She Did Not

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"Oh my god," Anya scoffs, shaking her head.

"Right?" Y/N raises one brow, chuckling and also shaking her head.

Apparently, by now, the world is convinced that Scarlett Johansson and Y/N L/N's dating for real. After their appearance together at The Ellen Show, internet almost breaks at how loud and so intense it was.

Every moment in that interview really convinced people that there's something going on between them. By now, even celebrities are talking about it. Just the other day, Jennifer Lawrence was being interviewed and she was asked about some issue and she straight up just said, "I have no idea about that issue, but I really wanna know about Y/N L/N and Scarlett Johansson."

And it was like a fuel to a burning building.

Cara turned off the television, a news about Y/N and Scarlett was on. "They are wild."

"Tell me about it." Y/N said and laid her head onto Kristen's lap.

Candice couldn't be with them because she's out of town for a photoshoot.

"But like," Anya looked at Y/N. "What do you really feel for her?" She asked.

They know Y/N has feelings for her best friend, but their friend never really talked about it.

Y/N sighs, "I don't know."

"I think you do." Kristen whispers, running her fingers through Y/N's hair.

Y/N closes her eyes, sighing. "I mean, she was my  gay awakening," She chuckled. "The gay inside me got woken up when I first laid eyes on her. We were just kids back then but I really did fall for her, I... I meant it when I told her when I was six that I have fallen for her. She was my first love." She said and opens her eyes.

"You were so young, how can you be sure?" Anya asked.

"I didn't know it was love love, because I was young. But I know I felt love inside me when I first saw her." Y/N said, "I just realized later on that I really did fall for her," She chuckled. "She was my crush back then, but now... I just, I don't know, I recently realized my feelings for her. And for the second time, I've fallen for her."

"Don't overthink, whatever happens, happens." Cara said, smiling at their friend.

Y/N bit her lip and didn't say anything.

Just then, the door opened and closed, and Paula walked in and was holding a large and expensive looking box.

"What's that?" Kristen asked upon seeing the item.

"From Victoria's Secret," Paula said. "It's for Y/N." She added.

Confused, Y/N sat up. "For me? They didn't tell me anything about this." She said, because usually they would tell her beforehand. Not always, of course. But still.

Paula carefully placed down the black matte box onto the coffee table just in front of Y/N. "It's quite heavy." She said.

Y/N thanked Paula and carefully opened the box. Upon seeing the item inside, she gasped. "What?"

Anya took the lid of the box from Y/N, putting it aside. "That's the highlight lingerie, right? I thought it's for sale?" She asked.

"It is." Y/N said, getting more confused. She looked inside and saw a red rose with a note. She grab it all out, she placed the rose onto her lap after smelling it and decided to read note.

I told you I'd buy it for you. Enjoy, my muse.

Love, Scarlett.

Ps, you said it only fits you and honestly, it'll be a shame if this masterpiece wouldn't belong to you.

Was what's written on the note.

"She did not." Y/N gasps, mouth agape.

"What? Who?" Cara asked. It's rare for Y/N to be this surprised.

Y/N wordlessly handed Anya the note as she looks at the ten million dollars lingerie.

Well, she can buy them for herself, but she decided not to. That doesn't mean she didn't want it though, so, this is really surprising for her. And the fact that Scarlett was the one who bought it for her, is really overwhelming. In a good way.

"I told you I'd buy it for you. Enjoy, my muse. Love, Scarlett. Ps, you said it only fits you and honestly, it'll be a shame if this masterpiece wouldn't belong to you." Anya read the note out loud.

Kristen smirks, "Wow."

Cara laughs, "Indeed."

"That's something." Paula said, smirking.

"A lot of something." Kristen commented, smirking too.

"My god, she did not." Y/N said and shook her head.


"You did not!" Y/N said as soon as Scarlett answered her call on FaceTime.

Scarlett chuckles, "Hello to you too, Y/N."

"Scarlett, I'm serious! Why did you bought it for me?" Y/N asked.

"I told you I would, right?" Scarlett raised one brow.

"In an interview, Scarlett." Y/N deadpanned. "I didn't know you were serious." She added.

Scarlett shrugged. "Well, I am."

"It's ten million dollars, Scarlett. I can't take it." Y/N said as she dropped herself onto the couch, the box was still neatly placed onto the coffee table.

Her friends and manager already left.

"Hey, it belongs to you, okay?" Scarlett said, her voice sincere and gentle.

"But it's ten million dollars, Scar." Y/N said and pouted.

"And I am Scarlett Johansson, babe." Scarlett said, raising one brow.

(I just love flexing her like thiiiss🤧)

Y/N's heart jumped. Goddamnit, Scarlett. She thought. "Fine, I know I won't win." She said.

"Atta girl," Scarlett smirks.

Y/N bit her lip, "Thank you, Scar. Really."

"Of course," Scarlett smiles. "You know I love showering you with gifts, my muse." She said and shrugged.

Y/N chuckled, blushing, "Thank you, Scarly."

"Anything for you, but hey, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later?" Scarlett smiles.

Y/N smiles and nodded her head, "Laters, Scar."

Best Friends • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now