett to work on, her mouth when she's angry. Because the green eyed actress really be saying anything that comes to her head, without thinking about the consequences.

"I'm not gonna explain everything that I did in my life because you already know them, I just can't believe this, Scarlett. We're not playing around anymore, we're together. And if you're serious about me, then work this attitude of yours. I love you so fucking much, you know that. But if you don't work this shit out, then I'm out." Y/N said, and she can really feel her heart breaking.

"Y/N..." Scarlett sighed. "I'm sorry, love."

"Whatever." Y/N looked away. "You know, you could've told me you have a suitor. I wouldn't of said yes to you and put your life on hold for this not just a comedian guy." She said and it actually makes her heart ache.

Scarlett frown, "Princess, don't say that. Please, I'm so sorry." She said as she moved closer and gently moved Y/N's hair to the side, she leaned in and kisses Y/N's neck lovingly.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even know why I said those words or why I defended him. And no, I don't have a suitor. Robert's talking about Colin, I didn't told anyone aside from you that I dated him, so they don't have any idea. I'm so sorry if I hurt you, my love." Scarlett said as she plants more soft kisses on Y/N's neck. "I'm so sorry, my love, I promise I'll work on my attitude. Please don't leave me, I love you."

Y/N sighed, relaxing at Scarlett's kisses and she's relieved to hear that Scarlett's willing to work on her attitude. "Okay, it's okay. I'm not mad anymore."

"I'm sorry, I love you so much." Scarlett said, her lips lingering on Y/N's neck. She planted more sweet kisses.

Y/N sighs, biting her lip as she tilted her head. "I love you too, Scar." She whispered, her eyes closed.

"Wanna go home, my love?" Scarlett asked, licking Y/N's weak spot.

Y/N's eyes rolled back, "Y-Yes."

Scarlett hummed, "Okay, let's go home."

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