Fun in the Plane

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"You should just move in with me." Scarlett said, her arms wrapped around Y/N's waist.

Hands around Scarlett's neck, Y/N raised an eyebrow and smiles. "Are you serious? 'Cause I'll definitely move in with you."

Scarlett giggled and kissed Y/N's nose. "I'm serious, we're always together anyway. If we're not at my place, we just go to yours. Now that we're together, it's better to just live in one roof."

Y/N smiles widely, nodding her head. "Okay!"

They're currently at the airport, and yes. There's a lot of people around them, taking pictures and videos but the couple didn't care. They've been holding back for years, and now that they're finally together, they will not hesitate to be all lovey dovey with each other.

Scarlett will be filming Rough Night at Miami with the other cast, and since Y/N earned herself some days off for the huge success of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, she decided to come along with her girlfriend.

(Rough Night is my comfort movie✋🏻)

"You don't even have to pack all your stuff because half your things are already on my house." Scarlett said and smirked.

Y/N giggled, "Guilty."

Scarlett smiles at her girlfriend and leaned in to peck Y/N's lips. "I love you."

Y/N blushed, "I love you more, mommy."

Scarlett's eyes widened, "Oh, please. Not here, baby. I don't know how will I control myself."

Y/N smirks, "Not my problem."

Scarlett groaned, "You're such a tease."

Before Y/N can say anything, there was a cough behind them.


The two looked over and saw Jillian, Zoë, Llana, and Kate.

Y/N blushed and pulled away from Scarlett but Scarlett pulled her back, "Don't go."

"Damn, Scarlett." Zoë said, smirking.

"She's not going anywhere." Jillian added, chuckling.

Scarlett playfully rolled her eyes and let go of her girlfriend.

Y/N laughed, shaking her head. She looked at the ladies and smiles. "Hey, nice to meet you all, ladies." She said as she shook their hands.

"Scarlett is right." Zoë smirked, as she looked at Y/N up and down. "You really are a babe."

"Zoë!" Scarlett slapped Zoë's arm. "Behave."

Y/N chuckled, "Why, thank you."

"True, true." Kate nodded, agreeing with Zoë.

Scarlett looked at Kate, "Oh, I forgot to tell you and I'm so sorry, but you should be careful, as one of your boss will be with us."

The ladies looked confused.

"What? Where? Why didn't I get informed?" Kate asked.

"Oh, she works at SNL?" Y/N asked, looking at Scarlett.

Scarlett nodded. "Yeah, hon."

"Wait," Zoë shook her head. "Are you saying..."

Scarlett nodded, "Yup. Y/N's one of the high executives of SNL." (Again, I made it up. Don't come at me🥺)

Kate's mouth agape, and she immediately kneeled down, taking Y/N's hand in hers. "I am so sorry that I didn't know, no one really knows who the highest executives are and I'm so sorry if I offended you in some way. Please do not fire me."

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